I lost 92 pounds as of today, I did it in 5 months ,learn ho

HARD WORK ! :laugh:

No but really there is a secret to losing the weight fast , I will share it if you want me to just keep reading...........

The first day I decided to go on a diet and lose weight ,I really didn't think it through thoroughly . I guess it may have been the fact I tried many times before and failed and why would this time be different ? Not to mention I weighed 330 pounds, how could anyone lose 100+ pounds without years of commitment really ! is what I was thinking.

But I did it anyways , I worked out, exercised every day for the first 2-3 months for 1.5 hours to 2 hours ,burning upwards of 1200-1400 calories a day and to be honest hell no it was not easy, the bottom line was I was not in a race, I didnt need to speed to the finish line ! So I cruised to it at a nice steady pace that one weighing so much could handle without having a heart attack :bigsmile:

Anyways I did that for 2-3 months, and lost about 50-60 pounds in that time, hey 50-60 pounds in 2-3 months is all I needed to stay motivated to keep going ! So I did, I started on July 19th of 2010 and it was a sunday , I remember that day clearly as it was my first day of overloading my body.

Today December 21 of 2010 , 5 months into doing my thing, I lost a total of 92 pounds and it feels great there been many times I didnt feel like doing it, BUT I DID IT ANYWAYS ! even if it was just going through the routine without putting all my effort forth.

So basically it comes down to a couple of things, self control ,determination and results ! thats the magic kick in the *kitten* pill you need. RESULTS is the most important , you wanna see good returns, put more of a effort into the workouts, that alone will keep you motivated to keep going once you seen the results of your hard work.


  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Wow! That's amazing determination! Congrats =)
  • tonya24
    wow great job!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Amazing! You are an inspiration!
    I love when people ask me, "how did you do it"? You can see some disappointment when I advise them it is all dedication to eat healthy (and clean) and exercise . . . daily dedication . . . day after day. Guess they are hoping I would pop up with a magic pill instead.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Awesome post!! Thanks! I have friends that ask what I'm doing to lose the weight, 60 lbs total so far 50 to go, I tell them there's no magic pill. Just old fashioned hard work and not eating the crap!! Some of them don't like my answer because they want a miracle cure but the ones that actually listen and stop looking for that miracle, jumping from fad diet to fad diet or gimmick and start doing it the "old fashioned" way then thank me for getting them moving is the best motivation of all!!! The shopping for new SMALLER clothing helps to, of course : ) Congrats on all your efforts and huge loss!! It's amazing and no it's not easy but it's worth every bit of sweat and pain!!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member

    You, sir, are a hero. Thanks for the awesome post reaffirming all that we know to be true. That, on the whole, the best road to weight loss is the old, "Move more, eat less" one-two punch. Thanks for the reminder and the inspiration!
  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    You are so right!! Hard work and determination!!! Great job, be so proud of yourself!!! :)
  • LaurieEReid
    Right on! Eat less and excercise more. Isn't there something simpler? No!
  • Reese2008
    Thanks for sharing your story! and congrats on your weight loss... doing it at your own speed and comfort level is definetly key :)
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    Thats so awesome! WTG!!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    In this day of instant gratification, you are living proof that good old fashioned hard work, determination and consistancy still pay off. Congratulations on your success.
  • apeman
    apeman Posts: 82
    What I want to know is how you're a Raiders fan in PA? LOL.

    Great job! Congrats.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    ABSOLUTELY amazing!!! great job!!!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    What I want to know is how you're a Raiders fan in PA? LOL.
    Or in general? :P

    Congratulations, OP! For your own benefit, remember that it's never going to get any easier, though. You've gone through the easy part, the less you have to lose the more you have to work for it. You seem to understand that, but it doesn't hurt to put out a gentle reminder ;)

    I don't understand why people expect that they could lose weight without doing any work. I know that everyone wants to hear that there's some miracle out there that pulls off the weight, but you would think that people wouldn't be so let down by hearing that it takes hard work to do it by now.

    Anyway, just keep up the hard work, pounding out those miles, melting off that fat; before you know it you'll be flat stomached (and chested) and ripped!
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    Congratulations, and you are so right!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    My friend noticed I was losing a lot of weight and she asked how I was doing it and I told her about the site and the first thing she asked me was what I was eating and about exercise. I told her I was just simply counting calories. I think she was joking but she goes " A lot of salads for you then" I replied with "Nope, I can eat what your eating only smaller portions" I think that sparked her interest.
    Congrats on your weight loss! That is totally AWESOME!! I love your determination and wish you luck with the rest of your journey because I've been told the closer you get to your goal the harder it is to lose weight. I wish I had your motivation!
  • CelticWarrior
    It does get harder, but I mean why give up at that point ? your almost there, you trained your body to be programmed the way took you to lose the weight. I know it gets way harder ! I lose maybe 1-2 pounds a week now but instead of being disappointed I learned to accept that ,way better then gaining a pound or 2. There will be times you will not lose a pound ! but keep going in the end you will be where you want.

    This is a life change ,everything youve done to get you to being overweight is no more !

    So as long as you stay the course you will still lose the weight slower or faster dont really matter as long as it's progress !
  • CelticWarrior
    What I want to know is how you're a Raiders fan in PA? LOL.

    Great job! Congrats.

    lol I was a Raider fan in NJ as well ! well unlike the stories of other Raider Fans , when I was a kid, the colors and patch simpley drew me in . So it started because of the badazz logo , but when I became a real football fan , I still ended up a Raiders fan why / i dunno , but right now being a Raider fan is not so bad as we on the verge of being a awesome team ! We had a awesome draft this year and they are all paying off very well.
  • apeman
    apeman Posts: 82
    Similar for me. I ended up a Steelers fan in KS growing up and it's stuck with me all these years.
  • roadrunnerthe1
    I started on that same date at 296 and have lost 48 pounds as of today. I hope to lose another 50 by April. No magic pill just cutting calories and exercise. It was a matter of getting my mind right first and sticking to it. I am going to try to step up my exercising for New Years.
  • roadrunnerthe1
    I was just turned on to this site last week and hope it helps as well.and so far it has. I feel like its a game and I think I can win. It got me over a plateau I was stuck on for weeks.