The little things that pi$$ me off :-P



  • larousse_37
    My pet peeves?

    When people look at my plate and ask "Is THAT all you're having?" DUH

    Oh boy that is my BIGGEST pet peeve... Have you stopped to consider that maybe I'm not actually undereating... maybe you're eating WAY too much!! Did you consider that?
  • larousse_37
    my friends try to guilt me into drinking with them ALL the time. I mean they are Germans but still....every weekend?

    I wish it were just every weekend!! I have friends who drink 3-4 times a WEEK. I've had to switch from beer to vodka and soda to cut calories.. although spirits is never a good idea for me...
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    my friends try to guilt me into drinking with them ALL the time. I mean they are Germans but still....every weekend? Also my mom thinks calorie counting is a sign of anorexia and since i have had binging/laxatives/diet pills/ borderline eating disorder problems before she sees this as another fad that is going to potentially take over my life. lol. im a grownup now mommy. My mom used to be the best heath role model ever but the past 7 years with my stepdad and she has Let herself go.

    your mom is a confused lady...just sayin.

    love ya!
  • alyssa83202
    I hate when people say "You can't make too many big changes at once, or else you won't be able to stick to it." While that IS true to some extent, if I don't start somewhere, I'll never start and I don't need other people telling me that it's okay to order fast food or have chips as long as it's in moderation, because that's my problem, I eat the foods but I over do it! I also feel like I get weird looks when I order less or eat less, but I need to loose some weight and get back in to shape to be healthy.

    It isn't a big deal, but it's not really what I want to hear when I'm trying to start making healthier choices!