C25K get easier?

Hello! I did my first day of C25K today and it was so hard for me! Out of the 8 runs (1 minute each) I struggled with the last 3. I didn't do one of them at all and the other two I only did 55 seconds and 40 seconds, respectively. My lower back was just killing me!

I managed to do 2.5 miles in 35 minutes but was so thankful at the end. My legs don't hurt or anything, but back is the issue. I have a very very large bust and unfortunately they do not make sports bras in my size. I'm wearing one of the most supportive bras that I have, but there is still a lot of bouncing.

Is the pain in my back probably from my breasts? Is it possible that I just run poorly? Is it just because I'm obese and runnin' aint easy?

Please tell me that running will get easier! I want to have fun doing it. I love being outside and love the idea of running, but I don't want to be miserable afterwards because I'm afraid that will really discourage me from continuing.

I appreciate anyone's support. :) Thanks!


  • casiobarnes
    casiobarnes Posts: 78 Member
    Running WILL get easier! And big ups to you for even trying! :drinker:

    I started C25K in November of last year, took two months off, did the program again, and now I'm working my way through 5-10K training. Ran 4 miles yesterday!!

    As for your back pain - I'd imagine having a hard chest makes it difficult, but that is not a problem of mine, haha, so I can't offer advice there (other than to head to a specialty shop to get a sports bra that fits. You'll get your investment back for sure, if you take up running)

    One thing I will recommend is to try and tuck your tail? When I'm fatigued, my form goes to hell - head back, mouth open, back arched. If I tuck my tailbone/straighten my pelvis, I'm able to get more out of my legs.

    Good luck!
  • Yes it does!!

    I was stuck on week one for such a long time; I was disgusted with myself, 23 years old and unable to run for 60 seconds? Pah!

    I kept at it though and I eventually made it to 3 minutes. Once I had mastered three minutes I went straight to 30 minutes and now do a 30 minute jog most days (sometimes 40). It really does work.

    Well done for making the first step, it's such a good programme I'm sure it will help you :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    definitely find a sports bra... you really dont want to be doing a lot of running without proper support!
  • To run without injury, keep your knees bent and take quick teeny tiny steps--almost like a shuffle. Do not worry about speed, just form. Repeat week 1 until you can do it--you'll get there. Start slow and work on speed later.
  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member
    Running WILL get easier! And big ups to you for even trying! :drinker:

    I started C25K in November of last year, took two months off, did the program again, and now I'm working my way through 5-10K training. Ran 4 miles yesterday!!

    As for your back pain - I'd imagine having a hard chest makes it difficult, but that is not a problem of mine, haha, so I can't offer advice there (other than to head to a specialty shop to get a sports bra that fits. You'll get your investment back for sure, if you take up running)

    One thing I will recommend is to try and tuck your tail? When I'm fatigued, my form goes to hell - head back, mouth open, back arched. If I tuck my tailbone/straighten my pelvis, I'm able to get more out of my legs.

    Good luck!

    Thanks! I will try to straighten my pelvis and see if that helps a bit. :)
  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member
    definitely find a sports bra... you really dont want to be doing a lot of running without proper support!

    I have! I wear a size 38 K bra and sports bras don't go that large in the cups. The biggest I can find (and I shop at specialty stores) is an H. I can go up in the band size to try to balance out the cup size but it becomes ill-fitting and doesn't provide much more support than wearing a supportive bra with a tight tank top over (for compression). Hopefully as I lose weight I will drop cup sizes and be able to wear a sports bra.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    definitely find a sports bra... you really dont want to be doing a lot of running without proper support!

    ^this, plus work on your internal bra: knee caps pointing forward, hip bones and shoulder blades connected and strong, belly button pulled back to your spine, breathe, and slow down. Unless you are racing you want to save a little bit for the next day.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    It does get easier yes! Keep repeating week 1 till you feel comfortable. (for me my body could keep running but my lungs would burn and I'd get a side stitch). I repeated week one for almost a month before it was easier. I had to build up my breathing and my stamina before I could see the progress I wanted.

    I was able to push through the second week faster than the first (about 2 weeks instead of 4)... and it just kept going from there.

    Its really cool when you get to the point you can jog for 10 minutes and you look down at the clock and realize your not dying yet!

    Hang in there! And Kudos for your hard work so far.
  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member
    To run without injury, keep your knees bent and take quick teeny tiny steps--almost like a shuffle. Do not worry about speed, just form. Repeat week 1 until you can do it--you'll get there. Start slow and work on speed later.

