On Taking Offense



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Dat da truth! Propz 2 u for being so smart!

    dis b da gudest ansir
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    this thread reeks of fedora
  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    this thread reeks of fedora

    Would you say it has a fedaura?
  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    I do like this quote, though, from Fry:
    "The free and happy use of words seems to be considered elitist or pretentious."
    I'm back, couldn't stay away. Fry is not only intelligent, but wise.

    It's not the individual words that people have a problem with, but it is how you've chosen to weave them together. There might be something intelligent here and there in that weave, but there isn't much wisdom, but rather insults. I don't smell much humility in there either.

    I spoke of the general trend of debasing language through textspeak.

    In return, I was personally called a hipster with compromised genitalia; pretentious; arrogant, and so forth.

    And I'm the insulting one here? I think not.

    Edit: Also, you persist in wanting to make this about who I am--or rather your perceptions of my character--rather than the argument. This, I don't understand. Especially in a nation that elected a "likeable" guy such as George Bush, whose presidency was considered by historical experts to be a disaster. Bush won because he played the part of the "eiron"--the plain-speaking, non-pretentious guy. This is to be desired?

    You're not some gatekeeper of "good language."
    No one is praising you because you think you ability to string together large words into some rambling, convoluted rant makes you superior.
    And I really can't help but notice you pick which parts of Fry's quote there you like best. Completely missing the point. Completely ignoring THE REST OF THE POST.

    Quoting a bunch of beautiful poetry written by other people does not make us ashamed of speaking in the colloquial tongue.

    If you're so offended by the "debasement" of our language, get thee off the internet and only speak with those who don't offend you. I'm sure THEY'LL appreciate your essay.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    this thread reeks of fedora

    Would you say it has a fedaura?

    *reaches for coat*
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    As long as it's something I can understand and don't have to decipher, I don't care how anyone writes. Who knows... this may become the standard in the future. Afterall, that's one of the ways language evolves.

  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    this thread reeks of fedora

    Would you say it has a fedaura?

    *reaches for coat*

  • Granville_Cocteau
    Granville_Cocteau Posts: 209 Member
    No one is praising you because you think you ability to string together large words into some rambling, convoluted rant makes you superior.

    Some here agree with me. But it is no matter; not only do I not look for praise, but winning a popularity contest in no way establishes the rightness or wrongness of an argument. This I learned in high school. See argumentum ad populum.

    p.s. I do not think my use of vocabulary makes me superior. I use vocabulary for argumentative effect and aesthetic joy, just as your beloved Mr. Fry does. For this, under Fry's logic, I should not be condemned.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    wait a minute. what were you doing drinking wine at quarter to 10 in the morning on a random Tuesday? i hope it came paired with a delicious brunch.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    In the beginning I liked the OP's post - mostly because I didn't need to use urban dictionary to decipher what was being said.

    However, I do believe that while it's great to use 'proper English', context does in fact matter. I believe that using the language of your peers displays respect.

    This does not mean you have to compromise yourself and your own personal language and communication style.

    Personally - I know I could never get away with using the phrase 'yolo' without someone doing a facepalm...because it would just sound...wrong on so many levels. While sometimes I wish I could pop some of these responses into google translate, I am also exposed to new terminology and concepts that, quite frankly, do not come up on NPR.

    Now here is my question - who do you want to communicate with? (And yes, I just ended with a preposition - but I did so because it sounds more accessible) Anyone...or just those who don't get grumpy at the phrase 'argumentum ad populum'?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    But do yous gots a recipe for dem SWEET TATERZ?!?!

    hahahah bringing back the classics

    can anyone repost it just for the memories?
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    There are many excellent writers on mfp and OP, you ain't one of them.

    I blame the SATs for making too many Americans plump for the length and rarity of a word over its ability to communicate meaning.

    And bringing in Baudelaire? The joy of Baudelaire compared to many of his contemporaries is that he wasn't a pompous twatwaffle. Enivrez-vous is the clearest possible prose, and I am quite distressed to see my beloved Baudelaire thus abused.

    It's ok though, you're just speaking to Americans as if the rest of us don't exist, so you probably won't even see this post. [Cue Marvin the Paranoid Android type grumbling.]
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    When I read OP:

    That's why I've cremated this new program called "Booked on Phonics".
    I'll teach you how to testiculate my way. To computate how it works,
    I will intersects with a perverted deviant by using one of my own penal implants.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    No one is praising you because you think you ability to string together large words into some rambling, convoluted rant makes you superior.

    Some here agree with me. But it is no matter; not only do I not look for praise, but winning a popularity contest in no way establishes the rightness or wrongness of an argument. This I learned in high school. See argumentum ad populum.

    p.s. I do not think my use of vocabulary makes me superior. I use vocabulary for argumentative effect and aesthetic joy, just as your beloved Mr. Fry does. For this, under Fry's logic, I should not be condemned.

    English majors. It must be disappointing to study prose and poetry when all you really need is, "would you like fries with that?"
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    But do yous gots a recipe for dem SWEET TATERZ?!?!

    hahahah bringing back the classics

    can anyone repost it just for the memories?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    There are many excellent writers on mfp and OP, you ain't one of them.

    I blame the SATs for making too many Americans plump for the length and rarity of a word over its ability to communicate meaning.

    And bringing in Baudelaire? The joy of Baudelaire compared to many of his contemporaries is that he wasn't a pompous twatwaffle. Enivrez-vous is the clearest possible prose, and I am quite distressed to see my beloved Baudelaire thus abused.

    It's ok though, you're just speaking to Americans as if the rest of us don't exist, so you probably won't even see this post. [Cue Marvin the Paranoid Android type grumbling.]

    OOOOO this reminds me of an article I read comparing the length of the essay portion to SAT scores despite content
  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    There are many excellent writers on mfp and OP, you ain't one of them.

    I blame the SATs for making too many Americans plump for the length and rarity of a word over its ability to communicate meaning.

    And bringing in Baudelaire? The joy of Baudelaire compared to many of his contemporaries is that he wasn't a pompous twatwaffle. Enivrez-vous is the clearest possible prose, and I am quite distressed to see my beloved Baudelaire thus abused.

    It's ok though, you're just speaking to Americans as if the rest of us don't exist, so you probably won't even see this post. [Cue Marvin the Paranoid Android type grumbling.]

  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    If you write or speak above the level of comprehension of your audience, you do your audience a disservice. It doesn't make the audience think you're smart, it makes the audience think you are smug and arrogant. While your words may be insightful, eloquent, and full of wisdom, they will be wasted on an audience who can't connect with the speaker.
  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    If you write or speak above the level of comprehension of your audience, you do your audience a disservice. It doesn't make the audience think you're smart, it makes the audience think you are smug and arrogant. While your words may be insightful, eloquent, and full of wisdom, they will be wasted on an audience who can't connect with the speaker.
    ^^^ how to come off intelligent, but not condescending.