

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I got the usual comments from them, "I dont' have any problem with her, she does everything with me and without complaint:
    Well they aren't her daughter!

    Family always makes any situation more complicated. There is so much history and it colors everything! Plus, she's the mom and now she's dependent on you, the one who used to be dependent on her.

    As well as counseling for her, you might want to find a caregiver's support group for you so you have a place to vent and get help and learn some tricks for dealing with her. It can't hurt.

    Did my weigh in for our company's "Maintain, Don't Gain" program. Gained 2 pounds. Sigh. So I don't get entered in the drawing for the fabo prize (which I forgot already what it is. :laugh:)

    I'm annoyed with myself but I also realize that I just don't have it in me to DIET any more. I can watch what I eat and make sure I workout and make good choices but I can't do things like go to bed hungry or reduce my calories drastically... Plus, it's hard to motivate yourself for that kind of effort when you look pretty damn good. Erm, if I do say so myself. :flowerforyou:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    When did size 12 become size 8? Means back when I was a size 10 it would now be a size 6 or even 4? Yikes!
    I'm not sure. I think it was a gradual process. When I was in Jr. High, I weighed 95 pounds but because I had less muscle and more body fat back then, I had similar measurements to what I have now. And I was a size 6-8. So that was in the late 60s, early 70s.

    I remember being a size 14 and not being able to buy clothes in a regular store and I was only about 125 pounds! That was in the 70s. But I felt like I was SO FAT. Because by the standards of that time, I was. I'm thinking I was what is now a size 10 back then. It's hard to judge though since I don't have any of the clothes any more and it was so long ago.
  • mrsanderson404
    After keeping my diary and being more aware of eating habits I can truly say that my trouble time is 3pm-6pm...I'm a teacher and after the kids go home the adrenaline starts to relax and the hunger really kicks in! That and the energy level drops and all I want to do is EAT!! Been making sure I get some protein and a piece of fruit but boy, I want to scarf down the chips. Keeping the food diary is the one thing that keeps me on track because it shows me immediately where I'm at calorie wise.

    Just made sandwiches and leftover for dinner and I had mine on romaine lettuce leaves....LOVED IT....I can do without the bread.....knowing I was going to log in all my food kept me out of the chips and potato salad.....feeling good about my progress and now I need to work in some exercise to speed things up a bit.

    Love reading everyones comments, ideas and support.....have a great weekend ladies!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have only a few minutes.....we are headed off at 6 AM tomorrow for a two hour drive to an all day meeting and we'd better get to bed soon.:yawn: :yawn: tomorrow will be a day with little exercise, weird food, and no time to post on the computer :sad:

    :sad: Jeannie, I am sorry to hear about your aunt :cry:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, the baby on my profile is our newest grandson, Jesse, the one we visited in August in California the day after he was born...his mother was gracious enough to send the darling picture.....about moderation.....I can't do it.....i can eat a half gallon of ice cream and i can go for months with no ice cream but I can't eat a single serving or even have it in the house.

    :flowerforyou: Bevhart, peanut butter is my downfall......it lures me with its great protein and nutrition and then i want to eat the whole jar. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ainslieglen
    :flowerforyou: Hi all....Happy New Year! Back from a 5 week visit in NC with my family. I gained 7 pounds so must work hard to get back to where I was before all the food and special coffees from Starbucks. I missed MFP and all you special ladies! Group HUG!!!
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Well tonight I had a social worker show up to see if I can get counseling for my mother. The answer, NO. Medicare does not cover it. Medi-cal does but she is not eligible for it. It's Crazy! :explode: She makes too much to be on Medi-cal and yet she can't afford to hire caregivers because it eats up all her money, which I need to use for her medications, diapers, pads, chubbs, groceries, and all the little incidentals that pop up, not to mention the bills she has from Washington. I asked the social worker what do people do in her situation that aren't able to have medi-cal. He just looked at me and shrugged, "you could put her in a facility." I said, "She'll die in there." He just stared.

    I called my doctor and asked if she knew of anyone. She said she has some friends that are psychiatrists and she will ask about obtaining low cost or in-home services. I will also call the senior center and see if they have anyone who volunteers. I am hoping by the middle of February that some bills will be paid off so we will have some breathing room.

    As for me, the caregiver, sorry nothing available. Yes, there are support groups out there but I don't have a car to drive to them. I just hope I don't go crazy and you guys see me on the news as "Local woman goes crazy after being shut in with unappreciative mother and chops her to pieces!!" I'm so glad the state feels that I can do all this on my own.

