What boosts metabolism?



  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    SheGlows, I know exactly what The_Enginerd is referring to. There's no "put your butt in school". I'm not new to this. Exercise does boost your metabolism, but it doesn't boost your BMR, much like The_Enginerd said.

    If I could clone myself and all things being equal between the two of us. If one of me worked out every day and one of me didn't, we would have the same BMR, but the one working out would have a higher metabolism the majority of time. Why? Because metabolism is increased from exercise. Did you not read my post? The more energy you expend, the more energy your body needs, and faster your body will turn food into energy: metabolism. It's not a permanent thing, but during and after exercise, temporarily, metabolism is at a faster rate.
    Yes, your "metabolism", in the strictest scientific definition of the term, is higher. That's not what most mean when they colloquially use the term; they are referring to BMR. Any extra energy needs due to exercise would fall under TEE, your "calories burned" for an exercise. So we agree... and are arguing semantics here...
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Garlic, green tea and red bell peppers.
    I disapprove of your shenanigans.
    Good for ya.
    being "good for you" isn't the question.

    OP asked what boosts metabolism. The items you listed do not do that.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member

    I didn't make it past:
    Garlic's ability to filter toxins from the body and improve circulation is well known in the medical community. When toxins build up in the body, they contribute to a feeling of sluggishness that can be compounded by poor circulation. The overall cumulative effects of this sluggishness have been shown to slow the metabolism and contribute to other health issues, including stroke. Adding garlic to the diet helps boost overall well-being. As a weight loss aid, it is best used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, and with its ability to cleanse toxins and improve circulation, that often leads to better motivation to begin and stick with an exercise regimen.

    Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5040223_garlic-speed-up-metabolism.html