Interesting new study on "food addiction"



  • OtakuDev
    OtakuDev Posts: 6 Member
    By playing the addict card people don't have to accept responsibility for their actions. Over eating is a lack of self control.

    I agree that over eating reveals a lack of control in a person. However, when someone is trying not to eat certain foods but the item is constantly being brought to mind... That to me sounds like addiction in the traditional sense.

    Right now for the past several hours I have been fighting an urge to eat chocolate. It is late, I don't NEED it but it's constantly playing on my mind. I can almost taste the chocolate in my mouth, I can see it, I can visualise myself opening the packet and reaching into it. I even went to the extent of getting a pack of chocolates from the pantry and bringing it to my room because the urges were getting unbearable.

    I can assure you all that I HAVE NOT eaten any and I keep drinking water instead. Might have gone off on a tangent and diverted slightly from the original topic.

    I personally believe that when we have those "cravings" it is a sign from our body telling us we need energy or we are thirsty. Most of the time we are just slightly dehydrated but sometimes it may be that our body needs the energy (e.g. not enough sleep?) and thus food is needed. Rather than our bodies saying, "hey eat something" it says "hey, remember that gorgeous deep fried burger you had with those chips... You COULD get it. It's only a 5 minute walk...".

    Am I making any sense? Or am I rambling?
    I think I'm rambling but I hope someone gets where I'm coming from.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member