My problem..



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Aspartame that is 180-200 times sweeter that sugar but is a known neurotoxin and reputed to be carcinogenic & linked to Alzheimers disease.
    eg. Phosphoric Acid (present in sodas) that depletes the body of calcium
    eg. Potassium benzoate can form the known carcinogen benzene when combined with vitamin C and sodium


    OP, as has been suggested, don't focus on these things at first. The only thing you need to do for weight loss is reduce your calories. Don't even worry about joining a gym, try just taking a walk every day that you can. Baby steps. :)
  • Peloton73
    Peloton73 Posts: 148 Member
    Sugar can be a mental ball and chain. Try cutting a little bit at a time. For times when water is cutting it, I enjoy La Croix flavored sparkling water.

    And to echo the poster above me, you don't need to spend money on a gym. Get outside and walk. The fresh air does good for your mind and you can see new things everyday.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    I see that you posted this in weight loss help. I feel it's necessary to point out that sugar and salt don't have a *direct* impact on weight, so if weight loss is your primary goal, your main focus should be calories. That said, recent studies have been showing that excessive sugar consumption contributes to many health issues, including obesity, so it is a good idea to reduce your sugar intake.

    Hate to say this, but sugar does have a direct impact on weight.
    All forms of sugar, be it overall carbs or carbs that sugar, moment you have more sugar than your body can burn up it goes straight to fat.

    Excess sugar has also been known to push those who are prone to diabetes to develop it fully.

    Excess salt tends to be bad for your heart and can give you really bad headaches and high blood pressure.

    We all need some salt, and we all need some sugar, though unless your working out and can burn it up quickly, it best to stick to foods that have slow release carbs, not the high fast ones.

    22 years a diabetic, have to learn a few things about sugars and carbs if ya wanna keep control of it.