Fitbit ????'s



  • Sharonmdenham
    Sharonmdenham Posts: 163 Member
    Anyone use the fitbit and LOVE it…or even anyone the other way. Looking at buying one and would like some input before I take the plunge =) thanks in advance

    My FitBit is always on my wrist. I love it and will not leave the house without it. It is the best motivational tool so far for me. It does not lie to me but buzzes when I hit my goals I have set for the day. My husband has since seen how much I love it and asked for and received one for his birthday, he feels the same about his and is always telling me what his steps for the day were or some accomplishment he made and the FitBit buzzed him about. WE LOVE OUR FitBit FLEX!!!!!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I have the Fitbit Flex. It is definitely not the greatest device ever created, but I love mine. I wear it every day, and it definitely keeps me motivated to walk/run more and earn my steps for the day. Now, even my boyfriend is encouraging me to walk more so I can earn my daily awards! Plus, I have gotten several different colors of wristbands, so it has become a fun accessory. A lot of people have them, so I get comments from others all the time. Also, I really like how it syncs to MFP. I haven't figured out yet whether the calorie burns are accurate or not, but if I can say nothing else, I will say that it is motivating in terms of checking in/logging, and in just in general, MOVING more!
  • Stargazer158
    I love my Fitbit Flex. Its on my wrist, so I never forget to put it on or drop it (like other pedometer's I have had).

    It does not count stairs like the One or the now recalled Force, that is the only thing lacking.

    I can't wait to see what Fitbit's new tracker will be that is replacing the Force.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I've had my fitbit for a few years. Loved it at first, but kind of lost interest. It'd been sitting in a drawer for a while. But I recently found FitRPG - a game app that links to your fitbit. You create a character, choose a race, and your steps level it up. You can do quests, like "Walk 5,000 steps now", to get gold to buy armor and weapons and potions, and you can battle friends for experience and gold. Only had it a couple days, but I'm in love. It's really motivated me.

    I am SOOOO going to have to find this!!!
  • MMartin290666
    MMartin290666 Posts: 1 Member
    Well worth every penny and keeps me motivated.
  • funfang
    funfang Posts: 200 Member
    was thinking to buy one but after seeing apple watch, I think I will wait.....
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I love my Flex. I am moving so much more now because of it!
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    Anyone use the fitbit and LOVE it…or even anyone the other way. Looking at buying one and would like some input before I take the plunge =) thanks in advance

    I have a One and I love and adore it! I do a lot of typing and work with my hands, and while people will tell you the Flex doesn't pick up on it ... I'd rather clip something discreetly to my bra and not have to worry about "false step inflation," if you will. I love that I can pull up a phone app and immediately know how many steps I've taken, and as someone mentioned above I dearly love FitRPG!

    I totally recommend a Fitbit - maybe get a Zip (half the price of the others) or check Craigslist?
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I absolutely LOVE my Fitbit One and my Fitbit Aria scale! Now that I have them I would not want to be without either one. I've been known to do some pretty bizarre things to make sure that I have hit my step goal for the day...very motivating! Best purchase I have ever made.
  • Diane804
    Diane804 Posts: 3 Member
    I've had some sort of Fitbit for a few years now. The Zip, the One, (and my first I can't recall the name). I love it, it is so motivating.
    My hubby also has one so we have a "friendly" competition going. I love the idea of the RPG, I'm going to look it up.

    Does anyone use the Aria? I keep looking at it, but have hesitated because of the expense.
  • darkin48
    darkin48 Posts: 5 Member
    I've had several. I don't know if it's just me, or if I keep getting bad ones, but I've had them stop syncing, stop counting my steps, or just stop working all together. FitBit is pretty good about replacing them, they've done it twice. And they've had one recall, which kind of made me leery of getting another of the wrist ones.

    Right now, I'm FitBit-less, after my 6th one stopped working 3 months after the year warranty ended. I'm looking at other options, including something I can get from a fitness store in my area. My phone has a walking app and I've been using it to keep track of my steps. it's working pretty well, so I may just keep using it.

    I do miss my FitBit and may end up buying another one, just not right now.
  • m0nster2
    m0nster2 Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to get a Fitbit but it's not waterproof. I hear mixed things about the FitBit Flex. Some people have used it in a pool but FitBit's website says it's just water-resistant. Anyone have any comments on swimming use?
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Have had a flex for almost a year now and I do find it motivates me to walk more, even though I was already an avid walker and bought it mainly for sleep tracking (chronic sleep issues). Last night I didn't check my tally until later in the evening and was just over 17K steps... I actually asked the SO if we could go for a walk because I only needed 3K to break 20K, lol.

    I was pretty thrilled when we did over 25K one day while on vacation.

    Mine seems to be pretty accurate, doesn't miss steps if my arms are still. Think it might have racked up a few extra last week when I was doing home renos and doing some hammering, but that's rare.

    I wear it constantly when I'm not in the shower or charging it, and I've already had to buy a new band.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I love my fitbit one, but now wants one that vibrates :(
  • hellodangergirl
    hellodangergirl Posts: 15 Member
    I had a Fitbit until The Incident; then I had an Up for a while until it died (if you go with the up, be prepared for regular warranty replacements, the batteries are apparently terrible). While it was interesting looking at the stats and seeing what correlated with what, it didn't actually motivate me to move more. YMMV.

    The Aria scale, however, I use every day. It's liked with a website called TrendWeight and it uses a moving average to estimate how long until I reach my goal weight. And it's effortless!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Look into the Polar Loop. For actual water proof devices, it seems to be the best/most reliable on the market. Hubby's arrived yesterday.
    I would love to get a Fitbit but it's not waterproof. I hear mixed things about the FitBit Flex. Some people have used it in a pool but FitBit's website says it's just water-resistant. Anyone have any comments on swimming use?
  • Judichristenson
    I have a serious fitbit addiction! I have it on all the time! I compete with several friends to keep motivated. It also links to MFP! LOVE IT!!!
  • Ragtees
    Ragtees Posts: 33 Member
    Fitbit works well on the treadmill or out walking. Doesn't track when lifting weights or doing yoga etc...
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Absolutely love it.

    My husband and I just took a walk to get our steps in. I think it is the single most important tool in our fitness toolbox.
  • LegendOfErin
    LegendOfErin Posts: 18 Member
    Yes, I love the FitBit! I have the FitBit One, which clips onto my jeans. I use it mainly to track my steps when I take my daily walks. It tracks everything from morning to night, whereas other fitness trackers are only worn during exercise. There are a lot of stats on FitBit's website from automatically tracking, and there is plenty of extra data that you can manually add (a journal, your mood, any allergies you experience that day, blood pressure, heart rate, etc). It's my favorite tracker around.