"All About That Bass" Rant



  • mad_lifting_runner
    Blurred Lines was a hit song about date rape. There's another song out by a lovely gent who brags about putting molly in women's drinks and having his way with them without them remembering.

    But you ladies keep right on being outraged if someone called you fat/thin. The struggle is no doubt real.

  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    As a fat girl, I don't want to "hate on skinny chicks" (someone posted previously). I think everyone has their own right shape and size. The OP has worked hard to look like she does and she looks AMAZING. She's not skinny, she's BUFF (is that still a word the kids use these days?).

    Having said that, I've been ridiculed for being a fat girl on innumerable occasions. And there are many others for whom that is also true. It isn't until recently that anyone considered thin has been "ridiculed". The link above about "thin privilege" seems true to me. It's like white privilege. As a white woman, I cannot begin to understand what it's like to live in our society as a non-white person. Similarly, women who are thin cannot begin to understand the humiliation of living as a fat person.

    I don't want to be fat (that's why I'm here). My previous lifestyle WAS unhealthy and I want to change that, so I don't want to glorify obesity or an unhealthy way of living. But it's nice to have a song or two that I can relate to as a fat girl.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    WHY then, I ask you is it not only ok, but LAUDED for an artist to say the exact opposite? It’s ok to broadcast that curvy girls are prettier and more “chased” by boys, but absolutely verboten to say that skinny girls are more desirable? Lolwut?

    Said artist has obviously never browsed a Victoria's Secret or seen the cover of a Sports Illustrated magazine. You don't have to be that lean or thin to be pretty but let's not confuse facts with the lyrics of a song.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A blogger I follow wrote a similar assessment. She now gets death threats from Meaghan Trainor (Trainer? I have no idea.) fans on the regular. They're quite vicious.

    Beezies need to lighten the frak up... it's not that critical..

    This is the second one she wrote. Now, granted, I don't always agree with her and I don't always agree with the women who comment, but she makes good, intelligent points. This one was to clarify something and some of the comments are just disgusting. And then there's the guy who insists she's bullying Meaghan Trainor:

  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member

    what a steaming, illogical pile of ....

    too much sociology class, too little logic and reason

    Unfortunately feminism has not come back along with 90's fashion...

    hey now, 90's fashion is alive and well in Portland, Oregon! Portlandia was dead on.
    Blurred Lines was a hit song about date rape. There's another song out by a lovely gent who brags about putting molly in women's drinks and having his way with them without them remembering.

    Is this seriously true??

  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    Blurred Lines was a hit song about date rape. There's another song out by a lovely gent who brags about putting molly in women's drinks and having his way with them without them remembering.

    But you ladies keep right on being outraged if someone called you fat/thin. The struggle is no doubt real.

    x2. If we're really in the mood to write rants this long about a dumb song, I would think there are better songs to boycott than this little diddy you're so up in arms about, OP. Chill out.
  • Jennifer10723
    Jennifer10723 Posts: 374 Member
    Blurred Lines was a hit song about date rape. There's another song out by a lovely gent who brags about putting molly in women's drinks and having his way with them without them remembering.

    Is this seriously true??
  • kzooprincess
    kzooprincess Posts: 232 Member
    I heard somewhere that she wrote that song after being told by a record label exec to drop a few pounds. Guess she's laughing her "fat *kitten*" all the way to bank! :laugh:

    I don't think too much about the song. It's fun and we shake our booties to it in WERQ class.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Hate that song. Love this post.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    A blogger I follow wrote a similar assessment. She now gets death threats from Meaghan Trainor (Trainer? I have no idea.) fans on the regular. They're quite vicious.

    Beezies need to lighten the frak up... it's not that critical..

    This is the second one she wrote. Now, granted, I don't always agree with her and I don't always agree with the women who comment, but she makes good, intelligent points. This one was to clarify something and some of the comments are just disgusting. And then there's the guy who insists she's bullying Meaghan Trainor:


    No I was talking about the fans leaving death threats... that crap ain't funny...
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Blurred Lines was a hit song about date rape. There's another song out by a lovely gent who brags about putting molly in women's drinks and having his way with them without them remembering.

    But you ladies keep right on being outraged if someone called you fat/thin. The struggle is no doubt real.

