

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Ladies,
    I am wide awake and should be getting in bed...but I'm not.:noway:
    So I am on here because for some reason this has become a bad eating time. My stomach feels empty and knawing. So, I am on here to keep from eating, since I can't sleep.

    Kackie -thanks so much for your encouragement. I hope your trip tomorrow takes you safely back home. :smile:

    doobie - I just read your profile ..you are one brave woman...losing weight is just the least of it, girl. I admire your courage.

    Vicki(m) good luck getting back to not eating sugar. That's a tough one for any of us. It can be an addictive thing.:flowerforyou: I think you have made the right move getting it out of your house.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda- miss all your posts. I, too, will be glad when your pc is fixed.:wink:

    Welcome Julie and Valerian...Good luck!:flowerforyou:
    Smwert-I'll tell you like Kackie told me...don't beat yourself up so.:noway: You are still coming back on here and that means you aren't giving up the battle. You and I both will just have to keep chip, chip, chipping away at this thing.:smile:

    Peggy -heat wave- our temps are going up to 40 during the day and dropping back in the high 20"s at night and it's predicted to snow during the night and rain during the day. We have heavy fog tonight. Weird!:tongue:

    Jeannie- I am still hoping things get better..for you and Chiclet.

    Terri-glad to see your post:flowerforyou sorry about your BIL I hope your trip goes well and you get safely back to your home.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie-everytime I am reading posts or seeing your posts ..I just ..stop and look at the baby. He is adorable.:love:

    Macmadame...glad you are overcoming your physical problems...that is a blessing! Always!:flowerforyou:

    Robin-hoping your job continues to work out well for you and your life becomes all good things you wish for:flowerforyou:

    Karlene-Hoping you have a heat wave:flowerforyou: and that your health improves:flowerforyou: Health is such a blessing when you have it. :smile:

    Debi-missed your posts...and good mornings..:flowerforyou:

    Frogmama--keep the critters cold...:laugh:

    Laura-I hope Jan-isn't getting you down. Sometimes, when we have a loss in our lives and the Holiday season passes and January comes, the blues can hit "pretty" hard...and it's not really "pretty." Don't know if that is what is happening but miss you. Just want you to know you are not alone out there.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Michelle-miss your chatting..hoping your trip is going well!!

    Mimi-always glad to to see you...
    and Peggy---:flowerforyou:

    Wizzy -do- I love your new picture...I may have told you that already:happy:

    No doubt I've missed someone...I usually do. :drinker: :drinker: Healthy eating and a restful sleep...

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Just read a post from my friend, LJCANNON. She is New York. She got a manni/pedi and will do here taping for the Rachel Ray show tomorrow. She is going to let us know when it will air. She has lost 174 pounds...can you imagine??!!!:flowerforyou:

    I am "wowed" by this ..thought I would share!
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Hello new people. I will echo what others have said. This is a great website and thread to help stay motivated. To all those who are disappointed in themselves --- appreciate what you have already accomplished, don't be too hard on yourselves and just wake up tomorrow and get back into it by logging in and tracking. I am thrilled that I found mfp because It has helped me become so aware of what I put into my mouth. I look at calories the way I use my money -- in terms of what I can spend today.

    Robin - have fun at the wedding. Don't know where you live but you are heading for very pleasant weather in Vegas.

    Mac - great that you can get back to exercising. I love the "extra" calories exercising gives me.

    Kackie - DH and I love MT, too. For the past 30 years we have been threatening to move there (his dad and stepmom live there). We visit periodically and fall in love with it every time. In fact, my pic w/ my grandsons is on Loon Lake and so is my
    ticker picture.

    Mimi - you and I both had our ticker move!

    Some of you may have seen my previous posts saying that I wouldn't post a one or two pound change because I didn't trust it to stay there.....BUT I can happily say that for 3 days consistently...I am down 4 pounds!!! FINALLY!!! I joined Thanksgiving weekend and did okay until all those baked goods entered our house during Christmas. It was downhill from there and I actually gained weight over where I started at Thanksgiving.

