All vegan diet - Freelee the banana girl



  • lysolgirl
    lysolgirl Posts: 8 Member
    The thing people don't realize about Freelee is that she is EXTREMELY active. She is constantly walking dog, rides bike for HOURS per day, does other workouts..she is always moving so she may eat 3500 calorie in a day but she is burning most of it by her high activity levels. There is no miracle. You arent going to lose weight because of fruit but if you burn off the calories and exercise as much as she does then maybe
  • Freelee the banana girl must have an eating disorder to think that eating 30 bananas a day is good for you...

    If you have a calorie deficit then you'll lose weight. If you find it easier to have a deficit by eating only raw foods then more power to you. Just make sure you hit all your macros.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member

    Paige is always good for a nice GIF. Thank you. (I love minions.)

    Everybody needs some minions! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    cool guys thanks.....

    ya when you watch her videos she steers you into thinking her diet is the best and everyone hates fat people and such

    Most people who have extreme views/opinions think theirs are the only way to go and all else is wrong.

    It's the internet- are you new to it?
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    You forget that Freelee is also a cyclist and runner and she exercises every single day, one hard session in the morning and usually a walk with her dog in the afternoon. Yes, I've watched her daily video blogs and this is what I noticed...! Sure, you can eat as much as you want but you're still gonna have to exercise it off. Freelee also used to have an eating disorder; I think this way of overeating till you are way point the past of full is a part of it. The only difference is binging on fruit...!

    I would venture to say that she still has an eating disorder and is encouraging disordered eating in her followers. Pretty harmful and irresponsible IMO.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    It's a lifestyle that wouldn't work for the average person, that's for sure.

    I don't have the space for that much produce in my apartment, not to mention her supply of fresh foods is much easier for her in Australia than it would be in the US. I've seen some questionable bananas in my time...
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    I have seen some of her videos. Unless something has changed recently, she is not 100% raw vegan as she does eat a "regular" or "cooked" vegan meal around dinner time. It seems to work for her. I think everyone has to find what works for them. I went vegan a few years ago and it was like everyone (including overweight unhealthy people) seemed to have an opinion about ME making MY decision for MY life. I do raw vegan for a couple of weeks twice a year. I do a Daniel Fast at the beginning of the year. I drink green smoothies on a regular basis. And it works for me. I think each person has to find what works for them. Every "mainstream" diet type has at least one helpful aspect to it. I would never do Paleo because I don't eat land animals, but I can appreciate the no refined sugar aspect of it. To each his own- "everything thing ain't for everybody".
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    30 medium bananas per USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference:

    3150 calories
    38.7g protein
    11.7g fat
    432.9g carbohydrates
    93g fiber
    432.9g sugars

    Okay, so if you don't die from too much potassium screwing up your kidneys, you'll screw up your liver and pancreas with the sugars -- and of course, you'll sh-t your brains out from so much fiber, meanwhile you'd need to cycle at 14-16 mph daily for about 3 hours to burn off all those extra calories.

    Oh, yeah. That sounds healthy and sustainable.

    How can she cycle for that long per day if she's on the toilet all day? Maybe she's got one of those pedal things you use with your own chair and cycles while she's in the bathroom...

    I call shenanigans on this Freelee chick.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    I eat around 2400 cals worth of food a day and I lose about a pound a week - and I do ketogenic

    Ive tracked and eaten 2400 cals worth of food with a low fat high carb diet and in retain a ****load of weight

    if I ate all of my calories in bananas a day I know I would hold onto a crapload of glycogen and it would mess with my head

    long story short - everyone is different and I don't think that diet would work for many people
  • court_fritch26
    court_fritch26 Posts: 297 Member
  • I constantly see threads on here of ladies who are inspired by Freelee to take on a vegan diet ... for all the wrong reasons.

    Listen. You are not going to look like Freelee. It's just not going to happen. Not if you eat her ridiculous diet. She sells her ideas through her physique. You don't have to look very far past her crop tops to see that she's a complete nut.

    I'm a vegan and I'm losing weight. Through calories in vs. calories out.


    Jenna Marbles is three times the person that Freelee pretends to be.