20% of body weight in 90 days! Who's with me?



  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    My weight loss is very slow. I have it set there on purpose. I work out a lot, walking and swimming. At 1200 calories I was just miserable and therefore unable to be successful.

    I increased my calories. Now I am comfortable and I am able to include all of the fitness without feeling exhausted all the time.

    I know how you feel about setting a goal the way you have, but I do agree with folks here it's not realistic.

    Very good luck to you.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    LOL, well as much as I would love to lose 31 pounds by December, seeing that it's taken me 5 freaking months just to lose 10, THAT is not going to happen, barring maybe me cutting off a leg or something.

    What's the rush anyway? I want it to STAY gone. I thought that was the point. This isn't a race.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I am determined to lose this baby weight! I want to lose 20% of my body weight in 90 days. That would be December 17th! What is the best present other than a healthy self?!

    If anyone wants to do it with me please send me a message. I would LOVE to have someone to chat with while I do it and we can be each others motivation! :)


    Losing 20% body weight =/= being healthy
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I'd have to lose 52lbs...that's not happening in 90 days. In the past 60 days I've lost 21lbs and it was fast at first and has tapered to a slow and steady now. Its great to set goals, but I think a little realism is necessary.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Erm...no. That would be a pound every 3 days. No thanks. It would not only be very unhealthy, but it also would make me go nuts. I much prefer the slow, steady and sane loss that I will be able to easily maintain and that doesn't make me cranky or crazy.

    1lb every 3 days is .. 2.3 lbs a week.

    That's healthy, slow, and sane.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I don't know what your body weight is but maybe setting your goal to 20% of what you need to lose is more realistic. According to your ticker that would be 18 lbs. You could easily do that in a healthy and sustainable manner and then truly be the inspiration you want to be for your little girl.

    It took me over a year to lose 80 lbs with both diet and exercise but I refuse to cut too much and keep my deficit to around 500 calories a day so my losses have been slow and steady. But I am confident I will keep the weight off once I reach my goal because I have developed good habits now.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Erm...no. That would be a pound every 3 days. No thanks. It would not only be very unhealthy, but it also would make me go nuts. I much prefer the slow, steady and sane loss that I will be able to easily maintain and that doesn't make me cranky or crazy.

    1lb every 3 days is .. 2.3 lbs a week.

    That's healthy, slow, and sane.


    Uh, no.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Erm...no. That would be a pound every 3 days. No thanks. It would not only be very unhealthy, but it also would make me go nuts. I much prefer the slow, steady and sane loss that I will be able to easily maintain and that doesn't make me cranky or crazy.

    1lb every 3 days is .. 2.3 lbs a week.

    That's healthy, slow, and sane.


    Uh, no.

    Well if you weigh like 300 it is.

    OP - how much do you weigh?
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Idk about 20% but I'll change my percentage sign to lbs and do it with ya since I've got 20 lbs to go till my goal weight ^_^
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    What is happening on the 17th of December that requires you to lose 20% of your body weight? I'm really confused by this post.

    2 days before my birthday :glasses: .....and one day before my last final:sick: So an early night of kitty cuddles?

    Not going to even entertain the idea of losing that much weight in this short amount of time. Did the math and that would get me to my goal weight....which I have "scheduled" to be at mid April for healthy weight loss. However I will try to lose 12 pounds with you =)
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    I started at 220 and have lost 28 pounds in the last 89 days.

    Admittedly, I don't get a lot of exercise in, but I would rather be able to sustain my plan than lose that fast.

    For me, even 15% would have been a bit aggressive, as I'm still 5 pounds shy of that. I can't imagine losing another 16 on top of what I already lost. :-/.

    I will be more than happy if I can sustain just shy of 13% for another 3 months - that would put me at 165 by Christmas. I haven't been within shouting distance of 165 in 5 years. My last lowest weight was 175, in 2009 or so.

    145 or so was well before that, in 2002 (give or take)

    And a bit of math demonstrates that *if* I can sustain this pace (which is somewhat aggressive) I will hit my goal (<135) in about 9 months, or about a year from when I started.
  • jonathandavid_t
    jonathandavid_t Posts: 107 Member
    Erm...no. That would be a pound every 3 days. No thanks. It would not only be very unhealthy, but it also would make me go nuts. I much prefer the slow, steady and sane loss that I will be able to easily maintain and that doesn't make me cranky or crazy.

    1lb every 3 days is .. 2.3 lbs a week.

    That's healthy, slow, and sane.

    Uh, no.

    I think there was a "</sarcasm>" tag implied. I hope.
  • baba4mom
    baba4mom Posts: 1 Member
    I'm with you. I think we can do it. Currently not working. As of today I weigh 191 lbs. My goal is 135 by the end of December. I plan to work out twice a day, stay within 1200 to1400 cal/day. We'll see. It doesn't hurt ro try.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm with you. I think we can do it. Currently not working. As of today I weigh 191 lbs. My goal is 135 by the end of December. I plan to work out twice a day, stay within 1200 to 1400 cal/day. We'll see. It doesn't hurt ro try.

    That sounds very extreme. You are trying to lose 56 pounds, in 15 weeks, which is 3.7 pounds per week. Not to mention that the lower your body weight gets the harder it is to actually lose pounds. Furthermore, 20%of 191 is about 38 pounds. You are trying to lose almost 30% of your current body weight in 15 weeks.

    You will not have the energy to work out 2x a day with any intensity if you eat only 1200-1400.

    I am 5"4 156 pounds and I am looking to be 125 by April. I currently eat 1400 on not lifting days and I am trying to eat about 1600 on lifting days.

    You are setting yourself up to fail or at the very least hurt yourself. Please rethink your goals.
  • ALynnW82
    ALynnW82 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm game. I lost 9% in 30 days with no effort. My goal would be 60 lbs in 90 days. Everybody who is up for it add me.
  • felinasbeads
    felinasbeads Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in. I hit rock bottom last weekend and since then I cut it all out. No more junk food. No more sugars, except natural. Limited my portions and I started run/walking every night for3-5 miles. I have lost 10 pounds since last weekend. I started at 238 and now I'm at 228. I didn't do anything unhealthy, I just stopped doing the unhealthy binging and working out. Will my progress slow down? For sure, but am I determined to lose a ton more and get my running legs back, heck yeah!
  • emiskins
    emiskins Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in. It is a little aggressive but I will do my best! I leave for vacation in Mexico December 17th - perfect timing!
  • emiskins
    emiskins Posts: 92 Member
    Oh my word, I"m such a ditz. I just did the math and thats 38 lbs. I don't think I could do that even if I lived with Jillian Michaels! I may be able to squeek out 20lbs. Sorry, I'm out!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Erm...no. That would be a pound every 3 days. No thanks. It would not only be very unhealthy, but it also would make me go nuts. I much prefer the slow, steady and sane loss that I will be able to easily maintain and that doesn't make me cranky or crazy.

    1lb every 3 days is .. 2.3 lbs a week.

    That's healthy, slow, and sane.


    Uh, no.

    It's not healthy, slow, or sane when I only have 23 lbs to lose, and eating at a deficit to lose 2.3 lbs per week would put me well below 1200 calories per day. In fact, a 500 calorie deficit puts me below 1200 before adding in exercise. Definitely not healthy, slow, or sane.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Oh my word, I"m such a ditz. I just did the math and thats 38 lbs. I don't think I could do that even if I lived with Jillian Michaels! I may be able to squeek out 20lbs. Sorry, I'm out!

    That simple math is why so many people told the OP it was a bad idea. I've noticed the OP hasn't posted since.