What are your expectations from your friends on mfp



  • thepandapost
    thepandapost Posts: 117 Member
    To treat me with the same respect that I show to them.

    That's about it really.

    Exactly :drinker:
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    I sometimes get friend request from guys and we exchange few private messages then they want to talk to me regularly to get to know me.Sometimes i just stop responding in the middle of the conversation because I am busy atvthat moment or I just ne bothered .

    Most of the time they suggest adding them on chat and when I don't follow through, they delete me.I find this happens allot with male friends but not females.Usually I am just fine with encouraging each other in wall post and statuses.So what's your exceptions from your mfp friends?

    There's a chat?

    Men (not all men) think this is a dating site. Some women are showing their bodies to reveal their success, not to get hit on but I'm sure there are some women that want to get hit on. To each their own.

    What I expect from my friends on MFP is nothing actually. It's nice to have open blogs for me to read and comment on and I hope that they read and comment on mine. I do like positive friends and try to choose only them. Being that I have not been on here too long, I only have six friends but I think I picked pretty good ones :-)

    I don't thnk there is a chat on this site but they make a suggestion to download Kiki on your phone or something
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Bacon and sexy time.
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    I expect presents.

    Presents???? People get presents???

    Man I need some new friends.....LOL
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    You're new here. You will catch on to who jokes and who does not.

    Perhaps you're new to mixed company and will soon learn that not everyone finds rapey, creepy comments funny but rapey and creepy.

    You're funny. You are new though April of this year. 708 post.

    Okay, so seniority rules?

    Would it help if I throw my endorsement behind that post you quoted?
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    OP, I don't have requirements, other than them not sending a blank request so I can't tell where we crossed paths. If I add someone and we don't mesh or I don't care for their friendship (often it's not them as a person), I just quietly delete and move on with life.
  • Cheekies_
    Cheekies_ Posts: 319 Member
    You would be amazed by the number of nudez the ladies send around on here. Propping up damaged egos gets just as tiring for the men.

    I've always wondered if men find ego-boosting tiresome! One less thing... :laugh:
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    no expectations at all...I like my friends on here and love interacting with them but I don't expect anything more than they are willing to give and I hope they feel the same way.

    ^^^^ That!! All joking aside, I am cherishing the friendships I've made on MFP - and actually count on them to keep me engaged!
    I just suggest finding those friends that are meeting what you expect out of the friendship, and not worry about the others! They'll find someone to fill that expectation they may have - possibly somewhere else :)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    You're new here. You will catch on to who jokes and who does not.

    Perhaps you're new to mixed company and will soon learn that not everyone finds rapey, creepy comments funny but rapey and creepy.

    You're funny. You are new though April of this year. 708 post.

    Okay, so seniority rules?

    Would it help if I throw my endorsement behind that post you quoted?

    I was just stating facts. She was stating assumptions.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Random nudes and beer reccommendations.
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    Well, I would like active friends :) ones who like to talk and well I don't ask much else :P I guess I'm easy lol
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    You're new here. You will catch on to who jokes and who does not.

    Perhaps you're new to mixed company and will soon learn that not everyone finds rapey, creepy comments funny but rapey and creepy.

    You're funny. You are new though April of this year. 708 post.

    Okay, so seniority rules?

    Would it help if I throw my endorsement behind that post you quoted?

    I was just stating facts. She was stating assumptions.

  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    I'd like my friends to log moderately and be here.. It's hard for me to stay "friends" with someone who hasn't been on the site for months.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Random nudes and beer reccommendations.

    I forgot about beer recommendations. I put a high value on those.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    to be rude, sarcastic, entertaining and willing to confess all forms of debauchery.....along with noodz and beer recommendations \m/
  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    I don't really have any 'expectations'. I have friends on here because I find it inspiring to read about other peoples successes, I like to steal ideas from their food diaries, be motivated by their progress, and its good to have people to sound off to becuase none of my 'real life' friends are particularly interested in hearing about my health & fitness goals! It also helps to have friends with similar goals as seeing other people doing what I aspire to do reinforces that it is possible to get where I want to be. Thats it really!! I've been pretty lucky so far, and aside from one dodgy FR and accompanying message, haven't had any problems with anyone being pervy! :-P
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Don't be a ****head. Don't wah all the time. Don't delete me when I drunk post.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member

    Don't be BSC.

    Have a sense of humor.

    Had to google BSC. I learned something new today. :laugh:

    Don't be a Bachelor of Science?
  • FitGal4ever42
    FitGal4ever42 Posts: 265 Member
    Interact with me.. by that I mean Noodz or dirty talk.

    Inspire me... by that I mean Noodz or dirty talk.

    Motivate me .. by that I mean Noodz or dirty talk.

    That about sums up my requirements. :tongue: :drinker: