Eating a lot, losing weight but feel weak, cold and hungry



  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Try one of these calculators to get an idea of your maintenance needs based on ALL activity you do, which will be more accurate than using drop-down menu ones. Those types are better for average desk-job people.

    You might be undereating. Take the TDEEs the sites give and subtract 20%, compare to your average intake. Is your current intake net (before logging exercise) or is this with any added exercise? Or do you not log exercise but didn't include it into your calculations?

    If the numbers match up pretty well, then consider eating more carbohydrates.
  • jallforme3
    jallforme3 Posts: 38 Member
    Sounds like you need to eat more. Up your calories 200 a day and see what happens. Incorporate more protein too with those calories. Losing a pound a week is great, but not if you are cold and weak. Your results will be more sustainable and long term if you listen to what your body needs.
  • rachsoderberg
    rachsoderberg Posts: 55 Member
    Sounds like either under eating or anemia to me! Just like everyone else has said, go see your doc and consider getting a blood test to rule any problems out.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    I have to agree with the CBC with an iron check. Are you food logging? If not, why not?

    Go here ... ... fill it out correctly, make your goal 1 lb. a week, mark yourself as Very Active for now and see if you feel better after a week of that kind of eating.

    If you do feel better, you can experiment with changing your goal to 1.5 or 2 lbs, changing your activity to Active from Very Active.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You are normal weight for your height and naturally quite active -- two things that separate you from most of the overweight office dwellers that wind up visiting this site. So no surprise that you are not finding a lot of people like you.

    What are your goals, really?

    Hungry all the time tells me that your carbs are too high and short-lasting and/or your protein too low. Try front-loading your protein toward the front of your day. Make your final meal of the day -- or dessert if you have one -- the one with carbs. In the start and middle of the day, you want protein that carries you between meals. Carbs in the absence of protein only satisfy you for a couple of hours.

    Make your diary public if you want more help like that.

    Not so much knawing hunger but sluggishness. I eat a can or 2 of salmon or tuna for breakfast and usually a chicken sandwich for mid-morning snack. If I eat a bigger meal or have a cheat day, I warm up. I usually get hungry-hungry after I eat.

    I'm losing weight to get rid of my boobs and curves and be more disciplined about what I eat.

    I have no idea what I burn in a day and I'm still eating a ton.

    Yesterday was a skinny day, I had

    Can of salmon, coffee with milk, muffin (they were going to expire if I didn't eat them)

    Turkey sandwich, coffee with cream

    Can of tuna

    BLT salad with chicken and balsamic dressing, tea with sugar
    Eat more food
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    First doctor, then add a bit more calories and possibly more carbs.
    I am slowly losing BF% on around 2500 calories (recomp), and I noticed I get very tired when my carbs are too low on workdays.