
  • :flowerforyou: darlis many prayers debi
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everyone.:smile:

    Welcome to our new members!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Trying to catch up here.

    Darlis--Prayers for you and your husband. I hope things will be well for you both.:heart:

    Chicklet--I've noticed bones during floor exercises! Need to remember to use my mat--even on the carpet.:laugh:

    I get so much inspiration from all of you! Even when I don't post I come here to read. You are an amazing group of women!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    back and trying to catch up. Someone mentioned planning their meals ahead and putting in MFP, do you put it right in the log as if you had already ate it? Meal planning is my weakest link. Thanks for all the tips and motivation.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    back and trying to catch up. Someone mentioned planning their meals ahead and putting in MFP, do you put it right in the log as if you had already ate it? Meal planning is my weakest link. Thanks for all the tips and motivation.

    Yes, I just put it in like I have eaten it. Then after the day or meal is over, I go back and look to make sure that it is still accurate, and make changes if I didn't stick to my plan exactly. It helps me during busy times to already have a plan and know what the calories look like in advance.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    back and trying to catch up. Someone mentioned planning their meals ahead and putting in MFP, do you put it right in the log as if you had already ate it? Meal planning is my weakest link. Thanks for all the tips and motivation.
    when I was losing I was actually planning and inputting all of my meals Monday thru friday on sunday before the week. I would go back and tweak things after the meals but I loved not having to decide what to eat or make everyday and it really worked for me. I haven't done it for a while and I don't do as well without it. I think I will have to start again once I get back from the wedding. I think it will help with getting into the groove with the new job and all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Thank you all of you for your support, encouragement, and kind words about my colonoscopy :bigsmile: At age 64 this is the first one I've ever had because the thought of it made me almost paralyzed by terror.......hearing all of you tell me that you were having one was part of what helped me recover from the terror.....you are truly the sisters i have wanted all my life.....thanks to my time on MFP drinking tons of water every day, I sailed through the prep.......the nurse who helped me get ready turned out to be an old friend (she saw my name on the schedule and made sure that she was the one who took care of me) so I felt even safer when I got there......I was completely knocked out so the only discomfort was how cold it was in the room where I changed my clothes and then once I was lying down they brought out a blanket that had been heated :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: the report was excellent and I don't have to go back again for ten years :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: now I am sort of resting......DH took the dogs to the dog park and made lunch for me. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I see new faces and will try to do better tomorrow at responding more personally.

    :flowerforyou: I did crunches in bed this morning (had to get up at 4 AM to do the second round of drinking the prep drink) and have been walking around the house a bit but after the anesthesia I plan to stay in the house and away from the exercise bike.....tomorrow I'll be back to line dancing and walking with my friend.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, I have small knitted afghans folded over the backs of my big wooden chairs because the bones my back is thin now and it hurts to lean on the hard part of the chair......maybe a towel or a small blanket on your chair would make you more comfortable.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, glad your Izzy is doing well......the thing about puppy behaviour is that it is temporary :smile: hang in there

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I send you many warm thoughts about your upcoming surgery......I know you will take it one day at a time and enjoy every moment of freedom before you have to be a patient.

    gotta go drink some more water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Barbie, glad you are now a member of the 10 year club. :bigsmile:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Joylaut- I haven't done wii zumba yet, but I do love my zumba class. I go at least 2x per week-60 minutes of zumba, followed by 30 minutes of zumba toneing. this short class uses light weights and concentrates more on muscle groups of the arms and back.

    Chiclet- That is great that you can wait to weigh in until Feb 1. I don't have that much patience. Sounds like it is time to buy some nice chair cushions.

    Barbie glad to hear that all went well with the colonoscopy, and that it is now over.

    Today was a pretty busy day, which helps in the eating department. I worked at the airport from 5am-10am and then went to a zumba class from 10:30-11:30. Worked at Christopher & Banks 12-5.Fortunately, DH had dinner started when I got home. Of course, once I get on the computer, I start reading lots of things,spending way too much time . I guess I will have to save the rest of my browsing until tomorrow. I like to spend a bit of time reading before bed
  • I am sooo excited about this year. I have been consistent in doing what I know to do.
  • Barbie, woo hoo on getting through the colonoscopy. I avoided it for years. Actually made a couple of appointment then cancelled. Good results are so reassuring!

