Losing weight before trying to get pregnant!



  • helpimfalling
    Last year in June, I probably could have written this myself. I was Obese. I was 5'2 and 211 lbs. I had finally reached my breaking point. I was sick and tired of being fat and I made the decision I needed to lose weight. First for myself, because I needed to work on myself and make myself healthy. I couldn't hike a small incline for 10 minutes without everything hurting and being out of breath. Second, because my weight was getting in the way of my plans for my family. I wanted another child, my daughter was 5 and the age gap was only getting bigger. I wasn't even getting my periods because of my weight, so I couldn't even try to conceive even if my husband had agreed it was time.

    So I first focused on myself. I started losing weight steadily. My husband proposed to me the challenge that if I reached 155 lbs (which is overweight for my height, but definitely not obese) then we could start trying for a baby. So I held on to that thread and I never let go. 10 months later, Easter weekend, I reached my TTC goal and weighed in at 155 lbs. It was beyond thrilling. I weighed less than I did in high school, I had energy up the wazoo, I was healthy, I had gotten my periods back and we started TTCing. One month of trying and it happened. I'm now 22 weeks pregnant with my 2nd little girl.

    It's definitely helpful to have a goal in mind when losing weight, just don't put a time limit on it. It'll happen when you get there. I also think it's important to focus on YOU. Do it for yourself first, and let the babymaking be the bonus/prize at the end. Once you reach whatever goal you set, it's also important to keep up with the eating habits. I still count calories, but I make sure I get those extra couple hundred calories on top of my maintenance for baby and get some exercise, even if it's lighter exercise than before. I've gained 6 lbs so far for this pregnancy and my doctor is thrilled with my progress.

    Good luck on your goals, ladies!

    Great advice.

    I'm doing this weight loss journey to be the 'me' that I want to be. And that 'me' includes being a mother, getting to do more fun and active things with my family, becoming a better choreographer (what I do for a living), and living longer to be able to enjoy all of things that are important to me in my life. :)
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    I did this for my second baby. I was a little over wight for my first baby. During my second pregnancy, I was about seven years older, 30-40 pounds heavier and out of shape. I did not want to be diabetic during the pregnancy. I lost about 20 pounds before conceiving. i lost an additional 25 pounds while i was pregnant. I focused on very healthy eating. I focused on light exercise and pregnancy yoga during the pregnancy. So as the baby got bigger, the only weight I gained belonged to him. (Most Dr.s don't want you gaining a bunch of weight anyway if you are already in the obese zone) I think I gained about 12 pounds total. My baby was about 8 pounds, and the rest was fluid, so I had a negative gain if that makes sense. I ended up being about 25 pounds lighter after the baby was born. I have said all of that to say this, if you can't get the weight off before you conceive, you can still continue to lose weight in a healthy way while you are pregnant. As long as you are eating nutritious whole foods for you and the baby, you can end up skinnier after the pregnancy then you were before. =0) talk to your doctor. He will tell you what is best for your current weight and condition. Start taking your pre-natals now, if you haven't already. Eat well. Best of luck.
  • xalee12
    xalee12 Posts: 2 Member
    Im trying to lose weight for baby too! I feel like im running out of time being age 31.
  • sagefae
    I'm also trying to lose weight for baby # 2.

    I've been needing to lose weight. I would do so well for about a month, then stop, and put weight back on. It has been a constant battle for a while. My husband and I have been thinking about having a second baby, especially since our son is now 3 and we don't want too big of an age gap.

    I went off of birth control a couple days ago, but it will still be at least a month or so I'd say before my cycle is normal again. In the meantime, I'm trying to get under 200 lbs. I know that's still obese, but we're both over 30, and I feel like I'm getting too old, haha! This time around I will keep the healthy habits though!

    Good luck to all you ladies with your weight goals and with TTC!

    Anyone who wants to, feel free to add me.
  • arrielle10
    I was overweight before I got pregnant and had the same thing. Ended up loosing in the first trimester because I was so sick. I didn't really gain until the last trimester and it was all baby and water retention. ( I gained 15 pounds)
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    Before getting pregnant with both my boys I wanted to lose weight and get to a certain # before conceiving. I had this ideal in my head about it, but the reality was that my heart yearned for a child and I was putting undue pressure on myself each time. Both times, I ultimately did not reach my weight goal, but instead let go of my unrealistic expectations and conceived when it felt right to my husband and I. (And I was seriously overweight- 270+lbs.) I don't have any other health problems and both pregnancies were perfectly healthy (I exercised and ate right for the most part) and I had two 7.5lb healthy kiddos.

    Now, I am not saying this to make a judgement on your reasoning or anyone else's to lose weight before conception. That's a personal decision, obviously and I would support a friend either way in the same situation. I'm no doctor and I know everyone's health is a different story. I'm just relaying my experience and the fact that I am so grateful that I chose to have kids while overweight instead of waiting. It's totally possible to have a healthy obese pregnancy. (And healthy babies of average weight!)

    Best of luck to you all who are getting ready to start families- being a mommy is honestly the most amazing thing in the world!
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    Im trying to lose weight for baby too! I feel like im running out of time being age 31.

    I had my son at 35 and most of my friends are having their kids in the mid-30's! Do what feels right to you, obviously, but don't let the age thing stress you out!
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