    I still have my Christmas decorations up. I haven't been able to get the time to put them away. My son came over today to pick up some books I had ordered for him for Christmas and he said, " I'll come back in a couple of days to help you take down the lights." I gave him a big kiss and told hiim I loved him. Boo did too. She misses him so much.:cry:

    Well like many of you, I have my simple carbs under control again. It only took a couple of days. Mom on the other hand craves the stuff all the time! I will walk in on her while she is watching a Marie Calendar's commercial and she is practically salivating.
    Or she will be licking the inside of her sugar free pudding cup. :noway: I wonder why she is having a harder time getting rid of the cravings. I don't remember having that bad of a problem when I first started. I wonder if it has anything to do with being in the right frame of mind and being "ready" or "realizing" that you have to choose to make this life changing decision. She was kind of brought into the way I eat because she moved here, not because she decided this is what she needs to do to be healthy. I don't know. Maybe I am over psycho-analyzing it and I am just full of crap. (Ahhh... you all thought I was going to say sh*@, didn't you?):laugh:

    Okay I know I am not funny, but it helps relieve the stress to bullsh*@! And because I don't have a man in my life to relieve the stress with, you lucky ladies get me.:laugh:

  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    RJ, thanks so much for the link on apple cider vinegar. I read it and think I'd like to try it. Unfortunately, I did not have any with me today when one of my clients gave me a box of chocolates. I was left alone, in my office, with that box while I was doing paperwork. I couldn't resist, BUT I did limit myself to one serving. And that one serving motivated me to go on my walk today. So I still came in under my calorie count :bigsmile:

    How long does it take you to walk 10 miles? Thanks for the Better than peanut butter tip. I LOVE Trader Joes! :love: You really are an exercise fiend!

    So sorry for all of you who have lost loved ones. It is difficult to lose members of the generation that went before us. Most people, no matter how old they are, say they feel like an orphan. Those folks have been there all of our lives. Then there is the realization that we are now the oldest generation....

    Frogma, that is exactly why I am on this thread...peers and companions toward a common goal.

    Bevhart, under message boards there is a tech support forum. I think that is where I got my instruction for adding signature and ticker. Welcome. I've been on mfp since Thanksgiving (nothing like picking the toughest time of year to change, but then I am not known for doing things the easy way) and on this thread for the same amount of time. I find that addressing others directly in posts seems to yield personal responses. It also seems that a lot of these gals have been connected via this thread, for quite some time.

    Chiclet, I agree with MacMadam. A therapist can't help someone change unless they want to. You, however, may benefit from counseling to learn to change the dynamics with your mom so that you are not driven crazy.

    MrsAnderson, That is exactly why I love mfp. I've become so aware of what I'm eating and the calories it cost me. I used to eat trail mix by the handful until I realized the calorie count of it.

    I feel renewed energy to exercise. The weather has been lovely, I love seeing my doggie happy 'cuz she walked (and tugged, sniffed, peed, etc)....but mostly because I can eat more calories:laugh: Today I did get my 3 miles in and returned to lifting my dumbbells. Granted, I may not be able to brush my hair tomorrow because of sore muscles but it allowed me to indulge in a hot cocoa tonight.....with marshmallows.:happy:

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Chiclet; Sorry your mother is giving you such a hard time. How old is she? I took care of Granny in home for 15 years but because of the Alzheimer's she lost her ability to speak. While that was a blessing for me I was left wondering if there was anything wrong or was she hurting. A lady once told me "Just know that this will not last forever". Sometimes it felt like forever.

    You have to focus some on yourself without feeling guilty about it. It's like we tell mother's with small children, taking care of yourself first is a good thing because they need Mommy at 100%.

    I know I can't know your whole story. Just keep coming here to vent and we will pray for you.

    I let the dogs out to pee this morning and they jumped the fence and haven't come back for over 30 minutes. Very frustrating!


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I have a pair of shorts that I must have bought, oh, 15 to 20 years ago. They're a size 10. They still fit me (OK, they're a BIT big, but not real bad). Recently, I bought a pair of Liz Clairborne shorts, size 10. They fell off me!

    Well, today I know that I've really given in to the carb monster. I suspect part of it is because I want to be sure that I don't get hungry on the airplane, so I'm filling up at home. I've already had some cookies, a slice of bread and butter and pretzels. I just had some sausage/cheese balls. Admitted, they're only about 40 calories each, but I didn't stop at one! The good news is that it used to be when I'd have these moods, I'd eat until I didn't feel good, until everything was gone. Today even tho I ate not-good-for-me foods, I was able to stop when I was full so I'm not feeling bad.

    Did go to yoga today.

    chicklet - I'll keep you in my thoughts. So sorry your mom is giving you such a hard time.