    The pup is doing well except for a little car sickness on our winding road. She puked on 4-year old Kate today, much to Kate's chagrin. She is sneezing a bit, which concerns me. I've read that kennel cough is common when dogs have been around a lot of other dogs. She stayed at the SPCA for 3 weeks. That was probably enough to pick up a bug.

    The weather's turned colder again. I'm not sure I should walk her tomorrow. I need to buy a coat and a raincoat for her. That will look cute as I walk along the street. (Not!) She is such a bitty thing and, although she's fluffy, her hair is not really thick.

    I babysat Kate today. Anything that takes me away from being on my own schedule makes eating correctly harder. I took Kate with me to return some things to a couple of stores then went to the library for Jazzbabies (an awesome singing program for little ones - wish that kind of thing had been available when mine were little).

    We snacked before going but didn't have a real lunch. By the time I got back to my daughter's house (around 3 pm), I ate the first thing I saw, which was cashews - and ate a bunch of them, topped off with some olives. Not the healthiest choice.

    When I got to my house, I roasted a whole slew of veggies to fill up on. Even so, I'm "hungrier" than I would have been if I'd eaten a regular lunch.

    I'm babysitting again tomorrow and will get up earlier so I can get a walk in - even if I do have to leave Izzy at home. I need to get a coat for her asap.

    My best to everyone. This truly is a wonderful, supportive bunch of women. I don't know what I'd do without you.
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    bsn - I can relate. That's why I don't even bother to mark 2-3 lbs on my ticker because simple indiscretions result in gaining it back. One of the reasons I continue to check in on this thread is to stay motivated and inspired.

    MrsA - hope you are feeling better.

    Robin - how does it feel to be back at work?

    Barbie - congrats on the clean colonoscopy. Now it wasn't all that bad, was it?

    Mimi - the cashews and olives are healthy. If only they were just a bit lower in calories. I LOVE nuts but I can't just eat one serving. I wish I could get my DH de-cluttering in order to move elsewhere.

    Good to hear from you again, Diva. Glad the year is going well.

    Frogma - I have a feeling that having the energy of the zumba class probably makes it more fun than me alone.

  • loulou1949
    loulou1949 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I am new to the message boards. I have lost 40 lbs, 8 of those pounds here with MFP. I am in a rut and need to lose 25 more lbs. My exercise routine right now is brisk walking for 45 mins and then the elliptical on the weight loss program that is about 29 mins 4 days a week. I do weight and strength training at my home. I am 61 years old and I too had a heart scare. That changed my life. I feel much better and I love my walking routine. My cholesterol, tryglycerides, HDL and LDL were all out of whack. Now that I am eating better my numbers are fantastic. I work 3 days a week and my worst time of day is after lunch to supper time. I eat all the wrong things lately. Does anyone else have that problem? Good luck to all of you. We can do this.:bigsmile:
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Good morning everyone! I had a pretty good Tuesday. Exercised with the Wii and a DVD since it was raining in the a..m.and I'm at my vacation home instead --no treadmill here. Before you think..vacation in January sounds fun, I'm not vacationing. I live in a rural area with no high speed internet, so when I have a lot of work to do and a short time to do it in, I come here and spend the better part of 24/7 doing medical record review. I am a nurse and audit medical records to make sure patients are getting the preventative health care they need. As much as I love what I do, it has contributed in part to the body I now live in. I am an ICU nurse by trade (hence the icubsn). That career had me on my feet twelve to thirteen hours at least a day. But this job, keeps me on my butt for the same amount of time or more and if I do no make myself stop and exercise, I do not move my body at all.

    Barbie,---- congrats on getting the colonoscopy over and done with. I know the worst part of that was getting the nerve up to go through it the first time.

    loulou--yes, afternoon is a hard time for me very often. I struggle with getting famished around three oclock. I posted something about that on the message board the other day and after some responses, I have changed things a bit and it has helped a lot. I make sure that I eat a snack around 1:30-1130. Then I have a smaller lunch, and another snack about 2:30-4:00. I do not let myself get overly hungry that way and it makes me have the ability to make a wise choice instead of eating anything that crosses my path. Also find I do best when I drink my water. By two or so, I try to have had at least 6 cups.

    joylaut--this board has helped me tremendously in just the last week. What a great group of people,.

    Hope you all have a great day. I'm off to get my exercise done and then my head into work.