    Thanks! I'm not too worried about speed yet since this is just for me and not for a race. I was able to complete 4 of the runs comfortably. The 5th run was on a steep hill and I think it zapped me because I had to skip the 6th run all together. The seventh run I did 55 seconds but I just couldn't go further. On the 8th run I managed 40 seconds and I was wiped out! Hopefully by the end of this week I can complete all 8 runs. :)
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi I'm on week 6 running w/ ddd's - it def gets easier. Here's what helps me - focusing on good posture when I run. So I have my shoulders back and engage my core during the running intervals - it helps if you do a little core work a couple days a week when you're not running. Also when I focus on maintaining good posture it keeps me from running too fast which all runners always say is important for building endurance.
    And keep looking for a good sports bra - there are some good websites that sell more range of sizes than what you find in stores - just read reviews to see how true to size they are. Til then I hear a lot of women say wearing two bras help, I guess because each supports in a different way giving more support overall.
    Keep at it sistah! I was an achy wheezing mess in the beginning - now some days I feel like my feet have wings!
  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member
    It does get easier yes! Keep repeating week 1 till you feel comfortable. (for me my body could keep running but my lungs would burn and I'd get a side stitch). I repeated week one for almost a month before it was easier. I had to build up my breathing and my stamina before I could see the progress I wanted.

    I was able to push through the second week faster than the first (about 2 weeks instead of 4)... and it just kept going from there.

    Its really cool when you get to the point you can jog for 10 minutes and you look down at the clock and realize your not dying yet!

    Hang in there! And Kudos for your hard work so far.

    Awesome, thanks!!! This makes me feel so much better! I'd love to be able to jog for 10 minutes without feeling like my lungs are going to explode and my back is going to break! :)
  • mrsmitchell0510
    mrsmitchell0510 Posts: 83 Member
    The C25K program is fabulous! I am in week 5 right now and yes, it does get better! I'm not going to lie, it's still tough, but I actually look forward to the days I get to run and see how I progress.
    Don't worry about speed right off the bat, just work on getting the distance and running for the entire given period. I go quite slow and steady.
    I'm afraid I can't help with the back issue, as I don't have that problem, but I hope someone else is able to answer on that part of your question.
    Just keep it up and keep running!
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    Bumping for the great tips! Tried this program myself and just like OP - almost died lol. Really great to hear all of the tips and tricks and the empathy :)
    Bras - just did a quick google and found a company called Big Girls Bras at biggerbras.com
    Check it out! They have up to K. :) I was advised by some marathon runners I know how important it is to get a good bra. For us busty ladies the best really is the compression style, with the underwire inside to hold the girls in place, and the high cut of the compression bra to keep us from bouncing up and out. I got one special ordered and i will tell you, it is the first time I have done exercise without the bouncing pain. Worth the money for sure!

    Best of luck :)
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    I have a 36FF I always buy my sports bras one cup size down to minize the movement so try and see if you can get a bra size with one size smaller cup.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    You can buy a 38k sports bra here. http://www.amplebosom.com/ulla-dessous-kate-sports-bra-p1433-s150.php

    Now I have the opposite problem, barely need a sports bra...but my best girlfriend is in your club. She wears a sports bra and a regular bra. stabilizing the girls should help with the back.

    I did week one twice on c25k and I still get out of breathe. I'm trying to build my stamina with other, lower impact types of cardio and stregnth thrown in on the off days and it seems to be working. Try an elliptical or circuit training on your off days from c25k.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member

    Some more that carry K cup - not sure where you live in terms of shipping but hope something helps :)
  • kitsune1989
    kitsune1989 Posts: 93 Member
    Check out foreveryourslingerie.ca
    They carry all the way up to N :)
    I wear a 30GG, and yes it does get easier
  • dshearrer
    dshearrer Posts: 25 Member
    i just started the C25K program as well- great advice on tucking the tail bone i will try that one tomorrow- Day 3 :-)
  • mave34
    mave34 Posts: 109 Member
    To run without injury, keep your knees bent and take quick teeny tiny steps--almost like a shuffle. Do not worry about speed, just form. Repeat week 1 until you can do it--you'll get there. Start slow and work on speed later.

    Absolutely this ^^^^^ I am using this app, onto week 3 next week and I have a lower back injury. I take small baby steps low to the ground and I don't worry about how fast I am going, I was a head down runner the first week but at the end of the second week I was head up straight ahead. finding gear that gives you proper support is definitely important and will make you feel more comfortable then you can worry more about keeping your face forward and back straight and core strong. To avoid injuring yourself go slow and easy and repeat a day when needed. It's not about finishing the app it's about progressing at your pace as it works for you. Keep going and great job for getting out there and doing it, it's a big step!! Also, heating pad for the back afterwards is a nice treat to relax your muscles or a soak in the tub. Shoes and supportive bra are very important tools for jogging it will get easier!!
  • sk8trchk
    sk8trchk Posts: 44 Member
    I completed the C25K program and ran my 5K this month. The back issue can be due to the "girls" bouncing. My bestie mentioned in a previous post that I wear 2 bras. This is because I never found the correct support with just a sports bra, even in my cup size. That's why I have a regular t-shirt bra that I wear with a sports bra over it. It seems like overkill to some but I like the extra support. Plus it gives me a place to keep my car key and my phone :) Another reason my back hurt was because of poor posture. I find that as long as I look straight ahead my back feels good but if I look at the ground my back and neck kill me the next day.

    Good luck and stick with it. I know you can do it!