
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Read the posts while drinking my coffee.

    Kathy that Sparkpeople 28 day challenge looks like something I would do. My husband is on vacation this week so I think I will wait until next week to start. That plus I've restarted my exercise routine with walking (my choice of cardio), then it will be easy to do a 10 minute video after he goes off to work! I'm looking forward to it.


  • goodmorning everyone may this day be filled with many blessings.
    divia i am right there with you i have tryed them all bought them all look at them all . this site is the frist one i keep coming back to and i know its because of all the wonderful family here and i thank everyone your storys help so much.
    i like reading" one day at a time" i am going to use this wisely thank you for this saying i keep looking own the road and giving up today so if i stay in today it would be so much easier will off to the drs everyone have a good day debi (momof10)
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Beautiful day here, with a fresh fluff of new snow, and crispy cold temperatures. I have my miles in for this morning. Four and a half so far with weights and kick boxing thrown in. I am off to the periodontist today. Just a check up from last years surgery, I am sure al is well.

    I will have to move my ticker back up in weight. Would like to blame the holidays but it was up before that. Think I'll just skip the blame all together, and take the responsibilty to the source. ME.

    Darlis, thank you for the HSA info, there is so little available on them. Read the IRS rules, think they were written by an alien from perhaps Pluto, and translated to english by someone from Mars. What a convoluted mess of language.

    Onward and upward! Alice
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Help please

    I cannot get my TickerFactory ticker to show up in my signature. Before when I would update my exercise I would just copy & paste it into my signature and it would show up in my posts. Now all I am getting is that little picture that doesn't show anything!

    Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Okay so I reloaded it and it showed up in my last post. So I am posting again to see if it show up again!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    You know, Consumers Reports just did a study about HRM's. How I wish I'd had that study when I was looking for mine! They rated Timex the highest. I don't know, to me Timex is synomous with "inexpensive". Yet, if it has the features I'm looking for, that might have been a good choice. Instead, I got the Polar FT7, which was rated. But as they said, it doesn't have a stopwatch (which I would have liked, I thought it did, but after getting it found out that it didn't) and the manual is a bit difficult to understand. Actually, they just send you a modified version in the box and you have to download the full manual off the net.

    McMadame - what is a FitBit? Why did you originally get yours?

    Cindy - you may very well be doing what I was, hitting some key that made your post go "poof". After that happens, try hitting "undo delete". Works for me

    The holiday weight seems to be slowly coming off. Then it'll get back on when we get to Europe, I'm sure. Anyone have any tips about traveling in Europe? You know what I did the other day? Vince likes his cookies, so I've had the cookie tree out. Well, he finished enough so that I consolidated the cookies on the first and second levels, and I put some cherry tomatoes for me on the third one. Yes, there were times when I was tempted because it was right out in front, but now the tomatoes are out in front, too. I'd forgotten that I had some tomatoes and had to throw them away. (boo boo). I'll probably stop at the store today and want to buy (among other things) some celery. Update: unfortunately, I couldn't get organic celery hearts, so guess I'll just have to make do with regular celery. Oh, my putting the tomatoes on the cookie tree really helps, when I get the urge to have a cookie, those tomatoes are right there.

    auntibk - I'm with you, sugar and cookies make me feel "yuk" too, but I continue to put them in. Why do we do this?????? I'm feeling so much better now that I've given away almost all of the goodies and can get back to healthy eating. What a weird sensation! To WANT veges. Just new for me, that's all. But I'm not complaining

    viv - I put my entire document into Wordpad. When it "disappears", I usually can go under "edit" and there's an "undo" tab there.

    As far as controling those "bad-for-you" urges, when I know something is bad for me (like when I want a cookie), I take a swig of the apple cider vinegar. Someone on here recommended it, and it really does work!!!!

    Today I did 45 min of Jillian Michael's Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD. I was surprised at how much I was sweating. Tomorrow, yoga and then deep water.

    I think December was the first month I can remember that we didn't have a "part 2" for the posts. Goes to show you we were all busy.

