Too Few Calories? 600-800?



  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Yeah that was to be expected bunch of idiots came in and started saying hey its cool to eat 4-800 calories a day. Which is medically unsound. Even in a healthy person its downright dangerous. Your body reacts to such diets by slowly cannibalizing itself. Which was ok in our caveman days when our body didn't really make it much past 30. But doing it now is a really good way to suffer muscle loss, osteoporosis and a whole slew of hormonal and metabolic conditions.

    No matter what anyone says starving yourself is not cool. And if you think it is you have a problem. And no you aren't a special snowflake who someone needs less calories than anyone else your height and activity level.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I got it. I will definitely be eating more calories. I'm actually eating the rest of my tofu now, to avoid looking like a Christian Bale. I'm pretty convinced with all these horror stories. Your scare tactics have worked. Thank you.
    You've gotten some great advice here already.

    For what it's worth - I'm twice your age and female, a wee bit taller, but still - I lose very well and reached goal weight eating 1800-2000 cals a day. And I'm over on my carb & fat goals on a regular basis, but I still lose. :smile:

    Eat the proper number of cals, grab some weights, plenty of water, get good sleep, take rest days, and enjoy that burrito when you want to. You want to do this for life, right? Good luck!

    truth. I'm 42. Lift 3 times a week. still accidentally losing at 2100 + cals a day.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    OMFG there is SO much stupid on this thread! Mentally, I just can't take the dumbassery!

    Under 1000 calories per day to lose "weight"? That's not weight your losing, it's muscle.

    Saying Carbs are "irrelevant", dude Carbs = Brain Food, so naturally only stupid people would say Carbs are irrelevant.

    Seriously, I just can't handle the ignorance and blatant support for Eating Disorders. This is just ridiculous.
  • BenjaminS_Fitness
    Since you are natural you'd probably not be able to get an erection from low testosterone (very low fat).
    Lift weights and do cardio while following a clean nutrition in a 300-500deficit would be the best option.

    If you starve yourself you will lose weight but good luck with the rebound you'll gain most of it back when you eat semi-normal.

    Also some people do good on a high protein, low fat (40g or so don't dropt it too low) with a good amount of carbs some go keto. see what works best for you. And lifting weights will help you dramatically.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    God why do people think it's a good idea to eat like this ... What do you want to achieve? Cos I will tell you attractiveness is not on the menu with that approach lady. Sorry no matter what you think you are wrong. Just ... for gods sake be told. I mean hell you even run. You are gonna crash and burn lady. I would even dare to say you have exercise Anorexia.

    Wow, you people are so nice... And I am by no means anorexic, I eat 3 meals a day.

    Open your diary and show us it's not just a salad for every meal. I couldn't even function on that low calories, I'd be sleeping all the time.