You can eat whatever you want :)



  • thin2win777
    thin2win777 Posts: 38 Member
    It's a preference to motivate those struggling with dieting. My statements are positive and others-focused and I wish for a healthy country.

    i re-read your OP and i see what you meant. if you want pizza, you are going to find a way to make it healthy for you. i see your point. there are alot of people who want "the real thing" and would rather not have anything at all than eat a substitute for their fav food. but i do see where you are coming from and i think you are going to help some people. :smile:

    that being said, what i am trying to do is to find a healthy way of life. i have been paleo for a while, just starting keto, but with paleo, the focus is a lifestyle change, not a "diet" so-to-speak. my goal isn't to recreate foods that i cannot have anymore, it's to completely change the way i live my life. so instead of finding a "paleo recipe" for pancakes, i just won't eat them anymore and eat something else instead. i am experimenting with a keto pizza tonight, but it really only has no crust, everything else is actual pizza toppings, etc. when researching gluten-free for my daughter (she cannot have gluten) i found someone who said, "eat gluten-free but don't eat gluten-free" meaning: eat a banana because it's gluten-free, but don't eat gluten-free cookies because you are not really changing your lifestyle. it's kind of hard to explain but basically, i am going for long-term, and i know long-term, i will never be happy with non-melty cheese and chinese food with no fried rice.


    You are great ;)
  • thin2win777
    thin2win777 Posts: 38 Member
    Yes, hence the "too" much. I see people starving themselves of salt or counting it as meticulously as they do calories, and it's not quite as permanent. You also need some salt. Don't forget the water and potassium and you'll be better with consumption.
    I don't use table salt at all. I get plenty of unintended sodium so there is no deficiency. I don't even like salt all that much. It desensitizes my taste buds to more subtle foods.

    For sure. I actually don't use it either, but no longer stress over its occurrence in foods.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I learned early on that this is not a good idea for me in a lot of cases. Like chocolate. I bought some of those pudding snack packs thinking it would be a low calorie way to fulfill my chocolate craving. 500 calories later I still went to the store and bought a Snickers.

    Life is too short for fake chocolate.

    If I want pizza I still have the real deal, I just buy it by the slice instead of getting an entire pie.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    I learned early on that this is not a good idea for me in a lot of cases. Like chocolate. I bought some of those pudding snack packs thinking it would be a low calorie way to fulfill my chocolate craving. 500 calories later I still went to the store and bought a Snickers.

    Life is too short for fake chocolate.

    OMG i LOL at this, esp the bought a snickers. that is so me!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    When did Snickers become "real chocolate"?

    It's a HFCS bomb with chocolate flavouring....
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It's a preference to motivate those struggling with dieting. My statements are positive and others-focused and I wish for a healthy country.

    "Why I want to get in shape - to show Americans that they eat too much sugar"

  • thin2win777
    thin2win777 Posts: 38 Member
    Yes. It's a campaign of mine and shouldn't detriment the validity of the posts!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Yes. It's a campaign of mine and shouldn't detriment the validity of the posts!

    So sugar is bad? Or can you eat whatever you want?

    Now you've confused me.
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    to me, that is not eating what i want. chinese food, i want the rice. if i want chocolate, i don't want unsweet cocoa. i think eating what you want means eating literally what you want but keeping it in your calorie goal.

    Surely that can work for non-volume seekers. I prefer larger...why eat 1 tbs. of mayo when you can slam a whole bag of broccoli? :)

    Because broccoli and mayo don't taste the same or serve the same purpose in my diet?
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    to me, that is not eating what i want. chinese food, i want the rice. if i want chocolate, i don't want unsweet cocoa. i think eating what you want means eating literally what you want but keeping it in your calorie goal.

    Surely that can work for non-volume seekers. I prefer larger...why eat 1 tbs. of mayo when you can slam a whole bag of broccoli? :)
    "slamming" down whole bag of broccoli?

  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    fat free cheese on a pizza? ewww, that can't be good.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I eat whatever I want as well. What I want changed.

    been maintaining for about 13 years now. I still eat pizza.... (which seems to be the benchmark for "eating whatever you want"). Most of the time it's on whole wheat. Sometimes it's on cauliflower. Both are good. And yes, both are pizza. It depends on the day. And I DON'T have one slice.

    Both have full fat cheese, fwiw.

    Congrats on finding what's working for you.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    When did Snickers become "real chocolate"?

    It's a HFCS bomb with chocolate flavouring....
    I TOTALLY agree here.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I prefer to have the real foods. If I want a less than stellar snack or meal, nutritionally, I will just make sure the rest of my day's food is healthy or do extra walking/exercise. That said, I do tend to struggle with all or nothing thinking. Once eating healthfully, I start feeling nervous about breaking that streak and will ignore desires for less healthy foods. It is always a very fine balancing act. Today I went to a show so I had some stone baked pizza and carrot cake. Dinner will be my usual salmon, potatoes and vegetables and an apple.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I eat whatever I want as well. What I want changed.

    been maintaining for about 13 years now. I still eat pizza.... (which seems to be the benchmark for "eating whatever you want"). Most of the time it's on whole wheat. Sometimes it's on cauliflower. Both are good. And yes, both are pizza. It depends on the day.

    Both have full fat cheese, fwiw.

    Congrats on finding what's working for you.

    Cauliflower crust? I am intrigued. Do I just google the recipe?
  • thin2win777
    thin2win777 Posts: 38 Member
    to me, that is not eating what i want. chinese food, i want the rice. if i want chocolate, i don't want unsweet cocoa. i think eating what you want means eating literally what you want but keeping it in your calorie goal.

    Surely that can work for non-volume seekers. I prefer larger...why eat 1 tbs. of mayo when you can slam a whole bag of broccoli? :)
    "slamming" down whole bag of broccoli?


    Putting calorie amounts + volume in perspective :)
  • thin2win777
    thin2win777 Posts: 38 Member
    Yes. It's a campaign of mine and shouldn't detriment the validity of the posts!

    So sugar is bad? Or can you eat whatever you want?

    Now you've confused me.

    The post is centered on modification.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I eat whatever I want as well. What I want changed.

    been maintaining for about 13 years now. I still eat pizza.... (which seems to be the benchmark for "eating whatever you want"). Most of the time it's on whole wheat. Sometimes it's on cauliflower. Both are good. And yes, both are pizza. It depends on the day.

    Both have full fat cheese, fwiw.

    Congrats on finding what's working for you.

    Cauliflower crust? I am intrigued. Do I just google the recipe?
    use the search feature here...cauliflower everything will come up.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OP, that's not really eating whatever you want. Not saying those recipes or alternatives don't taste good, but it's not the same.

    For those actually interested in IIFYM, here are a couple links to read. And no, it's not about "just" eating pop tarts, ice cream and pizza as I'm sure someone has or will just throw out thinking putting out an extreme example is going to prove it's wrong or something.

    Also including a favorite quote:
    "Once our nutrient needs are met, we don’t get extra credit for eating more nutritious food!' - Eric Helms
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    to me, that is not eating what i want. chinese food, i want the rice. if i want chocolate, i don't want unsweet cocoa. i think eating what you want means eating literally what you want but keeping it in your calorie goal.

    Surely that can work for non-volume seekers. I prefer larger...why eat 1 tbs. of mayo when you can slam a whole bag of broccoli? :)
    "slamming" down whole bag of broccoli?


    Putting calorie amounts + volume in perspective :)

    Without taking in account that perhaps the mayo is actually helping meet their calorie amounts when they've had too much volume or need to meet fat macros versus carbs?

    Yeah, because extreme examples like that are so argument winning.
