Woman Eats 30,000 calorie Christmas dinner



  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I did not that it said she was single even thought the father of the child was "only 10st" and "supported her" eating habits...... he may well be a single parent himself when the mother of his child passes away because of a weight related issue..... ridiculous :explode:

    Everything in the article pointed to him no longer being there. "He was a belly man".

    I'm guessing she ate him...
  • NZGeekGirl
    it makes me feel so queasy and sick reading that but I also feel so sorry for her. :cry: I don't understand what is wrong with a society that is paying to watch her eat and a partner who is encouraging her. If he really loved her surely he would be helping her not making it worse.:grumble: I really wish someone would or could step in to help.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    What we all have to remember is that gaining weight is kind of her job in a sense, since she is a 'fetish model' of sorts. A thin 'model' diets and exercises to keep in shape for photoshoots... often times going anorexic to keep competitive. This woman's market just prefers fat over thin. Both her habits and those of the anorexic models are unhealthy.. Honestly, I feel bad for her.... I am guessing that at some point she started striving to be fat as a way of accepting herself, when in reality she needed to accept herself as being fat and then choose to lose weight or even just maintain it depending on what she felt was right for her...I wish she could have been happy at whatever weight she was before she started this weight gain thing. Her partner is/was encouraging her out of selfishness much like other partners would encourage diet and weight loss if they preferred a thin, toned woman. I really don't see her partner as much different from a guy encouraging his girlfriend to work out or eat a salad instead of a sandwich. Both are trying to control their partner's body to suit their own tastes. I'm not going to judge this woman or bash her because in my opinion you should be free to eat whatever you want and look however you want with nobody pressuring you or belittling you (we're all human, we all deserve to be treated with respect, no matter if everything we do is 'healthy' or not). However I do strongly disagree with her decisions because she is making a spectacle of herself on purpose for publicity, and her over the top habits are definitely re-enforcing the stereotype that all obese people are pigging out all the time on 10x the amount of food we should be eating. To me, fat acceptance is a great thing and I'm all for a fat person making a decision not to diet or obsess about calories, or not to work out more than what they enjoy .. but choosing to take actions to GAIN weight isn't good for you mentally or physically. Just my thoughts on the matter. I am sad to see people judging this woman so quickly, because everyone has their own problems be they big or small, and every single one of us could be judged just as harshly for mistakes in our own lives. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
  • NZGeekGirl
    What we all have to remember is that gaining weight is kind of her job in a sense, since she is a 'fetish model' of sorts. A thin 'model' diets and exercises to keep in shape for photoshoots... often times going anorexic to keep competitive. This woman's market just prefers fat over thin. Both her habits and those of the anorexic models are unhealthy.. Honestly, I feel bad for her.... I am guessing that at some point she started striving to be fat as a way of accepting herself, when in reality she needed to accept herself as being fat and then choose to lose weight or even just maintain it depending on what she felt was right for her...I wish she could have been happy at whatever weight she was before she started this weight gain thing. Her partner is/was encouraging her out of selfishness much like other partners would encourage diet and weight loss if they preferred a thin, toned woman. I really don't see her partner as much different from a guy encouraging his girlfriend to work out or eat a salad instead of a sandwich. Both are trying to control their partner's body to suit their own tastes. I'm not going to judge this woman or bash her because in my opinion you should be free to eat whatever you want and look however you want with nobody pressuring you or belittling you (we're all human, we all deserve to be treated with respect, no matter if everything we do is 'healthy' or not). However I do strongly disagree with her decisions because she is making a spectacle of herself on purpose for publicity, and her over the top habits are definitely re-enforcing the stereotype that all obese people are pigging out all the time on 10x the amount of food we should be eating. To me, fat acceptance is a great thing and I'm all for a fat person making a decision not to diet or obsess about calories, or not to work out more than what they enjoy .. but choosing to take actions to GAIN weight isn't good for you mentally or physically. Just my thoughts on the matter. I am sad to see people judging this woman so quickly, because everyone has their own problems be they big or small, and every single one of us could be judged just as harshly for mistakes in our own lives. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

