everyone from the UK - newbies and oldies - MFP users



  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi there from Hampshire also. Really want to lose my last half stone and then maintain. Love exercise but love food more :ohwell:
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi ley1,

    Nice to meet you and great dedication havingbeen on here for almost a year! :-)
    I imgine you are a lot fiter and healthier than previously, and I bet you feel great for it!!

    Hope you have a great new yeat, and reach your goal - which you are not far away from

  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi janetay01

    Nice to meet you - another person (as well as ley01) who has been on here for a long time :-)

    Like you said - I was always convinced that as long as I exercised I would lose weight regardless of what I ate - its funny how simply using something like this site really does make all the difference!!
    I have no doubt you will lose those last few pounds and get fit - youve been very dedicated so far...
    I am pleased I started this thread, there are so many nice UK people that I now know are on here!!

    I am getting married soon, so may well have to try extra hard to not gain weight - I know I did when I met my husband to be, I guess we all get comfortable eh!!

  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi crumb2 :)

    welcome to this site - I have only been on here since August, and it's fantastic!!
    You may have just joined but it sounds like to me you have already done a great job!! Maintain a healthy weight for 6 years and after 2 kids is a great achievement.

    Stress is a horrible thing isnt it (I suffer with anxiety, which I guess in a ay is similar) and I hope you are finding exercise helps to some extent. I know it has for me, but we are all individuals and all different :laugh:

    Good luck with your goal, I know you can succeed!
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi crumb2 :)

    welcome to this site - I have only been on here since August, and it's fantastic!!
    You may have just joined but it sounds like to me you have already done a great job!! Maintain a healthy weight for 6 years and after 2 kids is a great achievement.

    Stress is a horrible thing isnt it (I suffer with anxiety, which I guess in a ay is similar) and I hope you are finding exercise helps to some extent. I know it has for me, but we are all individuals and all different :laugh:

    Good luck with your goal, I know you can succeed!
  • thnksfrthmmrs
    thnksfrthmmrs Posts: 152 Member
    Hi all =]

    Im from the uk. West London (Heathrow) here.

    I've just started today, jumping back on the weight loss band wagon. Lost 3 stone last year. Fallen for a few months and im kickstarting myself to continue!
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hello Daisy_Chick

    Nice to meet you - where bouts in Scotland are you - north / south / central? You dont have to be too exact if you dont want hehe)
    I kinda founf this site by accident - someone told me abotu sparkpeople, but I didnt like that - this is much better!

    I may have been on here a few months, but I also feel like you -new year, new me and all that. I like the sound of your dedication - you WILL get slimmer, fitter and healthier with the help of this site!!! :smile:

    You will find so much help, motivation and support - and you will reach where you want to be,

  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hey Simone :-)

    Since you have been here since last July and have lost weight you know you have the dedication to succeed! :flowerforyou:
    Like you, I have bit of a sweet tooth, as they say thought this is a lifestyle change - for me, it would be unrealistic to cut out all "bad foods", I just try eat less / measure an actual portion!

    Good luck I reaching your goal, you can do it!

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Hello peeps, I am from the uk also, sunny sheffield.

    Its great to be able to talk in stones sometimes :D

    I have been dieting (or lifestyle changing) since may last year. I had a baby and decided it was time to do something about my weight.

    I was over weight from baby number 1 eight years ago, I went into my last pregnancy well into the 12stones. I came out at almost 14 stones :O

    I have since lost 36lb or 2st 8lb and now weigh in at 11st 2lb (can not wait to be in the 10's)

    Heres to a less heavy 20011 :D
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Hello! Can I join you all too?

    I'm from London and joined MFP in August hoping to lose a stone and get to 8st10 in 2 months. Well it's been WAY slower than that but I'm happy about that because I've learnt all about the importance of body fat % and strength training and losing those last few pounds slowly etc etc.

    Everything was going well until a couple of days before Chrismas and boxing day I saw I'd gone up 7lbs! A couple of those have come off but I'm still finding it hard getting back on the wagon and I'm still seeing horrible numbers after having slaved for every pound! So my goal for this month is to get back into a good routine and not weigh myself until my birthday (January 14th)... then I'll log that weight. But until I've had a couple of weeks to try and do some damage control I'm not sure I'm ready to face up to the gains :tongue:

    And to bjshooter - totally agree about talking about stones!
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hey bjshooter

    I agree - it is great to be able to talk in stones sometimes - I'm finally getting better at working in lbs only haha.

    Well done on your diet / lifestyle change so far - sounds like you're doing a great job! this site is a great resource and is sure to help you get to where you want to be! :flowerforyou:

    2st 8lb is a great loss - keep up the good work!

  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hey bjshooter

    I agree - it is great to be able to talk in stones sometimes - I'm finally getting better at working in lbs only haha.

    Well done on your diet / lifestyle change so far - sounds like you're doing a great job! this site is a great resource and is sure to help you get to where you want to be! :flowerforyou:

    2st 8lb is a great loss - keep up the good work!

  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hey bjshooter

    I agree - it is great to be able to talk in stones sometimes - I'm finally getting better at working in lbs only haha.

    Well done on your diet / lifestyle change so far - sounds like you're doing a great job! this site is a great resource and is sure to help you get to where you want to be! :flowerforyou:

    2st 8lb is a great loss - keep up the good work!

  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    soz about the tripple post there!
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi xmaxine89 :-)

    Of course you can join - welcome!
    Great dedication so far and good one for learning more about about the importance of body fat and strength training - that is one area I dont know so much.. They say the last 10lb or so is the hardest / slowest - better to be slow and steady with the loss though isnt it :bigsmile:

    I think many people on here, me included, feel we have slipped up over Christmas, but this is a lifestyle change so I think it woud be unrealist to say these things will never happen...
    All we can do it get back on track and back into routine - like you said.

    I totally agree with you about the getting back into routine before weighing again!!! I only officially weigh myself once a month anyway, but this month, deffo gettingback to norm first! well done on your successes so far,

  • Sheepdoglady
    I live in the Norfolk Fens. I've been on MFP for (I think) three months, not to lose weight but to monitor what I eat, although I have actually lost some! I lead a very active life with my animals and love chatting on the forums!
  • Daisy_Chick
    Daisy_Chick Posts: 14 Member
    Hello again! This is a great thread, and liking the "stones" too, I just cant get my head round pounds!

    Today has been my first proper day back on the healthy eating plan and I've done ok, stayed within my calorie allowance but no real exercise. I'm planning on getting to the gym this week sometime, but definitely before I go back to work on Wednesday.

    Oh, I'm in Lanarkshire by the way, jewel of the north ha ha ha ha!! :laugh:
  • dellaznailz
    Hi there

    I live in beautiful Cornwall and would love to join this thread and talk in stones! I have just about managed kilos but can't cope with pounds yet lol.
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    hi, another one from england,(North East) been on this site since april,

    Getting back on track for the newyear.

    Good luck everyone

  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member

    You are very right about getting comfortable - I have done just that. And whilst it's great and I wouldn't change it for the world, I need to find a balance. I am very lucky that I am fit and healthy and can exercise and look after myself - and I owe it to myself and my husband to make sure that I do!

    In terms of exercise, what do you (and anyone else on here!) do about strengthing stomach muscles. With the weight loss going well, I would like to tone up a bit - not to massive muscle tone but just a bit of outline. With my lifestyle (which involves a standard 12 hour day including travel to and from work) I find it difficult to find time to join a gym - and I get bored with it quickly anyway! What can I do at home to aid this?

    Any advice or exercise ideas gratefully received!