    Saw the play, Hair, yesterday with girlfriends. It was fun. I saw it when it was first on Broadway in "69.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good Morning everyone :smile:

    Just a quick post, we’ve had connection problems, but they seem to be sorted now.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn thanks - I don’t have too many photo’s of me, but this was taken last year when me and my sister in law and Niece and her little girl entered the Race for Life. It’s mainly a breast cancer charity and is open to ladies only. They have “races” all around the UK starting around May. Some run the 3k course but others like us walk around and enjoy the lovely atmosphere, there are dog walkers, people with babies in buggies, wheelchair users, it’s great fun too as well as raising money for the charity.

    :flowerforyou: Robin can’t wait to see photo’s of the wedding. I love looking at photo’s - even if I don’t like to be in them.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to Julie and Valerian

    Congrats to those whose tickers have moved, I’ve been losing ounces rather than pounds - and putting them back on again :embarassed: - had a splurge at the weekend, so need to pull myself up and really think about what I am eating.

    For all you lucky ladies that have no menopause symptoms - I envy you. I think someone mentioned Vitamin B complex I might give that a go. I drink mainly soya milk and I’ve heard that is supposed to help, but I have cycles where I don’t seem to have any symptoms and then they come back with a vengeance for a week or so.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy your grandson is adorable, good luck in keeping him away from your TV, once they are crawling you need eyes in the back of your head. Don’t think I could do it now, it’s surprising how when you are not used to babies about the house, how hard you have to work to keep them safer. It’s much easier for me now as my grandson is 5 yrs old :bigsmile:

    :smile: Peggy I thought I got up early to walk the dogs, but your are up at 5am doing housework and then having to travel 68 miles to see your dad. It’s probably because I’m in the UK but to me 68 miles is a long way, but I guess to you it’s like a trip to the next door neighbour.

    :heart: Vicki poor you, how’s your knee, it just goes to show, how we never know what is going to happen, accidents can happen any time.

    :flowerforyou: Terri glad you haven’t given up the fight, just get back in the waggon, and keep on keeping on.

    :flowerforyou: Doobiedo glad you haven’t given up also, good to hear from you again.

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat I wish I could limit myself to time on the computer, but I’ve been on it since just before 7am logging food and replying and now it’s just gone 8am but once I post this I will get off and get moving. I love reading your posts, they always make me try harder.

    Well hubby is nagging for his breakfast so I’d better get a move on, I haven’t even started on our pack ups yet and I wanted a quick tidy before I went to work. So I’ll say goodbye for now.

    Hmm this quick post turned out to be a little longer than expected, to all my friends I haven’t mentioned by name, I send good wishes your way

    Must go!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning all,
    I did well on my food yesterday. stayed within calories. Got no exercise though. Woke up with pain in bottom of my right foot. Wasnt that bad but figured better not try to walk too much. When I went to bed pain was worse and had to put ice pack on it to sleep. Better this morning. If does not get better will go get it checked out. Dont think it has anything to do with fall but you never know. Already had breakfast and did well. cereal and a bananan. I am reading Carb Lovers book. going to try not a fad but good old fashioned eating. No processed foods and lots of fruits and veggies with lean meat. They just tell you combinations of foods that will boost your metabolism. I know someone on here is doing it. I could use some pointers if you read this. Today is my 36th anniversary of being married to the same wonderful man. We are going out to eat but I will make good choices.
    Have a great day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy 36th Anniversary, Lynn! I hope you have a wonderful evening. (DH and I have celebrated #36 too! Amazing isn't it?)

    Joylaut: Way to go on the loss...ANY loss is worth posting! It has been a long time since I've moved the scale in the right direction...so I will take inspiration from those of you who are back on track!

    Wizzywig: I hope the vitamin B helps your symptoms. That's a pain for sure. I know friends who have found relieve taking that and upping their exercise. Good LUCK!

    Gotta go drive down the mountain to the airport...ITS SNOWING....AGAIN! Hope the canyon won't be too bad.

    Take care, dear ladies! Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Vicki: Also meant to ask you to keep us posted about the carb-lovers diet. I think sometimes it's good just to have something to focus on to change things up a bit. It sounds like a healthy approach to me...