    ...Did you miss the summer long outrage that accompanied Blurred Lines?
  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    the real issue I had with it was I thought she was black till I saw the vid..disappointed...

    lol this is my favorite comment. I don't care about the song that much, its catchy, i like singing it but the lyrics don't particularly offend or speak to me.
  • Organicgasm
    Organicgasm Posts: 592 Member
    Blurred Lines was a hit song about date rape. There's another song out by a lovely gent who brags about putting molly in women's drinks and having his way with them without them remembering.

    But you ladies keep right on being outraged if someone called you fat/thin. The struggle is no doubt real.

    ...Did you miss the summer long outrage that accompanied Blurred Lines?

    Everyone hates that song...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Blurred Lines was a hit song about date rape. There's another song out by a lovely gent who brags about putting molly in women's drinks and having his way with them without them remembering.

    But you ladies keep right on being outraged if someone called you fat/thin. The struggle is no doubt real.

    Yeah, not really caring for those songs either...
    And I'm pretty sure there was quite a lot of discussion about at least the first one when it was new. I don't know what the second one is. I don't tend to listen to a ton of modern pop music and even less this kind of music.

    Imagine Dragons is pretty awesome, though.
  • CountryBabe75
    CountryBabe75 Posts: 120 Member
    I absolutely hate the body shaming that goes on these days. Ugly is Ugly and Beautiful is Beautiful and more than likely have more to do with personality than looks. There are so many double standards out there from political affiliation to race to body size and it is all wrong! I understand where the artist is coming from. Yes OP worked her *kitten* off to get where she is, and admited that her pictures aren't "real" and that is where the problem comes in. The magazines and TV shows are portraying thin and perfect as real when it is in fact very fake. Young girls are led to believe this is what they have to look like to attract a man. Instead of them having proper guidance on how to eat properly and exercise, they think they have to starve themselves to lose weight, which leads to unhealthy habits and health problems. Instead of ranting and belittling those who are overweight, how about we try to set a good example and help those that want it.
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    I'm pretty sure it's more about loving yourself and not being upset over not being one of those "Photoshopped" women the tabloids display. She herself isn't really a "fat" girl. Definitely not a size "22".

    Good for you if your thin, but I've been stuck listening to songs about hot thin chicks my whole life.I live in the south and hear how all good southern women look sexy in their "cut-off jeans" and bikini's. So Maybe we can just enjoy something for a change?

    No one is about to tear down Sir-Mix-a lot and He Liked big butts.

    This Post annoyed me.

    Soo Yeah.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A blogger I follow wrote a similar assessment. She now gets death threats from Meaghan Trainor (Trainer? I have no idea.) fans on the regular. They're quite vicious.

    Beezies need to lighten the frak up... it's not that critical..

    This is the second one she wrote. Now, granted, I don't always agree with her and I don't always agree with the women who comment, but she makes good, intelligent points. This one was to clarify something and some of the comments are just disgusting. And then there's the guy who insists she's bullying Meaghan Trainor:


    No I was talking about the fans leaving death threats... that crap ain't funny...

    Oh I know! I just figured I'd link to it since I brought it up.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Blurred Lines was a hit song about date rape. There's another song out by a lovely gent who brags about putting molly in women's drinks and having his way with them without them remembering.

    But you ladies keep right on being outraged if someone called you fat/thin. The struggle is no doubt real.

    Yeah, not really caring for those songs either...
    And I'm pretty sure there was quite a lot of discussion about at least the first one when it was new. I don't know what the second one is. I don't tend to listen to a ton of modern pop music and even less this kind of music.

    Imagine Dragons is pretty awesome, though.

    Yeah, I remember the discussion on Blurred Lines... because I remember his mommy coming to his rescue on talk shows... not that I watched the talk shows... just the Inside Edition that highlighted the interviews.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    I made the mistake of listening to the radio last week and heard this song for the first time and it's been stuck in my head ever since. This is why I listen to death metal. No body shaming, they just talk about brutally killing people of all shapes and sizes.

    Plus I don't get her annoying voice stuck in my head. Make it stop, please. :(
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    I like the song.....I like the tune. It's music - if you don't want to listen - turn it off, don't buy the song. I like blurred lines and hell, I love the Toadies - regardless of the song lyrics. I am smart enough to make my own choices. Songs are not going to change my mind about my body image.

    "But what about the children" you say? Well, empower your kids to make their own choices as well. Let them know that body shaming - either way, is wrong. And for the sake of all that is holy - don't teach them to be offended by every 'frigging thing!!
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