everyone from the UK - newbies and oldies - MFP users


I notice a few people have left posts today who are from the UK which got me thinking..

I too am from the UK (up in Scotland) and thought wouldn't it be nice to have us all meet in one place so to speak! I see alot of people from the US and Canada on here, but UK people seem to pop up just now and then!

I have been on here since August and find this site to be a great tool - any other UK peeps, feel free to leave a comment and maybe we can make new friends and support eachother :flowerforyou:

Take care and keep up the good work!

Pen xx


  • littlelol
    im from the uk to xx
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Me Me from NI though

  • Rivah67
    Rivah67 Posts: 91 Member
    hello, I'm from Hampshire feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I'm living in the UK, but not from here originally. I'm American (sorry!) living in Berkshire, have been using MFP since August, and have lost 34 pounds using it, and about 93 pounds total. I like the idea of this thread.
  • sarahlouisah
    Hi i am from somerset please add me as a friend need all support possible
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member

    Nice to meet you all :-)
    hehe Ickybella - you are still welcome :laugh:

    What goals have you all got?
    Are you just beginning your journey (ooh that sounds a bit hippy for me, though I guess it is a journey haha) or further along?

    I'll start off;
    Two years ago I weighed 12st 12 and I started keeping a food diary just on paper, just changing very small things abot my diet
    When I started here (which is so much easier then paper I must say!) in August I weighed 11st 4 (160lbs) and with the help of this site am currently 10st 10 (150lbs).
    I am getting married in May which is what motivated me to get healthy and in shape. I feel the need to point out, I am not a crazy-must-become-stick-thin-bride, I intent to carry this on after my wedding and want to be healthy for when my husband to be and I want to start a family.
    Anyway, my goal is 10 stone (140lbs) thought, ideally Iwould like to be beween 9.5 - 10stone.
    Once my wedding dress gets here, I will have to try maintain for a little but I think though

    Sorry for rambeling and lovely to meet you all, I would love to hear your goals and hopes :love:
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I'm about halfway through mine, originally started at 196lb before doing anything, but on this i put it as 190 (i like round numbers) now down to 143, i want to get to 130 originally to see how that goes, if not, 120 or 110, i'm 5ft 3 so its all within healthy range.

    Its took years, signed up here to see where I was going wrong with my diet lol and cause its so easy to update (even in work) i dont have to remember at the end of the day how much i ate with a guess, i can keep an actual truthful amount, its funny how much i actually forgot i was eating!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Ok, here is my story, followed by goals:

    I weighed nearly 18 stone a couple of years ago, but I avoided looking at myself and weighing, so I had no idea how big I really was. I saw a picture of myself at my grandpa's birthday party and was shocked, depressed, and angry, in stages. I was really upset with my family for never mentioning to me that I had become obese. I realised, later, that this was misplaced and that I was really angry with myself for letting it get so bad. I had always been a little overweight (by a stone and a half most of the time) but never this dangerously large. Then, I met my husband (obviously not my husband at the time, lol) playing trivia games online and was already in the process of losing weight. We decided to meet and that motivated me even more. I was about 14 stone when we met last November, lost even more before I came over here to live with him, but then gained it back when I moved here and we were going out to eat way too much. In the few months before the wedding (we decided to get married pretty quickly because we both are or were insane. I'd say "are" is a safe bet, really) I lost a little more and was about 13 stone for the wedding. Since then, I've really been working on fitness. I've been doing c25k and have signed up for a 5k in my area at the end of January. As of today, I'm 11st 3lb. which just puts me at a healthy weight! My goal weight is 10st, maybe a little lower (I'm 5'6.5" and have a small frame.) Well, that's a long, nonsensical and mostly pointless ramble, but there you have it. My real goal, by the way, is to run the Windsor half marathon next September. I'm going to start training for that in February, and if my belly fat would go away, I'd be very happy.
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Wow delicate - you have really well - you must b proud of yourself :wink:
    I know what you mean, I like round numbers too (so being a rounded 150 ust now is nice lol), and like you, am about half way through.
    It is very easy to update isnt it, I do sneekly at work :-) only takes a sec!
    Its amazing isnt it once you start tracking, really makes me realise how much I used to eat :sick: but more importantly, I now actually stop to think, do I REALLY want this or that...

    We are all making such positive moves towards our health and weight, its great to see :smile:
    I cant speak for anyone else, but for me, losing some weight and paying more attention to my overall health is helping me control my (general / health) anxiety, and the exercise provies the perfect relief!
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    Hi I am Mandy from Hampshire, just joined this week but have been dieting for the last three years.

    I have a small frame and my weight started to creep up in my late 30's, took me until 2007 before I decided enough was enough. Lost the bulk of the weight quite quickly through diet and exercise then came to a grinding halt, mainly becuase I felt kind of ok with the way I was. 11 weeks ago I started another new diet plan after reading a book which made so much sense! Since then have lost another 7lbs with 5lbs to go, discovering along the way I am allergic to dairy! (only took 47 years to work it out!!).

