Exercise Bragging!



  • cflorkie
    cflorkie Posts: 92 Member
    Awesome guys!

    I just got a wii for christmas, may have to look at that biggest loser game :)

    Today I did my usual gym workout. What's unusual about that is that its the fourth time this week when before I was finding myself too sore to go even twice a week!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    My fiance advised me this evening that I am addicted to working out (big change over the last year)... There are worse things :tongue: I have worked out every day for a while now (lost count of the months I've kept this up), and each day I push harder. For the first time in months, my muscles in my back, obliques and inner thighs hurt - but it's the hurt so good-hurt :wink: I :love: :love: this feeling: it means I'm toning, firming, strengthening and getting better everyday day :happy: And I have higher endurance & stamina than my fiance & I can't wait to workout with my sisters in 2011 since they've always thought they could "push" me to limits and I can now keep up with them :happy:

    You said every day and each day you push harder. Are you working the same muscle groups two days in a row? What kinds of workouts are you doing because if you're working the same groups day after day you're giving your muscles no rest and while at rest is when get they are built. It's great that you're working yourself hard, but working yourself hard without rest isn't wise.

    I switch up my routines constantly between T'ai Chi, Yoga, Strength training, Abs/Core, cardio & dance. I know better than to work the same groups since half my family are PFT's, ex body builders, etc. I've been upping my weights slowly and since my fiance has worked out with me a couple times, I have to push harder so I'm really focusing on correct movements more than ever (can't let him show me up :wink: ). I think I had been slacking a little & just "going through to motions" for the last couple months, but I realized that & to achieve the results I want in 2011, I need to focus and up the ante :happy:
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    Today 1/2/11
    Jillian Micheals 6 wk abs (finished it this time)
    C25k wk 1... only did 10 min... my legs are shot!
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    TOOT TOOT TOOT!!!! did wk 2 day 1 C25K and p90X arms... burned 500 calories
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I just happened to mention on Facebook last night that I was contemplating 4:00 a.m. workouts a few mornings each week so I could have more time with my hubs in the evenings. One of my friends who volunteers with me at the dog shelter (who is also a type 2 diabetic and has several health issues because of her weight--however, she just lacks motivation) commented back that if I would call her at 4:00 a.m. when I started my workout, she would get on her bike until I said my workout was done. Sooo.....today's workouts:

    4:15 a.m.--Fire 30 class
    7-3:00--work (I'm an 8th grade teacher, so I'm on my feet helping kiddos all day)
    3:45-4:30--walked the 3 dogs with the hubs
    4:45-6:00--P90X Chest & Back + Ab Ripper X

    I'm ready for bed now thank you very much...and will be up at 4:00 a.m. again for my friend on Thursday.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I just happened to mention on Facebook last night that I was contemplating 4:00 a.m. workouts a few mornings each week so I could have more time with my hubs in the evenings. One of my friends who volunteers with me at the dog shelter (who is also a type 2 diabetic and has several health issues because of her weight--however, she just lacks motivation) commented back that if I would call her at 4:00 a.m. when I started my workout, she would get on her bike until I said my workout was done. Sooo.....today's workouts:

    4:15 a.m.--Fire 30 class
    7-3:00--work (I'm an 8th grade teacher, so I'm on my feet helping kiddos all day)
    3:45-4:30--walked the 3 dogs with the hubs
    4:45-6:00--P90X Chest & Back + Ab Ripper X

    I'm ready for bed now thank you very much...and will be up at 4:00 a.m. again for my friend on Thursday.

    That is a great friendship! I toot my horn for you!

    Today I did HIIT 20 and Stretch 10 from TurboFire. Not really toot worthy as it only burned 157cal...whats up with that? Tomorrow is my rest day and I plan on doing a run. I will toot then.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Today I got up early to begin training for a 5K. I brought my more active dog with me and we did walk/run intervals for 25 minutes. I also made it to the gym for Yoga during my lunch break. After work, I brought my less-active dog out for a walk and some training (he's in obedience school) for 30 minutes. It was a good day! :smile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Today was my 375th consecutive day of being physical fit!! Honk!! Honk!!!!!!
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    Everyone is doing an amazing job!!!

    My toot! I did wk 2 C25K day 3... And I am going to do it again later!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    My fiance advised me this evening that I am addicted to working out (big change over the last year)... There are worse things :tongue: I have worked out every day for a while now (lost count of the months I've kept this up), and each day I push harder. For the first time in months, my muscles in my back, obliques and inner thighs hurt - but it's the hurt so good-hurt :wink: I :love: :love: this feeling: it means I'm toning, firming, strengthening and getting better everyday day :happy: And I have higher endurance & stamina than my fiance & I can't wait to workout with my sisters in 2011 since they've always thought they could "push" me to limits and I can now keep up with them :happy:

    You said every day and each day you push harder. Are you working the same muscle groups two days in a row? What kinds of workouts are you doing because if you're working the same groups day after day you're giving your muscles no rest and while at rest is when get they are built. It's great that you're working yourself hard, but working yourself hard without rest isn't wise.
    Our bodies work very hard carrying us around doing all the many things they do for us and they more than deserve a day off for rest. Doesn't mean laying around but rest from an intense workout schedule is the least we can do for them. It's also a mental break as well. You shared 'there could be worse addictions'. Actually trading addictions isn't any better..it's simply a different addiction, if it takes our focus too much off of our families and everyday life and we don't focus on anything BUT that then that can be where the problem lays.

    I love working out and do it often and I have learned there's a thin line we can cross into obsession and enjoying pushing our bodies to work hard.:drinker:
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Body combat 60mins
    Body pump 60 mins
    Walking almost 2 hours

    I think the endorphine rush is great, but i'll brag a bit too !
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I think you all are doing awesome on your workouts!!party0002.gif