  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    well done lou lou on the 40lb loss way to go .

    i cant still remember every body but i have caught up with every body now , and it does give me inspiration . im going through menopause due to having every thing out in nov. and i cant understand what is going on with my body .

    i feel all bloated and im exercising every day and i put 2 pound on last week . i am so trying to keep my chin up but its hard i don't think im eating enough fiber as i cant go to toilet .

    so today is a new day had my weetabix going to do my exercise and thank you all for giving me inspiration
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my dear friends.

    It's a cold day here in London. I had my early morning therapy appointment and I'm now home for the day. My plan is to get into my gym for a couple of hours later on.

    I've just had my lunch which consisted of a salad with a little couscous and roasted veggies topped with a spoonful of hummus and a couple of chunks of melon. Delicious and now I'm totally stuffed! Once upon a time it would have taken me a LOT more than that to feel even a little bit satisfied.

    Mid afternoon I may treat myself to a low fat hot chocolate - just because I can! I don't do it very often, but it's quite a cheery thing to do on a cold day.

    Sister Veggie Queen - we really need to see your pup! She's sounds absolutely darling.

    I have offered my wedding dress to my daughter to have it made into christening gowns for the twins. I'm not sure if she will use it or not and I don't really mind either way. One thing I do know, it's much too big for me now! Both my daughters are married, so wouldn't need it and my son's future wife doesn't want a traditional dress and may go for red (which would be stunning as she is from Sri Lanka and has the most gorgeous coloured skin). It's a shame to have it boxed up for ever. What did you all do with yours?

    Does anyone have a good healthy recipe using amaranth? I would like to try something new.

    Time to get moving.

    Have a great day everyone.


    Amanda x
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Hello to all,

    I think I am pulling myself out of the funk I have been in for the past 4-5 days. Ironically, yesterday was the worst day I have had with my specialist. He was very frank with me that I will be off work for a much longer time but continued to speak positively that we will continue to work on solutions for a cure so that I can return to work down the road. I was "down" all day yesterday but today is a new day, I am over the attack that was influencing me yesterday and I feel some optimism again that I will get better: I just have to be "patient".

    I will continue to take inspiration from all of you who are dealing with health issues but still pushing on, eating healthy, and exercising as possible.

    Darlis, I hope tests are going well with your husband. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Sending out hopes for a healthy day for all,
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member

    An extra flower for you:flowerforyou: for your recommendation of a towel or blanket for my chair. I really didn't want to go and get a cushion. 1.- Because I didn't want to spend the money and 2. Because these particular chairs were not meant to have cushions and wont look nice it I put them on. It's more of a modern type table. The towel idea is perfect!:drinker: Something so simple, yet all my mind could think of was cushions! I think my mind is going numb from taking care of my mother 24/7.:laugh: Thanks.

    Well tomorrow mom and I go out for our first outing in her power wheelchair by ourselves minus a caregiver. Access will pick us up at 8:30 am and take us for our hair appts at 10:00 am. Had to allow for rush hour traffic. Then we leave at 1:30 pm to go home. Should be back by 2:30 tops. She will be seatbelted in the whole time, but the hard part is if she has to use the restroom. Their toilet is low and I am hoping she will be able to stand from it. I am hoping that Access will allow me to bring her walker with us so she can get up. Calling them today t get clearance. Then of course their is the putting of the diaper on while she is standing. I hope she is strong enough to stand long enough to have this done. I must say I am an expert on diaper changes, but have never done this while she is standing up. Crossing my fingers on this. I will be doing a "test run" today to see how it goes.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies! Welcome, welcome to the newcomer!:flowerforyou: This website has changed my life!:bigsmile: Finally after 62 years of dieting...I have found....here at MFP....a sensable way to lose and maintain my weight! :blushing: It simply makes sense to track what you eat and then burn it off or gain weight!
    The 2 pounds I gained ...I have taken off as of today! :blushing:
    Track....drink water...one day at a time....burn more than you take in....and life becomes so much easier.:happy: I don't consider this a diet....as I would have been off it a long time ago!:ohwell: But giving me a tool to track....so I can be in control of my choices.....simply made the difference!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a great day everybody! :flowerforyou: I am at work, so can't individualize my comments:ohwell: .....but hugs....and encouragement to all!
    EMMOM Posts: 6
    Hello everyone! I weighed in today and have lost 20 lbs since I started my new lifestyle. I am so excited. Here's to my and everyone else's next 20. Hope everyone is having a good day.
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    that is awesome, what a great success. ,
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