How long 'til people noticed?



  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    My mom swears she can see a difference at 6 pounds, but she has always been super sensitive to the power of suggestion- so me telling her I've lost the weight is probably enough for her to "see" a difference. Nobody else has said anything, lol.
  • dcandreani
    dcandreani Posts: 15 Member
    For me, some people noticed at about 15-20 pounds, but thats because first it came off my face and upper body.
  • Kisame29
    Kisame29 Posts: 9,750 Member
    I had a family member comment after about 2 months, then a few friends that I don't see too much also mentioned something about a month later. Most people don't comment, but I prefer it that way since it makes me feel a bit awkward since I still have so much to lose.

    Personally I never comment on someone's weight loss unless they make a comment indicating that they want someone to say something (for example, "I've been working out a lot lately" etc). I just don't feel like it's my place to make comments otherwise and you never know how someone lost the weight (they may have just been in the hospital or something negative) or how they'd feel about comments.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    well lost 38lb so far and no one has noticed, last time i think it was about 60lb before people really noticed :grumble:
  • sukid88
    sukid88 Posts: 18 Member
    It took people about 20 pounds to notice (I went form 172 to 150lbs), but even then it was only a few people who noticed, mainly my family. Now I'm down 40 pounds (to 132) and a lot of people have noticed.

    I'm a teacher and in May I weighed 150 and then when I went back to school in August I was 136 and a lot of people noticed because they hadn't seen me in a long time. All my students were commenting, my co-workers commented, and when I saw my cousins recently they all commented as well.

    I'd say 15% to 20% before people really start to comment.

    It was very discouraging in the beginning when no one said anything, but I kept pushing through and now it feel amazing when people comment.

    I know we are all losing weight for ourselves and not for other people, but it still feels great when people notice :)
  • tsalvucci76
    People are telling everyday now how much I've changed so I guess after losing 14kg x
  • daisyduran2008
    People started to notice at about 25lbs. I have los 32lbs so far, my family notice it, but my friends not too much. Either way I stay positive!!! :happy:

  • erinknurse1
    I think that when people notice will vary on how much a person has to lose. If a 300lb person loses 10 lbs. it might not get noticed, however if someone that weighs 120 loses the same amount it is obviously more noticeable. Give it time and praise yourself!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    12lbs is when my boss noticed 14when some of my colleague started to notice
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Around 25 pounds, just before I started talking about it on FB (so a bunch of my coworkers could see it)
  • ChronicOptimist
    ChronicOptimist Posts: 558 Member
    60 pounds and I'm still waiting! The only people who have noticed are those who know I'm eating better so they know to look for it.
  • iwannabefree82
    iwannabefree82 Posts: 1 Member
    Ive lost over 30lbs and no one hasn't noticed.
  • Sofia_Aleman
    Sofia_Aleman Posts: 17 Member
    When I had lost about 15 pounds. Mainly people that I hadn't seen for a while were the ones that noticed.
  • DesertStar86
    DesertStar86 Posts: 41 Member
    People are noticing now... 20lbs down. A few people noticed sooner, mostly because the first place I lost it was my face. I'm still wearing the same clothes so once I go down a size (almost there!), I'm sure there will be yet more comments. I must say I'm surprised (and disappointed) with how long it is taking to drop a dress size - I guess I must've been verging on an 18(UK) when I started, rather than "only just" being a 16 as I thought. I have 14's in the wardrobe primed and ready to go but I need to lose about half an inch from my thighs before they will legitimately fit. I refuse to squeeze in and stretch out any more clothing! (Sorry for digressing).

    I don't mind comments, but I don't appreciate opinions. According to some old guy at work, I mustn't go below 60kg. Others ask the inevitable "how?" and are usually disappointed when I tell them I eat less than I did before... No miracles. Many carbs.
  • SuperHero_Kitty
    SuperHero_Kitty Posts: 63 Member
    Actually its funny because I just read on Psychology Today that people normally don't notice a persons weight loss until they've lost at least 1/8 of their current weight. Just started not to long ago, and I cannot weight (pun intended) for people to begin to notice. : )
  • MissHalez0716
    MissHalez0716 Posts: 15 Member
    Well the highest I have been at is 137 and it took me about a year to lose 20 pounds, so now with me being 117 pounds people notice a lot. When I got down to 123, I remember this older lady I barely even knew came up to me and said, "HEY! You're looking good! You're not that chubby anymore!" Y_Y... I think THAT was when I threw out what everyone else told me about me not needing to lose weight (people who needed to lose weight themselves, oh the irony) and so I kept with the goal of me knowing for a fact that being healthy/getting fitter was going to become a very high priority.

    If you ask someone, I am sure that they will say something :)! Some people just don't notice because they aren't very observant. Also, it's very possible that some other people that are at a higher weight than you have noticed, but they are too envious to be able to compliment you. I am sure you look great :)! Keep up the work!
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    No one has said anything yet, but most people are scared to approach me about anything anyway. Apparently I always have an enraged look on my face, even if I am not in a bad mood.
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    My parents and co-workers noticed when I lost 10-15 lbs. The girls I see weekly noticed at around 20 lbs and my closest friends haven't said anything yet (I've now lost 42lbs) so either they haven't noticed or have and aren't saying anything (my closest friends also haven't been the most supportive these past couple of months and are just starting to turn their attitude around now). Either way (if they notice or not) I've noticed a difference and that's what matters to me.
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    At 15 pounds, I'm just now getting a few --- Your face looks thinner - comments. One person at work said -- Your face looks thinner, have you been sick? -- Husband encourages me because he knows my goals, but people may not say anything until 20+ pounds. It just depends on your body type and if you're buying new clothes and wearing smaller sizes. I'm enjoying my comfy new jeans, one size smaller, please.

    It's been like peeling an onion -- but it's all good. Keeping expectations in check.