What Foods Bring Back Memories Of Your Childhood



  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    Bologna sandwiches: 2 slices of bologna & yellow mustard on white Wonder bread. Cut in a diagonal so there were 4 triangles.

    I lived with my grandmother for a bit and she made me this every day. She was the only one in the world who cut on that special diagonal. It felt so fancy! She made me this lunch pretty much every day and I thought it was great.

    As an adult, I HATE bologna, but I STILL cut my sandwiches into 4ths (even burgers, grillers, etc.). It always makes me think of her.
  • Apinget
    Apinget Posts: 41 Member
    Macaroni and cheese (the kind with the bright yellow powder) with a can of tuna mixed in,
    Fried bologna sandwiches with globs of mayo,
    "Porcupine Meatballs" which were ground beef meatballs with cooked rice inside them so they looked like porcupines.
    Oil and vinegar cucumber salad with salt and garlic.

    My mom made due with a small budget to feed 3 growing youngsters so I don't actually eat macaroni and cheese or fried bologna anymore but get a hankering for them every so often. The meatballs and salad I still totally eat when she makes it and invites me over! I've tried to replicate both recipes myself and can never quite get them right, she's got a magic touch I tell ya!
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    I noticed the first 3 pics were kitty-cats too :)

    My grannies plum coogan (spelling?) was always a favorite. She's been gone now for a year, and no one makes it like her. Just the very best thing right out of the oven, or her homemade sweet rolls. That woman truly baked/cooked with love :heart:

    Things that also reminds me of childhood memories in a bad way?
    My mom MAKING us eat those colored noodles (which I now like) and black-eyed peas. Ick! I'm like some of u others, if u didn't eat them, I got them for the next meal. Torture!! Haha
  • keyer23
    keyer23 Posts: 114 Member
    Buttered noodles, most definitely. Oh, and lumpy Cream of Wheat. Yes, LUMPY Cream of Wheat. It is a big joke now that I am an adult. My mother would be the first to tell you that she wasn't much of a cook. Her Cream of Wheat had humongous globs of cereal stuck together in balls. I got used to it, and came to like it that way. So much so, that I don't even EAT it as an adult. After all, I can't replicate the lumps, ha ha ha. As for the buttered noodles, it's pretty hard to boil a noodle incorrectly and melt some butter over the top. I could live on that stuff as a kid, and often did, lol. Wow, no wonder I have an unhealthy relationship with food! thanks for posting. I've had a few good giggles over this here this morning!
  • ahawkx
    ahawkx Posts: 52 Member
    cereals that no longer exist like honey nut clusters and french toast crunch (I actually found this on ebay as they still make it in canada.. I just paid $35 for two boxes and shipping hahaha)


    homemade lefse with butter and sugar

    nilla wafers

    koolaid. so much koolaid.

    pork steaks (I believe this is the shoulder cut of pork)

    toaster strudels and lunchables (these were for the rich kids though - very rarely did I get to enjoy these treats)

    black tea made on the stove with more sugar than tea itself.

    waffles made on a waffle griddle.

    through middle school I practically lived off of little debbie snacks. mostly starcrunchs and fudgerounds. we had an ala carte line at school and instead of whatever hot meal they were serving I would usually opt for a couple little debbies.

    totinos pizzas.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    my mum's homemade buttermilk biscuits with syrup. we used to have them on weekend mornings as a family breakfast sometimes. so yummy!
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I hate to say but it was Burger King, Mc Donald's, Pizza Hut, Dominoes, and Taco Bell...
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    Cremola Foam, but nobody's going to remember that that isn't Scottish or Northern Irish....!

    Raspberry jam... my granny used to always make her own, hers was the only stuff I would eat and I've never eaten it since she died.

