Feeling *this* close to tears...



  • Screw those A-holes and the glass house they live in.

    My conversation went something like this: "Do you have any idea how it feels to be me? The stress I'm under on a daily basis having a child with autism would bring you all to a fetal position by the end of the day so unless you walk in my shoes my weight issues are none of your business. Is being overweight all you see when I come over? If that's the case then I won't be coming over in the future because I don't need people like you. Every time I look in the mirror I know how overweight I am, really I do, and I don't need someone as imperfect as yourselves judging me on how fat I've become."

    With a stunned look on all their faces they didn't know what to say and it was tense with all of them for a long time. My stance made them all realize I was someone they couldn't push around because I don't stand for being bullied and I'll defend myself or anybody who deals with insensitive people like that.

    Well done to you! you are a very strong woman :smile:
  • Guatamellon
    Guatamellon Posts: 102 Member
    Why cant they have like buttons on some of these comments.... LOL I totally agree with this one too.


    This may sound blunt, but F*** those Bit**es. If they can't love and appreciate you for who you are, then they don't deserve the privilege of having you in your life.

    You are beautiful just the way to you are, and don't EVER let anyone else tell you differently. The fact that you're hear is a tremendous step and it means that you are serious about taking healthier steps in your life. We are all here to support you every step along the way!
  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    I have always felt that family will say and do all sorts of things which they would never accept from friends or strangers. Just because people are family they think they have the right and OBLIGATION to judge.
    That's why I walked away and why family if just a word to me.

    Please feel free to message me if you would like to talk.

    Remember, you are better than all of them combined.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Do your best to just let it go. When I still lived with my family, my mom would always tell me how chubby or big I was getting. It's very hurtful, but you have to ignore it. You can't let what other people think or say influence how you feel and behave. Ultimately, you have to do what is best for you, and that's staying on track with your exercise and healthy eating. What your family did was incredibly rude and insensitive, and just plain mean. But there's nothing you can do about what they say or how they act. Keep your chin up and don't give up!
  • Wow, thank you all so much. Now I'm almost crying again, but for a good reason! You all, my MFP family, are what keep me coming back here, even when I stumble, fall, and then fall again. I feel like my face is covered in road rash at the moment, but you all made me feel a little warmer and fuzzier inside. Thank you.

    Oh, and to add an interesting twist - EVERYONE at that gathering is bigger than I am, except my mother. That's the part that really gets me - you're bigger than I am, so how is it you can judge me and make mean comments behind my back? I just don't understand people.
    Just as a side note, my sister wasn't even there. She and my mother haven't spoken in almost 4 years because of the same situation. But she's close with my cousin who was there and got the scoop after I left. She only told me to make sure the fleece wasn't pulled over my eyes. Uggg. Family drama. Bleh.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    Here's a smiley to use when it comes to family......yours, mine, most.....

  • Here's a smiley to use when it comes to family......yours, mine, most.....


    LMAO. Love it!
  • Here's a smiley to use when it comes to family......yours, mine, most.....


    LMAO!!! That's right! Yours, mine and most.....my mom told me when I was 15 and had just bought a new pair of jeans - I had moved up to a size 13 - that "Your sister is the pretty one. You're really smart, though. Just use your head and you'll be fine." That has always stuck with me. It kills me because I still believe it to this day. And she told my sister the same thing...."Honey, you're the pretty one. Carol is very smart, though." I'm no Elle McPherson, I know, but still. Damn. Ugh! Parents! It's a wonder we're not all in therapy and on medication.

  • LMAO!!! That's right! Yours, mine and most.....my mom told me when I was 15 and had just bought a new pair of jeans - I had moved up to a size 13 - that "Your sister is the pretty one. You're really smart, though. Just use your head and you'll be fine." That has always stuck with me. It kills me because I still believe it to this day. And she told my sister the same thing...."Honey, you're the pretty one. Carol is very smart, though." I'm no Elle McPherson, I know, but still. Damn. Ugh! Parents! It's a wonder we're not all in therapy and on medication.

    Wait, you're not in therapy and on medication..? :embarassed:

  • LMAO!!! That's right! Yours, mine and most.....my mom told me when I was 15 and had just bought a new pair of jeans - I had moved up to a size 13 - that "Your sister is the pretty one. You're really smart, though. Just use your head and you'll be fine." That has always stuck with me. It kills me because I still believe it to this day. And she told my sister the same thing...."Honey, you're the pretty one. Carol is very smart, though." I'm no Elle McPherson, I know, but still. Damn. Ugh! Parents! It's a wonder we're not all in therapy and on medication.

    Wait, you're not in therapy and on medication..? :embarassed:

    LOL! Only because I can't afford to be! :noway:
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    My pastor (who has a wicked sense of humor) once made the comment that if, as a parent, you have kept your children out of jail and given them something to discuss with their therapist, you have done your job. :laugh:

    That being said, I think you answered your own question: They are all bigger than you.

    Have you lost weight since you last saw them? Do they know about MFP? Did you not overindulge where they did?

    People often try to drag you down rather than climb out the hole with you. It's easier to stay within that you know.

    Drop the weight sweetie, take a REALLY sexy 4th of July pic and send them all "wish you were here" emails! :bigsmile:
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    You are right, as much as it hurts, you are doing this for you.. not for them. It's sad that parents don't do their job sometimes....support! You've take the right steps.. you are here. Forget them. There's a reason you haven't seen them in 3 years. You don't have to be born into a family. You can make one. You go girl. Show em what you got!
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    I can tell you that very day I come into contact with people who are just MISERABLE, and they take it out on others and are snippy and gripe behind peoples' backs. I am comforted by 2 things:

    1) no matter where they go, THEY can never escape their self-imposed misery (but you can!)
    2) their behavior says far more about them than about you!!!
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