SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...Final wk of year



  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Happy New Year, pebbles!

    I saw this article today, after I had been considering making "not eating while distracted" a resolution this year. I think it may be a sign...

    "Distraction, Noise Cause Overeating"

    I've been enjoying chilling out with my family. They'll be here a few more days. I'm still mulling over some other goals for the year, and need to come up with a plan for trying to improve my ankle (including tracking/monitoring activities and progress).
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Sunday, Pebbs,

    Today is the first day of my normal workout schedule being back. I am grateful for that. Today is Zumba at noon, then some housecleaning/shopping, then my last quiet evening with no braining. I've been pretty stressed lately, so I'm pretty sure I've been braining.

    Also, I'm celebrating baked goods Sunday with an almond orange cake (no refined sugar). I had my first sugar/wheat temptation. There were these beautiful cupcakes in (of all places) the cafeteria at the museum yesterday. I told myself (since it was set up buffet style) that children had sneezed on them.:laugh: When that didn't work, I reminded myself that the baked goods I love above all others are the ones I make...and that baked goods Sunday was coming right up. It was the first trigger-y "I want that! Waaah!" moment since Tuesday/starting no sugar/no wheat/no alcohol.

    Off to start the laundry, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm a little sore from yesterday, but I'm better than I thought I would be. I haven't decided if it's a yoga day or not. I guess since I'm aiming for 6x a week, I should go ahead with something. Maybe just some inversions. Oh, the teacher said that we would do poses between sets of 12 that would help counteract the sun salutations. I mistakenly read it as "rest poses" - we did standing poses for the first two "rests"! I really liked it though. I would definitely do it again.

    Today - walk and homework. I did some homework yesterday, but there's lots left. Oh, a friend made a cake last night - I talked myself out of it because it was from a mix and had Andie's candies on top - processed stuff = not that good. It worked :wink:

    Salute to the Sun, Bow to the Earth, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I'm posting a little late. You all might not read it but that's okay.
    Mary way to go on resisting the cake.
    I'm really struggling with sweets right now. Thanks a lot candy! We do have donuts from church in the kitchen. Steve's taking them to work in the morning. I did open the box and look at them and smell them. I realized that I really don't want one. I do but not that bad. That doesn't mean I won't turn around and eat something else covered in chocolate though. :grumble:
    I am looking forward to tomorrow. School starts again for us, and I can get back to working out. I have missed it. I forgot that I wanted to walk everyday from January 1 - February 15th. Already messed that up, but I will try to start tomorrow. I am wanting to get back into my upper body work outs as well. I don't know if I will get that done tomorrow or not. I have to clean the house. It's a mess since we weren't in it all last week. At least the dishes are done, and most of the Christmas decor is down. (Alex is having a hard time processing that Christmas only happens in December and doesn't understand how long that is. I think he was sad to see the tree go in the box again.)
    So goals this week: walking 5-6 times for at least 30 minutes, some upper body, and get some self control around sweets. I would like to limit the sweets to the lady time only when I really crave it. I wonder if that's possible for me. I should try it. :smile:

    Getting back on schedule boogaloo!
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