    Bye again! Kackie
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning all,
    Today is my 36th anniversary of being married to the same wonderful man. Vicki M

  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Hi all, no time to read all the posts just wanted to give you a quick update for my friends who have been thinking of us. Hubby's tests came back.....he has lung cancer. We will see the Drs. later this week and schedule whatever needs to be done. Keep praying.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Julie – Welcome! Yes, please do join us and post with us. I, too, post my food every day. I try to post all meals in the morning in case I need to rethink what I had planned. Hopefully, I will get back to exercising 5-7 days a week, but a lot is going on right now. This is a great group of ladies with a lot of support.

    Terri – Sorry about the loss of your BIL.

    MrsSanderson – My Mom use to watch Julia Child on TV. We remember it well. Dan Akroyd did a great skit too! I've added the book to my list of things to read. It may take a year or two to get there, but it is on the list.

    VickiM – Happy Anniversary!

    Darlis – Praying for you!

    Two of the five pounds I bounce up while Dad was in the hospital are gone! What ever my scale says this weekend I will adjust my ticker. I am doing well on overall calories, it is the lack of exercise that is hurting me. I hope to walk on the treadmill at the Y in between work and picking my son up at school.

    Hang in there everyone! Let's all get in good spirits before 2/14/11, so we can fight off all the you know what that will be ALL OVER THE PLACE!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi all

    They came to fix the broadband today and I still have no internet!! Anyway, I've signed up with a different provider, but the switch won't happen for a couple of weeks. A real pain as DH is off to Miami next week and it's always nice to get emails when we're apart.

    Can't even read the postings on my iphone right now.

    I'm hoping that everyone is doing well and keeping strong.

    Miss you and love you all.

    Amanda x
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Vicki -HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!:flowerforyou:

    Darlis- You are in my prayers.

    Have a good one, everyone!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Vicki - Happy Anniversary!
    Darlis - I will continue prayers. Keep us posted.

    Previously, I started my comeback by committing to log my food again, and have done fairly well with that for the last couple of weeks. As of today, I am adding the next step - logging at least 75 minutes of exercise each week. Hopefully this will finally make my ticker move in the right direction. Wish me luck!

    Here's to smart choices!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Darlis, prayers will continue for your husband as you as well.

    Vicki, Happy Anniversary, 36 years!

    Mary, you are back on track. Good for you!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Mary -good luck with your excercise goal!!:flowerforyou:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Vicki- Happy Anniversary

    Darlis= Prayers are coming your way

    Joulaut- Congratulations on your 4 lb loss!

    The weather finally broke and I got a chance to walk the dog today. I was able to add another 145 calories to my exercise calories today! Maybe that little bit extra will help the scale move! Off to bed. 3:30 comes awfully early! Thank goodness tomorrow is my "Friday."
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    If you read my post about my MFP friend LJCannon, she will be on the show airing Jan 31st. That is the Rachael Ray Show. She has been in NYC the past few days to tape the show. LJ has lost 174+ pounds. She goes to Curves and walks all the time. She reminds me of Birdie and Barbie in her dedication. Thought it might interest everyone.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Have to share something else. On my ticker is my sidewalk, a weeping cherry and you can see the tree in the middle of my circle drive. I have a drive alarm that lets me know when someone comes down the drive. It went off and I came to my pc room...(it was my son's bedroom until he married...has a 6" x 6: window) pulled the shade aside to peer out. There were 5 large deer eating on the ornamental trees and shrubs and the monkey grass that edges the sidewalk. I was amazed:noway: I see basically the same scene that is on the ticker out this window except it shows more trees and drive to the left. Had to share:smile:
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Vicki - Happy anniversary

    Darlis, praying things move in a positive direction

    Those of you expecting even more snow, stay safe.

    Short one tonight. I'm tired and a week behind on my online class so gotta go get it done before I fall asleep

  • mrsanderson404
    Darlis...continued prayers for you and your hubby as you face this challenge together. Medicine, modern or holistic, has come a long way and I pray for his healing and your strength.