CHALLENGE: Starting 30 Day Shred on January 1st

MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
...with my sister-in-law, sister and mother. I'm looking to be held as accountable as possible for keeping with this program and seeing it all the way through level 3. Anyone care to join us in bringing in the New Year with the Shred?? Staying in touch by way of the MFP forums would be GREAT for helping keep one another on track. :)


  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I'm in what's the challenge?
  • Oh man I ordered my dvd and its not here yet.. boo
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I just got the dvd for Christmas...I think it's a sign, so I'm in
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    Oh man I ordered my dvd and its not here yet.. boo

    Join us when you get it!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I'm in what's the challenge?

    It's pretty basic, just committing to starting the Shred on January 1st, and seeing it all the way through level 3, no matter how long it takes us. One of my goals is to "complete" an entire workout DVD such as this; I've heard so much about the Shred; so I'm ready to try it out and commit to seeing it through. I figure we can keep in touch here on the MFP forums, I'll get a check-in thread going.. maybe we can check in once a week or whatever the general consensus is, to keep each other motivated and driven. Let me know if you have any ideas or questions! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Oh man I ordered my dvd and its not here yet.. boo

    No problem! Feel free to join in as soon as you get it. It's not so much a competition as it is a Shred support group, haha!! Good luck and hope you get the DVD soon!! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I just got the dvd for Christmas...I think it's a sign, so I'm in

    It is absolutely a sign!! I'm excited to start something new. :)
  • I got it for Christmas too! I have been doing 1 on exercise TV-I'm in ;) but I am only 1 pound from my goal I guess that's not right to be in!?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I did shred in the past. I got all the way to level 3. I didn't do it everyday because I didn't know if you should have rest days since there are weights involved. I wanted to start back up again. it seems hard as hell at first, but it gets easier. believe it or not, I think level 3 is the easiest. maybe because my body was used to the beating by then. I wanted to try to do it everyday, but maybe I wouldn't do the weights everyday. I was going to mix up the levels on a daily basis to keep from getting bored with one level since I completed all the levels. You generally stay on the levels for about 10-14 days depending on your fitness level. I'd love to be in the challenge to help me stay accountable for doing it daily again.
    Jillian's voice is annoying, usually I have a playlist on my computer playing and mute her. Even the option to have music only still drives me crazy after a while. the time goes by fast, esp. with my own music playing.

    can't wait to start Chandra!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I got it for Christmas too! I have been doing 1 on exercise TV-I'm in ;) but I am only 1 pound from my goal I guess that's not right to be in!?

    Nono, we'd love to have you join in!! It's so exciting that you're only one pound away -- well done! Keep in touch. :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I did shred in the past. I got all the way to level 3. I didn't do it everyday because I didn't know if you should have rest days since there are weights involved. I wanted to start back up again. it seems hard as hell at first, but it gets easier. believe it or not, I think level 3 is the easiest. maybe because my body was used to the beating by then. I wanted to try to do it everyday, but maybe I wouldn't do the weights everyday. I was going to mix up the levels on a daily basis to keep from getting bored with one level since I completed all the levels. You generally stay on the levels for about 10-14 days depending on your fitness level. I'd love to be in the challenge to help me stay accountable for doing it daily again.
    Jillian's voice is annoying, usually I have a playlist on my computer playing and mute her. Even the option to have music only still drives me crazy after a while. the time goes by fast, esp. with my own music playing.

    can't wait to start Chandra!

    Awesome, Leela!! Thank you for the review and advice! I'm planning on doing it every day, maybe my morning routine for the next 30+ days, with running 3 to 4 evenings a week. As always, I will pay attention and listen to my body to see whether I'm doing too much, too little or just the right amount... I've had to do similar with my left knee since I started running. I'm excited to start the Shred with you, Leela!! Best wishes! :)
  • Im really hoping it gets here soon a few days ago I go the email that it shipped...
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,394 Member
    I got it in the mail from NetFlix last week, but I saw it at WalMart tonight and for only $8.96, I figured I could afford to have my own copy I wouldn't have to return. I'm not completely certain how I want to use it yet. I mean I don't know if I'll use it every day or as a fill in on days I don't go to the gym.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I got it in the mail from NetFlix last week, but I saw it at WalMart tonight and for only $8.96, I figured I could afford to have my own copy I wouldn't have to return. I'm not completely certain how I want to use it yet. I mean I don't know if I'll use it every day or as a fill in on days I don't go to the gym.

    I've decided to start out attempting to do it every day, and I have a half marathon training app that I intend to start around the same time, which will most likely be 3 to 4 days a week. I'll see how it goes and modify from there if needed. There are no strict "rules" as far as this challenge goes -- it's more a support/accountability group, to keep us all motivated toward finishing the Shred, no matter how long it takes any of us. I will post a weekly update thread, starting on the 1st, so we can all stay in touch and keep each other motivated. I love how inexpensive this DVD is these days, and I'm very happy to hear of so many people still working out to it!! Best wishes! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Im really hoping it gets here soon a few days ago I go the email that it shipped...

    Here's hoping you have it toward the beginning of the week!! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member

    Just wondered whether anyone else is interested in joining us -- kicking this thing off tomorrow -- feel free to join in whenever you can if you're not able to start tomorrow. I will be posting a new MFP forum thread where we can check in, probably a new thread each week, to check in, review our progress, and encourage and motivate each other to just KEEP GOING, no matter how long it takes us! Let's ROCK the Shred!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So I have the following plan in mind. I'm only doing it this way because this is my second time around shredding.

    Sun- level 1
    mon- level 2
    tues- level 3
    wed- level 1
    thur- level 2
    fri- level 3
    sat. rest

    Sun- sat: repeat for all 4 weeks.

    I can't wait for daily/weekly check ins. I will still have my regular cardio classes that I will do at the gym. I plan to incorporate shred into my daily routine. I am thinking of doing it the same time everyday to make it a habit. Also, for those who wear heart rate monitors, maybe you would like to include how many calories you burned and your max. and avg. heart rates.

    well that's all for now. happy new years. I'll check back in tomorrow!
  • WriteNovels
    WriteNovels Posts: 56 Member
    I think that I'm down to start this! I'm getting it today and you guys will help to stay on track.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    So I have the following plan in mind. I'm only doing it this way because this is my second time around shredding.

    Sun- level 1
    mon- level 2
    tues- level 3
    wed- level 1
    thur- level 2
    fri- level 3
    sat. rest

    Sun- sat: repeat for all 4 weeks.

    I can't wait for daily/weekly check ins. I will still have my regular cardio classes that I will do at the gym. I plan to incorporate shred into my daily routine. I am thinking of doing it the same time everyday to make it a habit. Also, for those who wear heart rate monitors, maybe you would like to include how many calories you burned and your max. and avg. heart rates.

    well that's all for now. happy new years. I'll check back in tomorrow!

    Sounds like a great plan, Leela! I have other activities I plan on doing while we're also doing the Shred... run training, yoga, pilates, kickboxing... so many options, no room for excuses in 2011!! :-D
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I think that I'm down to start this! I'm getting it today and you guys will help to stay on track.

    Great!! Welcome aboard and best wishes!! I'll post an introduction/check-in thread to get us started tomorrow! :-D
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