Feeling Deflated



  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    Make sure you're eating 4-5 times a day. If your calories are any lower (or you're eating far to infrequently) you risk stunting your metabolism. Your body needs calories to work to burn off calories, and if you go to long without eating, you're basically telling your body food is hard to come by and it will act accordingly, causing your body to start hoarding calories when you do finally eat.

    I know you mean well, but this is just completely false. It doesn't matter how many times you eat or even when you eat.
    And your body doesn't need calories to burn off calories.That makes no sense. You body burns calories to sustain itself, not to burn calories.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    If you're doing all that exercise and not eating enough that might do it. Also, in spite of advice from what I like to call the "junk food brigade", it's not as simple as calories in calories out. If you're eating too many carbs or too much processed food, and not enough saturated fat and protein, you'll struggle. (It's okay guys, you can throw your chocolate donuts at me for daring to go there, I don't care).
  • beautifuldisasta
    beautifuldisasta Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks everyone for their replies and advice! I will take it all on board :) Hopefully next weeks weigh in will be better!