What is your go-to breakfast?



  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Boiled egg with healthy deli meat and cheese, sometimes sandwiched with guilt-free mayo or even mustard on either whole grain bread or one of the trendy new Orowheat Sandwich Thins, and either "blonde" coffee with sweetener or diet soda. Keeps me stuffed until lunch or dinner, but doesn't weigh me down.
  • glyndalin
    glyndalin Posts: 29 Member
    Quest Bar eaten SLOWLY with coffee or milk. If I eat it slowly, it will hold me for four to five hours. :) If I eat it fast, I'll be hungry at 10, and have an apple with string cheese or peanut butter to hold me over.
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    protein shake with squash, fruit and almond milk
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    1 baked sweet potato with butter and chobani greek yogurt - different flavors on different days
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I have 3 different breakfasts I go to (when I eat breakfast). They're low cal, and I'm generally fine until lunch or another small mid-morning snack.

    1. Scrambled egg and spinach taco with hot sauce.--Spinach and eggs are cooked in about a tbsp of butter. I use a soft flour tortilla.
    2. Half a cup of cottage cheese (lowfat) and a banana or two slices of bacon.
    3. Yogurt (I only like Activia, original yoplait, or dannon fruit on the bottom), and a piece of fruit, usually banana or a half a cucumber.
  • crzdirector
    crzdirector Posts: 49 Member
    I rotate between Carnation instant breakfast...a bowl of honey nut cheerios...one egg scrambled on half of a sourdough english muffin. They are all under 200 calories, give me some variety and give me a little kick to start my day.
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    One large Shredded Wheat Biscuit, 1/2 cup non fat milk, two teaspoons organic honey on top. Two tablespoons chopped pecans on top of that and about 1/4 cup raisins.

    That gets me going in the morning!!!!:drinker:
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    A nature valley granola bar around 8:30 AM. I'm a college student with no time for anything else. I'm usually starving by lunch, but thankfully I can usually have lunch around 1.
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    I down a muscle milk light (only) if I'm working out or if not, coffee, egg whites, 3 pieces of pre-cooked bacon and one slice of 2% cheese in the egg whites. Either of these keeps me full for about 3-4 hours.
  • 2 scrambled eggs, 1-2 pieces of whole grain toast, and a fruit of choice - usually 1/2 a grapefruit, but sometimes I'll do a banana or a small apple, or an orange.
  • FatAsianNerd
    FatAsianNerd Posts: 600 Member
    I just started this bulletproof coffee thing and so far it has been a pretty good replacement for the huge breakfast meals I usually eat.
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    Old Fashioned oatmeal with 1/2 cup low fat Silk milk. Yummy! Keeps me full all morning! And no sugar shake/crashes! I sprinkle a little Stevia on it.
  • HellaCarriefornia
    HellaCarriefornia Posts: 102 Member
    slice of ezekiel toast, PB w/ plain greek yogurt & some kind of berry. and coffee. lots of coffee. :happy:

    ETA: I eat when I get to work around 6:30 and I go to lunch around 1:00 so I usually have a small snack somewhere in between, but it keeps me full for the most part.
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    Cottage cheese with fruit

    1/2 cup uncooked oats stirred into a container of yogurt (the night before)

    2 hardboiled eggs with a piece of fruit

    2 poached eggs with a slice of toast

    Those last just fine for me, but I eat like a hobbit so second breakfast is just a couple hours later.
  • MyMalfunction7
    MyMalfunction7 Posts: 61 Member
    The only type of breakfast that keeps me truly satisfied until lunch is a protein smoothie. Greek yogurt, one scoop of flavored protein powder, one cup of almond milk, and then some frozen fruit or other variations, and I am completely full. Cereal makes me feel immediately starving, and with eggs I usually like a snack after an hour or two, but the smoothies fill me up!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars. Very yummy and EXTREMELY filling.

    I like to have some fruit with mine, but I've been eating these for breakfast for over a decade. Last until lunch? You bet.
  • Bacon and eggs. Every day. When I'm bulking I add cheese, avocado and other meats, usually something like summer sausage. But always bacon and eggs minimum.
  • beautifuldisasta
    beautifuldisasta Posts: 89 Member
    Before I started this journey I never ate breakfast, I just wasn't hungry at that time of the day. But lately I've been having meal replacement shakes, I have them in 10 different flavors so I haven't gotten bored of them, and its easy to drink in the morning for me. That and coffee, always coffee lol
  • nzchikky
    nzchikky Posts: 304 Member
    If I want something filling usually porridge with milk and honey, or bacon and eggs :)
  • 1 cup of egg beaters 125 callories, + what ever I mix in lole mushrooms, onions, bell peppers or spinach.