What is your go-to breakfast?



  • marthalgutierrez92
    Egg whites.
    Morning star bacon strips.
    Cheddar cheese.
    Bell Peppers.
    Salt and Pepper.

  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Posts: 1,342 Member
    Pouched eggs on toast
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    It depends on when I am waking up and what classes I have.

    I have 8AM classes two days of the week, and I am out of the house by 6:30. Typically, I drink 16oz of coffee and have an Atkins/Level bar before I leave and pick up a cafe Americano once I get to campus (I sometimes treat myself to a muffin if my BG is dropping right before an 8AM exam).

    For the other three days, I have 10AM classes and leave the house at around 9. This typically means breakfast around 8AM, which is usually 16oz of coffee and a greek yogurt sweetened with splenda.

    I try to keep my lunchtime at around 11AM, and I do begin to get hungry about 15 minutes prior to my scheduled lunch.
  • Tallawah_
    Tallawah_ Posts: 2,474 Member
    100g muesli mixed with 125g low fat natural yoghurt...
  • beachykeen81
    beachykeen81 Posts: 29 Member
    I rotate between:

    1> Oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder, some frozen fruit, and slivered almonds
    2> Protein Shake with fruit, some spinach, and either Greek yogurt or a tsp of coconut oil
    3> Veggies and scrambled egg whites with cottage cheese
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    On days I work, it's 2 tablespoons of fresh salsa mixed into an scrambled egg (I microwave this for a minute or so). Put this on an English muffin with some sharp cheddar or a cheese slice if I am out of the cheddar and 2 pcs of deli shaved ham.

    On days when I am editing, I love to make omelets. 2 eggs, fresh salsa, spinach, black beans, shredded sharp cheddar. Sometimes I will add hashbrowns or sausage/bacon if there is leftovers in the fridge.

    Always full until lunch!
  • tpotter2013
    tpotter2013 Posts: 10 Member
    black beans, quinoa and raw almonds, heated with spices.
  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    Lately I've been having an apple and 1.5 oz kale chips. It seems like a weird breakfast, but it is portable and keeps me full.
  • unfinishedpuppet
    I like to eat Lance Toast cheese and peanut butter crackers (6) pk for breakfast with an 8 ounce Gatorade. It's not the healthiest option but it really works for me. :)
  • una2282
    una2282 Posts: 48 Member
    What do you eat for breakfast on a regular morning?
    Does it keep you feeling full until lunchtime?


    I do 4 egg whites, half of a med avocado, 3 table spoons of salsa and one table spoon of flaxseed.
    Now i have 5-6 meals a day ideally so i don't know if this would keep you satisfied until lunch. :)
  • TeaCuppSawers
    yogurt with a handful of blue berrys two thin slices of cheese and two slices of turkey or chicken
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    Cheerios with skim milk and a glass of OJ. I'm so very, very lazy and it's so easy!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I have the following 3 in rotation:
    -steel cut oats with some berries and almond milk
    -egg cups and a piece of fruit
    -greek yogurt with berries and hemp hearts

    and a lot of coffee

    I am generally satisfied until lunch
  • ViolaLeeBlueberry
    ViolaLeeBlueberry Posts: 182 Member
    Two egg white omelette stuffed with veggies and topped with yogurt or with a chutney on the side (no oil, homemade) ... something else on the side, like papad or half a pomegranate (or some other seasonal fruit, but right now we're on a pomegranate kick). Sometimes it might be a chicken omelette if I have leftover chicken from the night before :-)

    I manage to cook omelettes with just under a TBSP of olive oil, but I think that's cuz I generally make a 4-egg white omelette and my husband and I split it. If it's fewer eggs, it falls apart and becomes veggie scramble. And maybe it's just psychological, but IMO a nice-looking hefty omelette is more filling than a veggie scramble!

    I save the egg yolks and fry them for the dog. Lucky dog.

    Anyway it works. For us and the dog too.
  • MrsLady30
    MrsLady30 Posts: 6 Member
    steel cut oats with blue berries and ground flax and hemp seeds
  • 01divey
    01divey Posts: 50 Member
    Wholemeal pitta bread, filled with Turkey breast, lettuce, tomatoes and a dash of salad cream.
    lovely, and filling!