    Here's wishing everyone a wonderful day!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :drinker: Here's to all having a good Tuesday,

    Cindy, sorry I can't help you...I'm tech challenged:sad: which is not a good thing in todays day and age.

    Well I did okay with the eating, but got home so late that I did good to get dinner and to bed at a time that would give me 8 hrs sleep. Will try again to get in the exercise tonight. I felt good to be eating the right foods for dinner and will continue to get back in the swing of that.

    Work is more stressful than ever and I spent yesterday pulling the final papers for our State Sales Tax Audit that has been going on since the beginning of December and the IRS man comes this AM for a meeting...so I'd best get going.

    Some time I will have to update my goals in my signature...but for now it will just have to take a back seat.

    Drink your water:drinker: , log your food and keep moving:wink:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    oops, I forgot...I'm not going to go to water aerobics tomorrow. I have a meeting at 10:00 and there is no way I can get there in time. So I'll go to yoga, then maybe do some food shopping, go to the meeting, then My Fitness Pal has a cardio routine that I'll probably do when I get home. I watched a condensed version. The only thing that I really didn't like was the fact that suddenly the step would appear. So I'll just have my step ready and do the other exercises behind the step.

    who is making some vegetable quiche cups to take to the meeting. No crust. Am interested to see how they turn out. If they turn out OK, I may make some for myself just not use the cupcake liners.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    I decided to redo my ticket to show the weight I need to lose to get to a healthy body-weight range instead of what I originally had (a mini-goal). I really need a kick in the pants and I hope this will do it!

    Welcome to any and all newbies! :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was a good day and I plan on today being another.

    Lots of stress in my life right now but I am focusing on what I can control and not on what I cannot. Prayer and meditation seems to help, too.
  • Hi everyone .............

    Still here.just!! I thought I'd got off to a good start and thought I could get away with eating a few Cadburys Heroes!!! :noway: Naaah! Back up 1.5lb!!
    Had thought i was safe from temptation but received a late Xmas present ...of a tin of the chocs! :sad: Woe is me!!

    But..... :happy: my incentive is now to keep getting in to a new "Posh Frock" (Great Sale purchase) for our March cruise. Also had a trying on session of the frocks worn in August ...they still fit but could be better!!

    We're looking forward to some family time away this year in May and July ... we've just booked for Center Parcs in a Woodland lodge. May is just with #2 son and family and July will be both sons and co. for my 60th Birthday bash......can't wait!!! All we need to do now is book the respite care home for Mum. Sadly she has deteriorated over the last month and is very frail and vague. But at least she is safe and warm with us. It's hard to see her not eating much and wasting away before our eyes..........I'd gladly give her some of my excess weight!!

    Well .here goes to try and get through an evening on my own without picking those sweets!! Perhaps I should put the tin in DH's car for him to take to work tonight!!

    :flowerforyou: Take care all .
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    January goals - Keep food diary. Track my exercise. Be accountable. That is the hardest for me...being accountable. Sometime I feel like a child...but I need to be focused.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Well I started off with a bang yesterday and was feeling good about getting back into things. This evening I am going out with girlfriends for dinner and I am trying to save as many calories as possible. We usually eat a good sized lunch before husband goes off to work. That usually carries me through to the evening and this not eating much all day isn't working for me. I like to eat something little in the evening.

    Jackie, I was glad to see you on here. I was wondering how your Mum was doing. I know its hard to see her go downhill but believe me you will think it was worth it in the end. I'm still trying to get my head figured out since Granny's passing on. I know it will take time. Grieving doesn't happen quickly.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    It's me again, just called my walking partner and she tried to say I can't go cause I haven't had a bath! She is one of the one's I'm going to dinner with tonight. I told her well, I haven't had a shower either cause I knew I would be taking one after we got done walking. This is what walking partner's do for one another! Make the other one go if they have flimsy excuses!

    So if you don't have one please try to find one!

