I get so bored running..



  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I usually pretend I'm being chased by zombies or somethin Lol. Or I pretend I'm chasing something. Or sometimes I really am chasing something... XD
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Trail running - the scenery keeps changing, you have to watch every step to avoid rocks and roots, it's up and down, etc. Very engaging.

    I also listen to podcasts - Radiolab, This American Life, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, Fresh Air, the Moth. It's basically an entertaining person telling you interesting stories while you run.
  • HJO1403
    HJO1403 Posts: 188 Member
    When I go on a treamill I started just mixing it up with a few exercises between sprints and jogs

    1 minute jog
    30 second sprint
    10 leg curls & raises (machine is next to treadmill)
    30 seconds sprint

    2 minute jog
    1 minute sprint
    10 press ups & pull downs
    30 seconds sprint

    and just push the time up however long you fancy going or whatever exercises you fancy throwing in.

    I ended up doing it for about 45 minutes total.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I hear you...
    I get so bored cycling...

    So...I use a CANZ 808 speaker in my camel-back pack. I don't like using headphones since I ride trails and you have to hear audibles if someone is going to pass you...which I rarely hear. I was a little self conscious of the music blasting out of my pack at first, but I often am so isolated I know it can't be bothering anyone.

  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Switch up your route. If I am too familiar with how much farther I still have to run, I get bored and discouraged.

    This 100%. I started driving 15 minutes away to a lake with trails around it for my weekend long run because I couldn't stand running loops around my neighborhood over and over. I run laps around a .85 mile loop and it got too easy to be like "eh, I'm just going to skip that last lap today".