Am I allowed to be angry?



  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Of course you can be angry. I hate when I have my mind made up on something and it doesn't happen.

    Insult to injury that he eats such crap in front of you while saying he doesn't want what you want. A duh you don't want what he wants. Compromise....

    Sometimes men are just silly for sure.

    Be angry and go beat up the workout of your choice. I often get on the treadmill at that point and think that I'm walking away from the person that makes me angry. And that I'm strong without them bugging me and I leave them behind for awhile. :) Then after that head to the sushi place and pick up a big togo order and go home and eat!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    my cheat meal is sushi too, and my fiance refuses to eat it...he can order what ever he wants from where ever he wants, but he knows that I still get my sushi...we usually have take out and eat together at home, my raw fish and his disgusting hamburger...your boyfriend should have taken you for sushi, and ordered to go...
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    Id say its totaly ok for you to be upset, you did plan to eat together. My question is when he decided to eat the fast food did you remind him of your plan and if you did and he said I want this did you tell him how very excited you were to eat sushi with him. It totaly sound like he is not in tune with your journey and sometimes we forget to comunicate with our loved ones how important it is to us. My bf eats out almost every meal so when he asks me what I want I remind him that those foods do not agree with me. He is always forgetting unless I remind him. All at the same time though life is way to short to allow this to affect you for a long period of time. I would say go get the sushi!!! Enjoy it and be very very proud of yourself!! not everyone would have denied the yucky fast food!!!!
  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    couch! couch! couch!:bigsmile:


    like make him sleep on the couch tonight :laugh:

    Heck, make him sleep on someone elses couch!!!

    LOL. I like this idea!!
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    i might have been pretty pissed at first but i would've just went and picked my sushi up too. that was the original plan. but i do relate to you, why you don't feel supported by him. good for you for not giving in and eating fast food! that's impressive :)
  • Charlie001
    couch! couch! couch!:bigsmile:


    Only if its the mother in laws. Otherwise he may find a sympathetic ear.

    like make him sleep on the couch tonight :laugh:

    Heck, make him sleep on someone elses couch!!!

    LOL. I like this idea!!
  • Charlie001
    couch! couch! couch!:bigsmile:


    Only if its the mother in laws. Otherwise he may find a sympathetic ear.

    like make him sleep on the couch tonight :laugh:

    Heck, make him sleep on someone elses couch!!!

    LOL. I like this idea!!
  • Charlie001
    couch! couch! couch!:bigsmile:


    Only if its the mother in laws. Otherwise he may find a sympathetic ear.

    like make him sleep on the couch tonight :laugh:

    Heck, make him sleep on someone elses couch!!!

    LOL. I like this idea!!

    Only if its the mother in laws. Otherwise he may find a sympathetic ear.

    Sorry for going full retard on these quotes.
  • DancingDreamer
    my cheat meal is sushi too, and my fiance refuses to eat it...he can order what ever he wants from where ever he wants, but he knows that I still get my sushi...we usually have take out and eat together at home, my raw fish and his disgusting hamburger...your boyfriend should have taken you for sushi, and ordered to go...

    this is what we do ALL THE TIME at my house. my dad eats meat, no one else in the house does. my mom and i are both trying to lose weight. there's nothing wrong with eating from different places or even eating a different meal than the rest of the people in the house. sometimes people think there is something wrong with that. but if people dont agree on foods than its a perfectly acceptable solution. and if you get things to go than you're still eating together when you get home. pose this situation to him, if he doesnt think its a good one than there's something wrong with him XD lol
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    My bf eats whatever he wants whenever!! he has never had to worry about weight loss actually when we first got together he was drinking protein shakes with every meal to gain weight....I really didnt say anything the entire time we were in the car when he was getting his nasty white castle *barf*!! but yeah he definately knows i am mad. I didnt really talk to him at all today. He left to go to work about 20 minutes ago and he left saying "you need to stop being a B**** because we didnt eat where you wanted"---i guess i just need to get over it....he will never understand what it feels like to struggle and have to give up things you enjoy!!--not to mention i gained all this weight while i was pregnant with his baby!!! I gave up my youthful in pretty good shape for fat, loose skin, and stretch marks---I love my daughter more than life itself so it was totally worth it i just wish he was more supportive!!
  • Yarnpiggie
    My bf eats whatever he wants whenever!! he has never had to worry about weight loss actually when we first got together he was drinking protein shakes with every meal to gain weight....I really didnt say anything the entire time we were in the car when he was getting his nasty white castle *barf*!! but yeah he definately knows i am mad. I didnt really talk to him at all today. He left to go to work about 20 minutes ago and he left saying "you need to stop being a B**** because we didnt eat where you wanted"---i guess i just need to get over it....he will never understand what it feels like to struggle and have to give up things you enjoy!!--not to mention i gained all this weight while i was pregnant with his baby!!! I gave up my youthful in pretty good shape for fat, loose skin, and stretch marks---I love my daughter more than life itself so it was totally worth it i just wish he was more supportive!!

    okay i have been reading this thread thinking, both... be mad then get over it. That parting shot, though, would make me hang on to it a LOT longer and show him what being a REAL B***

    That being said... I would make a total me day of it, or even a g/f day of it. Sushi... movies... pedis... etc. And he call call that his Daddy/Daughter time. :-)
  • brice02
    brice02 Posts: 64 Member
    go have sushi with someone else!!! You deserve it!
  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    I think I would have been annoyed...but then just pick up the phone and call for sushi takeout and go pick it up. I had sushi carryout last night. I hear ya - it is one of my absolutely faves, too! Phone some in and pick it up!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    My bf eats whatever he wants whenever!! he has never had to worry about weight loss actually when we first got together he was drinking protein shakes with every meal to gain weight....I really didnt say anything the entire time we were in the car when he was getting his nasty white castle *barf*!! but yeah he definately knows i am mad. I didnt really talk to him at all today. He left to go to work about 20 minutes ago and he left saying "you need to stop being a B**** because we didnt eat where you wanted"---i guess i just need to get over it....he will never understand what it feels like to struggle and have to give up things you enjoy!!--not to mention i gained all this weight while i was pregnant with his baby!!! I gave up my youthful in pretty good shape for fat, loose skin, and stretch marks---I love my daughter more than life itself so it was totally worth it i just wish he was more supportive!!

    okay i have been reading this thread thinking, both... be mad then get over it. That parting shot, though, would make me hang on to it a LOT longer and show him what being a REAL B***

    That being said... I would make a total me day of it, or even a g/f day of it. Sushi... movies... pedis... etc. And he call call that his Daddy/Daughter time. :-)

    no doubt, you want to talk to me like that, I'll make your life a living hell until you disrespectful...not that my man isn't a douche too though, but in the end he feels like an idiot. Ask him if he forgets who you are...certainly not some sleeze he can talk to like he's paid for your services...go pick up sushi tonight for supper and let him starve!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    take a book and go by yourself and enjoy some me time :-)

    ^^ this

    If he doesn't want sushi then he doesn't have to have sushi YOU want it so go get it.