  • :happy: : Hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year.:happy:

    When I first found MFP I did really well,lost 12lb. Then having my husband in hospital three times and then myself just before Christmas for a total thyroidectomy put losing weight on the back burner.I made New Years Resolutions on 1st January and broke them by the 2nd! :embarassed: So today I am remaking my resolutions.

    After my visit to the endcrinologist tomorrow and my long, long list of questions I will once again keep my food diary up to date and stop eating what I shouldn't - chocolates, clotted cream ice cream, christmas cake!!

    I had put 2lb on at my last weigh-in for the -50lb by June challenge, but wouldn't be surprised if I have put more on now. So I need to get sorted. If because of the thyroxine the weight doesn't drop as quickly as I would like then I shall just have to accept this and take it slower rather than giving up at the first hurdle. Any is better than none or god forbid, putting weight on.

    From tomorrow - food diary/ exercise and drink more water.

    Happy New Year to all on the -50lb by June challenge.
  • Hello everyone and Happy New Year! Can I rejoin this group? I used to be here under a different name but I don't remember what it was. Anyway I really liked it here with this group of ladies. Some are new to me, but alot are still here. Hopefully, I will lose atleast 20 lb. over the next 3 or 4 mos. Ugh! I hate winter!
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    Today is not a good day. Finally, I have my house to myself and calmness following the holiday celebrating and now my health is not cooperating.

    I have been feeling okay the past couple weeks (or at least didn't have too much pain, nausea, etc.). I have been following the complex regime my specialist has prescribed, not eaten anything too bad with the celebrating, had the "oomph" to take care of mom and dad, and, done most of what was needed so all could celebrate through the season. But today, right flank pain is overwhelming and by the way I feel and with the nausea I am experiencing I anticipate my liver enzymes are way up again. I always joke that I wouldn't mind these damn liver enzymes floating around if I was drinking alcohol and at least having some "fun". But for the past 6 months I have even given up the 1 glass of wine per month I used to have. For today, I have taken all the medication, will do another dose of the extra powerful anti-nausea (it does help), and will await return to normal liver enzymes. Tomorrow should be better. Though they can't figure out what is wrong with me and why these liver enzymes are floating around they keep assuring me there is no cancer and the liver is not diseased. My symptoms direct them to an "architecture" problem they just don't see it on any tests. I do have confidence in my specialist and he really is "hanging in there" for me and trying to find a cause and solution. I see my specialist in a couple weeks again: another MRI and potential surgery if any blockage (previous extensive testing & procedures have demonstrated biliary tree patent, etc. etc.). I appreciate the chance to "vent" about this! I pray for health and patience through all of this as I am not a good patient. I want to know what is wrong with me and how it can be fixed!

    At least I am drinking my water and limiting in is very easy on days like today! But I will not exercise.

    I do appreciate the posts and sharing from those on the thread struggling with health and life challenges in addition to the weight. I completely understand that the weight is something we all can focus on to improve health. I send out the hope for calmness and health for all of you.

  • :flowerforyou: karlene hope you feel better we are here for you anytime debi
  • :flowerforyou: karlene hope you feel better we are here for you anytime debi
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    Well, today was exhausting. I spent the day looking after the grandtwins as DD was at the dentist. I took them for a good long walk and I really struggled with their pram for some reason, which I don't normally do. I think it was because it was cold, which set my coughing off well and truly. I also didn't eat properly as I just didn't get the time.

    Anyway, this evening I am truly 'coughed out', so I'll be having an earlyish night. I have therapy tomorrow morning and had intended going to the gym afterwards for a couple of hours, but I think I'll come home and use my home gym instead.

    DH has asked me not to lose any more weight! We were snuggled up together last night and he squeezed my leg and said was I sure that it wasn't my arm as it's so thin! He exaggerates - although my legs are really slim these days.

    I did a bit of measuring and since last February I've lost a total of 79 inches over my body - doesn't seem possible really.

    Ok, well I hope that everyone is doing well and feeling better and happier.

    Catch up with you all tomorrow.

    Amanda x
  • :drinker: best4me welcome back happy new year debi(momof10)
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