
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Robin - sounds great! My dad worked for Boeing as an engineer for his entire career.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Robin - sounds great! My dad worked for Boeing as an engineer for his entire career.
    DH celebrates 25 years with the Boeing this year. and my best friend just celebrated 30 years with them. I love working for them.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My dad started out when he graduated from the University of Nebraska working for Boeing in Washington. (My older sister was born there.) He then transferred to Wichita to be closer to family, as he and my mom were both from Nebraska which is why I landed in Kansas. My brother also worked for Boeing until he retired.
    I tried a new recipe tonight for ham and creamed vegetables. I had leftover ham from New Year's that needed used.
    It was really good. I used the vegetables that I had on hand (carrots, onions, celery, cabbage, spinach) and put in a lot more of them than called for, added garlic, and just chopped the leftover ham and mixed in. It was really quite good, and pretty healthy.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Great news Robin!! Sounds very interesting. A multi-taskers heaven! Good luck, Alice
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hey Robin--it finally happened, girl. Relief is not spelled Rolaids tonight its spelled Boeing isn't it?or hmm..I think that is right:tongue:
    Oh well, they say it's the thought that counts..I suppose "they" never considered if one wasn't thinking too well:laugh: :laugh:
    Anyway, I will try to not be so foolish and CONGRATULATE YOU!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I really do hope it works out well for you.

    Doobiedo--glad you're back and sorry you had the loss of your Dad.

    Barb--Moms are great...95years...You know I can see my Mom doing that too. She's in Florida..down Faye's way..the only state with no snow.
    Faye--vegetables growing...can you believe it...we have 24 degrees and more snow predicted for the weekend...I don't think I have what the lady in Michigan has with the husband looking in the window:laugh: :laugh:
    Karlene is having a lot of snow...whew...
    I know you may think I'm nuts..(you may be right) but I love :love: snow...ask me again in February:laugh:

    Renny...I've lurked a lot too but when you are snowed in you soon find yourself on here typing again.:wink:

    Can you believe Barbiecat had 50 degrees going on there??:noway:

    Birdie...I am justing coasting on this weight thing right now...my patience is strrrrrreeeeeettcccchinnng thin..as I "speak.":grumble:
    but I have to "hitch up my pants" and keep at it.

    Good luck to all of the rest of you and have a good night's sleep...I hope I do...I haven't slept well all week...who knows??:ohwell:
    Maybe tonight will be the night....:yawn:
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member

    YEA ROBIN!!!!!

    Congratulations on the new job! I am so happy for you! Boo and I are doing our happy dance for you.


  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi ladies.

    My broadband is down again so I can only post by iPhone - Grr! But I read every post and think of you all.


    Off to vent frustrations over rubbish Internet connection by marching on my treadmill now.

    Amanda x
  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    hi ladies just been catching up with the posts happy new year to every one all operations done with now trying to get back to fitness .
  • good morning, amanda we have been having the same problem hope it starts working soon. i have a laptop here that is just working so everday i am thankful .half the keys don't work and we have to keep pressing so when the interent isn't working either stressssfullll. this is one of my calming places think it may be time to do a layaway but i have to finish my wii first.what is evryone doing today for exercise today is toning for me. do yous tone every day or everyother day. i have been trying to walk everyday and tone everyother. may today be a good day for everyone debi(momof10)
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Robin - Woot Woot!! So glad to hear you are employed again and at your old company as a plus. :happy:

    Peggy - CAN you dye your hair grey? If so, I'm in. I actually asked awhile back at the salon I go to and she said no but maybe they just don't know how or don't want to do it.

    Just a fly by, I need to get my grand dog (he's our sons dog :wink: and also a grand/cool dog) to the vet for his annual check. Our son is on an extended business trip and Bull is developing abandonment issues. Poor doggie loves to visit but wants to go home. He frequently parks himself at night by the front door waiting for him and sometimes wakes up from a nap imagining he is here and insists that someone is at the door. :cry:

    Here's to a great day. I have my water bottle in hand. :drinker:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    good morning ladies

    I was so relaxed this morning. Its amazing how much stress just melted away yesterday. I feel light. today I go get the dress fitted for the wedding. I will let you all know how it goes. gotta treadmill and stuff first.

    thanks for all the congrats. Like I said, I feel great and it is so much fun to share great news with friends.

    much love to all,
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just recommitting for today, to stay within my calories.:happy: Yesterday I was successful but as we all know....all I have is today....so....for today I will stay focused on being disciplined.:wink:
    I changed my marker to reflect the 2 pound weight gain.:embarassed: It's part of being honest. But....hey....I can look forward to losing it again!!!:laugh:
    I work in an accounting office and being Tax season.....and very busy...people tend to bring in treats etc and one of our clients.....about now....will be sending us a box of some of the finest.....most decadent... chocolates.:noway: So when they come, I will consider them a box of worms....and this little Bird does not like worms!!!!:laugh:
    Have a great day!
    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • 400440
    400440 Posts: 5
    My grandchildren came in to see me today and asked if I wanted to go to lunch, when I told them I couldnt (grandmas mouth hurts) the three year old patted me on the head and said OK - Went to lunch anyway and had tomato soup and youghut.

    I lost another pound last night - but I'm worried that when I can go back on my diet in a realistic way and not liquids that it'll come back on because I don't think soup, smoothies, and youghut will help keep it off.
  • Hi everyone,

    Robin, a big congrats on the job. Woo hoo!

    Barb, congrats to your mom. Mine will be 85 in a couple of weeks and I think we'll have a shindig too. I'm grateful for every healthy year.