    Kraft Cheesy Pasta with bacon and mushrooms mixed in. It was a Sunday lunchtime dinner because we had to dash home from 'church' and out again to my sister's gymnastics class, so Sunday lunchtimes were always super quick meals. Oh, and tomato soup is still not worth having if it's not Heinz... that was the other Sunday regular... :laugh:
  • jouttie
    jouttie Posts: 109 Member
    My Granda's chips. Every Monday, my two sisters and I used to go to my grandparents' after school and it was a race up the back streets to see who got there first! The first to get there got the first portion of chips. They were home-made, deep-fried chips made from potatoes in a chip pan - remember them?! with salt and vinegar eaten with white bread and real butter. He made tons of them and we ate them all up.
    Chips haven't tasted the same since. I still miss my Granda, who died 20 years ago.
  • GatorDeb1
    GatorDeb1 Posts: 245 Member
    Tequenos: (Venezuelan cheese sticks, but better).


    Pasticho: (Venezuelan lasagna, but better).


    Chicharrones: (Venezuelan Pork Rinds, but better).




    Latkes: (Jewish potato cakes, but better).


    I'm a Hispanic Jew. When it comes to food, I was born screwed :bigsmile:
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    Coffee-flavoured yogurt. I have no idea what the appeal was, but I ate so much of that stuff. The rest of my family wouldn't touch it, so it was the only food in the fridge that was just for me! And Rocky Road (the dessert, not the ice cream) really reminds me of my nana. She would bust out the coloured mini marshmallows and whip up a batch every holiday.
  • xRedRockerx
    xRedRockerx Posts: 54 Member
    Cadbury's white chocolate buttons. When I was little, a lot of the neighbours and friends of my parents would give me money to buy sweets. I was too young really to pick my own but my mum knew I liked them, so she'd always choose them for me. I don't see them in shops as much any more but every time I see a packet, I have to buy them. My mum's not alive any more so standing in the shop picking the packet I want (they have different pictures on each packet! :p) reminds me of when I did it with her as a kid and it makes me smile.
    Of course, they're probably part of the reason why I ended up needing this website, but I'm happily ignoring that.
  • Maryam2014mfp
    Fried fish
    Spaghetti and meat balls
    Terry's orange chocolate
  • jouttie
    jouttie Posts: 109 Member
    Terry's chocolate orange, now you are talking!! Got one in my Christmas stocking every year. In fact I still do, even though I am 46. I try to eat it all on my own but my daughter has inherited my love of them and can sniff it out as soon as I start to tap it and unwrap it, and she insists on sharing that bit of luxury!
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    Nanaimo Bars...it's a 'Canadian Thing'.

    X-mas sugar cookies with butter icing

    Mom use to make these at X-mas....now unfortunately my dear old mom probably can't recall what a Nanaimo Bar is....
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Mangoes in the fridge. To me it's the smell of Christmas.
  • PhoebeGrey
    Wow, I love all the food memories you've shared. As I read I can see age groups. How different times conjured up different memories. I was surprised not to here family dinner routines of the Italian families with their Sunday Dinner of Dad's Home-made Spaghetti Sauce or more of the Sunday Roasts but I guess that was back in my day. Every Sunday we had the BIG family dinner with all the relatives. It was interesting too to see the age group of snack foods like Lil Debbies, etc. . . and then the new age Fast Food group. Thanks for sharing. A day has gone by since I've posted this and I think this morning I'm going to go sit out on the porch swing with a cup of tea and some toast with strawberry jam :happy:
  • IreneAdler221
    IreneAdler221 Posts: 185 Member
    Biscuits and gravy. Every time I spent the night with my Nana, I would wake up to the smell of biscuits and gravy. With it would be fried potatoes, eggs and fried apples. My mom didn't really cook and having a homemade meal was a huge treat.
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member
    White bread with butter and brown sugar
    Chocolate milk
    Petit Gervais
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Good childhood food memories; Fish fingers & chips, Mum's homemade Chicken soup, Chicken and Rice and Peas (Traditional Jamaican dish) and Weekend treats at the local Wimpey (Burger place).

    Bad childhood food memories: Fray Bentos Meat pies in a can :noway: and hot corned beef :sick: Lol!