    Very wise words.
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    No matter how we feel about the story... I really wished she loved herself more... and thought about how this would affect her children now and later :(
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    What we all have to remember is that gaining weight is kind of her job in a sense, since she is a 'fetish model' of sorts. A thin 'model' diets and exercises to keep in shape for photoshoots... often times going anorexic to keep competitive. This woman's market just prefers fat over thin. Both her habits and those of the anorexic models are unhealthy.. Honestly, I feel bad for her.... I am guessing that at some point she started striving to be fat as a way of accepting herself, when in reality she needed to accept herself as being fat and then choose to lose weight or even just maintain it depending on what she felt was right for her...I wish she could have been happy at whatever weight she was before she started this weight gain thing. Her partner is/was encouraging her out of selfishness much like other partners would encourage diet and weight loss if they preferred a thin, toned woman. I really don't see her partner as much different from a guy encouraging his girlfriend to work out or eat a salad instead of a sandwich. Both are trying to control their partner's body to suit their own tastes. I'm not going to judge this woman or bash her because in my opinion you should be free to eat whatever you want and look however you want with nobody pressuring you or belittling you (we're all human, we all deserve to be treated with respect, no matter if everything we do is 'healthy' or not). However I do strongly disagree with her decisions because she is making a spectacle of herself on purpose for publicity, and her over the top habits are definitely re-enforcing the stereotype that all obese people are pigging out all the time on 10x the amount of food we should be eating. To me, fat acceptance is a great thing and I'm all for a fat person making a decision not to diet or obsess about calories, or not to work out more than what they enjoy .. but choosing to take actions to GAIN weight isn't good for you mentally or physically. Just my thoughts on the matter. I am sad to see people judging this woman so quickly, because everyone has their own problems be they big or small, and every single one of us could be judged just as harshly for mistakes in our own lives. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
  • Procrastinator
    Oh my gosh! Why would she do this to herself? A world record doesn't mean anything compared to health. She has a family she should be focusing on. She literally weighs 5 times more than me (no exaggeration!).
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    Upon hear about this story my first reaction was that this women is nuts! But as you read into her story I turly believe this women has issues with her self-esteem. I agree with some of you that we should not be so quick to judge. She states that she is health. This may be true in a way meaning no heart, diabetes, high blood pressure but she not healthy in a psychological way. Emotionally she is seeking to hide something. She needs someone to ask her what has driven her to make this goal. Obviously there is something in her background that has driven her to this. My next thing is she will not be able to enjoy her children and the impact that she is creating for them is sad. Hopefully she gets the help she really needs.
  • blazin_j
    :love: YEAH! Now that's my kinda woman, LOL! I think I'd have to "go dutch" with Big Mama, though. :bigsmile:

    Hey, at least she's counting her calories, right? :tongue:
  • jesses_wifey
    I don't even know what to say. How sad. Makes me cringe.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I didn't think the human stomach could hold that much food at one time!

    and yea - this does say single mother of two - but I also see the March Article that said she was engaged and a June article that said she was married.... wonder what happened?
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    The article or she said it best "she's makes money off of it"

    She is being rewarded for what she is doing. Money and attention can cause people to do strange things. I feel sorry for her kids, they will eventually lose their mom.

    Or she'll have a TLC show made for her about how she had bypass surgery, etc.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    it's now worse than this girl. They are 2 extremes with the same mental issues


    At least she knew what she was doing to herself.
  • ropedancer
    It's obvious that this is disturbing on a health level. At the same time, all I could think about was all of the people in the world that go to bed hungry. And here she is eating enough food for the daily diet of well over a dozen people in one meal? Damn.
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    The women deserves no sympathy of any sort for what ever may happen to her, she wont be alive for that long at the rate shes going and thats what she wants. Leave her to it let her die but spare thought for the children and hope they will be taken to a proper home and looked after soon, they shouldn't live around that.

    Here in the UK her kids would of been taken away from her by now.