    Now to the fitness, well I am not, my weight maybe well within the healthy BMI range but my fitness is non existent, so I made the decision that 2011 is the year that I get my house in shape, life in shape and ME in shape! Just found a great new pay as you go gym which seems perfect, so I am going to visit on Monday when I do my food shop and join!

    I am married with two kids, Laura (20) at uni and Jacob (15) doing his GCSE's and not forgetting my two crazy spinger spaniels!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!

    As of this mornings WI I am 9st 3lb (129lbs) which I am so pleased about because I lost 1lb over the week! I am 5'3" too!

    Mandy xx
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi ickybella

    Firstly, well done on reaching where you are! :-) To now be a healthy weight is fantastic! Im still trying to get there, though not too far off..
    It lovely to hear a goal that isnt weight loss per say, but to improve fitness levels :bigsmile:
    You sound like you must be pretty damn fit - good luck with your upcoming marathons you have planned - you'll do great I reackon!!!

  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Mandy :-)

    I find your story interesting as most people i have come accros on here hav a goal to lose weight, whereas you are focused on improving fitness :smile:
    I dont know about you, but I was really nervous about joining the gym as I though Id be the fattest and most unfit person that everyone woul stare at! HOWEVER I was totally wrong - people focus on themselves not others around - and I now love going!!
    I think you may well be surprised how you fitness will improve by even the smallest of changes :tongue:

    good luck and would love to hear how you get on at the gym

  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    Me *Waves* I'm from UK over in East Anglia :)

    started my journey around july this year (almost last year lol) just wanted to get my body and fitness back in order after about 3 years of being vastly overweight wanted to be able to take my two boys to the park and play around without gettnig out of breath lol!

    got another 20 or so lbs to go until i'm at target weight, and am massively fitter than i was in the summer :)

    cant speak much now, hope you all have a wonderful new years eve though x
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hey there, I'm from Sussex and have been on MFP since April 2009. I've never been hugely overweight but let myself go when I got married - with lots of nice food and wine and found myself putting on the pounds. Up until April of last year, I was always convinced that as long as I exercised I would lose weight regardless of what I ate - guess what, that didn't work!! Easter last year was my lightbulb moment when I suddenly understood what I was doing wrong - with the help of this site and some helpful explanatory posts.

    I started on 140lb (5ft tall - in heels:laugh: ) and I'm now down to 123lbs with a goal weight of 110lbs. Having done really well, I stalled over Christmas but with a new year now in place, I'm ready to knuckle down and lose those last few pounds. My inspiration is to get to my goal weight and get fit - I want to be fit and healthy for my husband and the family that we will have at some point.

    Anyway, sorry for going on in a boring fashion! Would be great to provide and benefit from the support of this thread.
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Hi all, another Brit checking in from Hertfordshire :bigsmile:

    Happy new year all :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • thepurplestar
    thepurplestar Posts: 28 Member
    Hello from London :)

    I am back on the waggon as I am currently ttc a second baby!
  • Pink_Hornet
    Hi im from london and ive just joined.I originally weighed nearly 14 stone but decided a few years ago to change my lifestyle and lost over 4 stone by healthy eating. I managed to maintain a healthy weight for 6 years and after 2 kids. But last year i started gaining weight and have put on 2 stone due to alot of stress .I started working out 3-4 days a week for over 5 months but wasnt losing anything beause my eating and drinking habits.So i found this site and using the food diary is helping.So this year im aiming to lose at least 20 llbs by my birthday in may.Wish me luck & hopefully i will be posting some before & after shots in a few months:wink:
  • Daisy_Chick
    Daisy_Chick Posts: 14 Member
    Hiya from Scotland too! I've only recently found this site, but decided to start using it properly from today - new year, new me and all that. I feel like I've been trying to lose weight for most of my adult life but never got there - but now I've had enough. I'll be 40 in a few days and I just feel like I need to do this - NOW!

    So this WILL be the year I finally get slimmer, fitter and healthier but I'll need plenty of motivation and support along the way and I think this site - and all of you - will be a great help.

    Happy New Year!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Hi im from london and ive just joined.I originally weighed nearly 14 stone but decided a few years ago to change my lifestyle and lost over 4 stone by healthy eating. I managed to maintain a healthy weight for 6 years and after 2 kids. But last year i started gaining weight and have put on 2 stone due to alot of stress .I started working out 3-4 days a week for over 5 months but wasnt losing anything beause my eating and drinking habits.So i found this site and using the food diary is helping.So this year im aiming to lose at least 20 llbs by my birthday in may.Wish me luck & hopefully i will be posting some before & after shots in a few months:wink:

    My goal is to lose somewhere around 20 pounds before my birthday, which is also in May! When I started trying to lose weight again, after moving to the UK, I started at 14 stone as well.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hey all,

    My name is Simone and I live up north in Sheffield! Within walking distance of Meadowhall so I can't complain :happy:

    I joined here last July and have lost weight and then put some back on. I have such a bad sweet tooth and I am a great comfort eater. Also I don't think my meds are helping with trying to lose weight.

    So today I reset my weight and ticker and I actually weigh more than when I first started on here! Oh happy days...

    My goal is to lose 21lbs.

    Simone x