    Doobie, I'm sorry about your dad. You must miss him. A friend's mom died of Alzheimers. When her mom was alive, my friend couldn't conjure up her "old" mom. After she died, my friend's memories of her mom pre-Alzheimers started coming back. That was a blessing.

    I'm back after a week visiting with family. I do not do well with eating when I'm away. Probably gained 5 lbs. I don't like having that remnant of old behavior. It scares me. I'm glad to be back home and back to healthy eating.

    I've been looking around a little for a job. Not much fun! It would be nice though to have the money to finish up my "granny unit." Although it wouldn't pay well and it's not my background (tech writer), I'd like a more active job.

    Robin, maybe some of your good fortune will rub off on me!

    Hugs to you all. :heart:

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Mimi - good to see you back!

    Just a quick in and out today. I found another website with recipes. http://www.eatbetteramerica.com/

    My grandson is the attendant for Winter Royalty at the high school (where I work) basketball game tonight, so I have to go and be proud grandma. I took him to the practice yesterday while I was at work, and then he got to hang out at the high school with me for the next hour until I got off of work. (He is in kindergarten.) Made my day more fun!

    Better go get ready for the game. Have a great Friday, all!
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Hello to all,

    So happy to see the good news of jobs and healthy beginnings/recommitments. Congratulations all around!

    It has been a long day and my eyes are very heavy so I will send out good thoughts of a healthy day tomorrow for all floating through this wonderful thread.

    Good night,
  • Fell off the wagon a bit tonight...but the one thing that struck me is that while I ate a meal not on my food plan, i didn't clean my plate (like I used to do), didn't woof down the chips and salsa, and didn't keep eating after I was full. The one thing I did learn tonight is that I used to eat like this all the time...no wonder the pounds crept up....soooo....extra exercise for me tomorrow and back on my plan!

    So much good news about jobs here....yea for blessings!!

    Stay warm and safe, those of you in the cold, wet, snowy parts.......I won't bore you with the temp here in So. Cal today.....I happen to like winter so I am welcoming back the chill next week.
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Peggy, I'm in La Crescenta, north of Glendale and west of Pasadena. When I first came to CA, I live down in the So Bay area in Hermosa.

    Robin, congratulations. What a relief! 20 months is a long time to be off but it sound like you put it to good use by becoming a workout queen.

    Doobie, sorry about your dad. My father-in-law just passed in Sept, from a stroke but he had Alzheimers. We were glad he didn't have to suffer for years with it.

    Like some of you, one of my reasons for being on a wgt loss and calorie watch is preventative as much as appearance. I've got diabetes on one side of my family and heart disease on the other.

    400440 - there is an email joke that I've gotten several times about finishing what you start. It begins with all the reasons you should (finish what you start) and ends by saying..."so I finished that bottle of wine I started yesterday, finished the chocolate cake from last weekend, finished the vodka, etc... Your finishing goal sounds much healthier.

    Mrs A and Mary, that's what it's all about -- recognizing the oopsies and getting back on track. I went out for Mexican food tonight, overdid the guacamole and chips but then ordered a fish taco and NO Margarita --- I can't really drink anything with tequila anymore, anyway. But I lifted my weights and went on a hike today and still had enough calories left for some dark chocolate covered pomegranates.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

  • sseus
    sseus Posts: 14
    Hi as a newcomer to MFP I am really impressed with the friendly encouraging community. I have achieved early success with the MFP tools and whilst I am a 'private' person I am finding the community dialogue interesting and useful.
    Reading about other members successes and challenges keeps me motivated and focussed. Im nearly 55 and have found it harder and harder to stabilise my weight, let alone shed it. This is the most successful experience I've had with my weight in 10 years. I do weekly Yoga/Pilates class and daily circuit work at Contours Gym for women, now I feel like I have the tools to manage food intake and energy expenditure. :happy: I have not seen any Australian members, I'm sure ther are some here??
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Robin – I will cross my fingers as soon as I finish typing this post. Good luck in getting back to work in a job you are looking forward to.

    400440 and Sseus – Welcome. I look forward to getting to know you both.

    Welcome to any other newcomers I may have missed.

    Doobie – Sorry to hear about your dad. I bet it is hard on you and your family. We were told at a bereavement lecture last week that the lost of a parent can take 1-3 years to get over. Hang in there and feel free to chat about here if you need to.

    For those who are Costco members ours has a special going on garden lite Zucchini dishes. They have quiches and marinara bowls. Neither my son nor I could decide between the two, so we got 1 box of each. They are both low sodium and low calorie.

    I saw a recipe for vegetarian quesadillas that I want to try. dry fry drained corn (cook with no oil), chili peppers, diced onions, drained dice tomatoes until heated and cooked. Cut a tortilla in half and spoon the veggie mixture on one half, add some shredded cheese and top with the other half of tortilla and toast until the cheese is melted. I actually heat mine in the broiler and just flip them over in a few minutes. You could probably add some drained beans to the mix to make it more of a meal.

    Both kids are doing really well in their new schools. DS has 3 As and only 1 F. Usually, it is the other way around. DD still has her As and is slowly making some new friends. I am surprised but it is harder on her than on him. I thought that would be the other way around also.

    I had a really bad week calorie wise and went over every day. I don't have the time to eat before starting my car pool loop in the morning and have made some bad choices on what to eat for breakfast. Not posting whole day's foods isn't helping either. But with all change comes adjustments. I am sure I will figure it out and get back on track.

    Have a good day all,

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