    Everyone, have a great next few days.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning ladies.

    I am trying not to be frustrated by the fact that the scale hasn't moved. I know it will but :grumble:

    Joy - I walk/run on the treadmill for 3 hours a day. smiley-sport040.gifI usually get 10.5 miles in but yesterday I did 11.

    Elizabeth = I am so happy to see you back! I missed you:flowerforyou:

    Chiclet - I love this thread because we get to vent. We love and accept you and are here for you.

    Michelle - you will do great on the plane. sorry about the rush trip before your next trip.

    to all of you wonderful women, Have a great Saturday!
    Cindy - I hope the dogs are okay.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    The runaway dogs came home after about an hour. I didn't go out with them this morning because it was still dark and they were acting like they just wanted to pee. I opened their dog food and let them put their noses in it so they knew they were getting fed. They usually come right back. We have a fenced in back yard but they are big enough to jump over if they really want to. Must of been a deer or something out there. So very annoying though.

    We are having a very quiet and cold day here. Haven't even gotten out of my pajamas!

    Hope the rest of you are doing well

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Everyone!
    I am having a lazy Sat. haven't got out of my pj's yet.

    So sorry about the deaths some of you have experienced. I lost a dear, dear Aunt this past year. She was a mentor to me so I sympathize. Hope you have comfort in your loss.

    Bevhart---HI:bigsmile: good luck!

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Mimi -glad to see you posting.

    Robin--you should be able to do your race this spring at the rate you are going.

    Jeannie hope all your family are well again. MY dh had the flu for over a week. This past week when he went back to work, he came in every day and crashed. It took the "sap" out of him.:tongue:

    chiclet I hope things get better. I wish I had some "pat" answeres for you. I am like some of the other ladies, I will pray that you come to an answer that you can live with. Whatever you do, we will support you.:flowerforyou:

    Michele-have a good trip.

    Barbie cat-your grandbaby is adorable. Grandkids are the light of my life. I am like you, I think I will do moderation but I'm an all or nothing kind of girl.

    Viv- post when you can, I always look for you but it's hard for me to remember you as Viv, I think of you as Wizzy:wink:

    Amanda and all the big losers are inspiring to all of us. There are several "oldies" on here that are inspiring. I've been on here long enough that I have read their struggles and they still "go the distance." I feel I have a lot of effort to be making.

    I was going to address some more of you but DH is wanting me go somewhere with him so I must get off for now.

    Don't take offense if someone's names are left off my posts. I enjoy each and every post and I read them all. This forum has grown since I joined in September. It takes a long while to do that. A lot of times I just don't have the time to spend on here so I will try to do different people each time, maybe that will work.:flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have a good weekend.!
  • mrsanderson404
    I'm off to Target to buy a new scale....my current one is very old and I want a digital scale that is more accurate....want to see every ounce! Also stopping by Fresh N Easy for some fruit and veggies...

    My goal for this next week is to add exercise 3 days a week....not where I want to be but my life is so crazy that I need to start where I'm at and work slowly at major changes. 3 Days a week is more realistic right now...by February I want to be at 5 days....

    Thinking about all of those dealing with loss of family members today....prayers for your families
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    OK, I really am back! I put my weight in, as painful as it is, as I have gained about 19 pounds or so over the past few months, and today is a new day. I have been very busy, gone quite a bit with a new great niece and a new grandson (born one month early, but doing well, praise God!), and have also been sick most of the past three weeks. But I am almost well, and most importantly, I am once again determined! Hope to see a lot of all of you as I get back on track. Here's to smart choices!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    rjadams- 3 hours on the treadmill! You are my hero!

    Mamacindy- I'm glad that your dogs came back

    Mrsanderson- I like the way that you set an attainable goal for this week. It's a good idea to not bite off too much at one time. Good luck!

    msho530- glad to see you are back and with some smart choices those extra pounds will disappear soon.

    I love when I have a busy day-then I don't have time to eat! I went out geocaching ( a treasure hunting game) today for the first time since Veteran's Day. It felt good to get out in the woods and walk the trails. It was snowing a bit but the white makes it look clean and pretty. Much better than walking in the mud! S
  • mrsanderson404
    Just found a lemon hummus vinagarette dressing at Fresh and Easy markets...2 Tbsp is only 35 calories! no artificial junk either...yumm!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just got back from seeing Yogi Bear in 3D with my daughter and grandson. It was very good, and it actually had a cartoon (Roadrunner) before the movie! Good times!
  • mrsanderson404
    Bought the new scale....don't like what it says...so I'm changing my weight on here so that from now on, I'm comparing apples to apples.....but very proud of the choices I've made the last week...even if the scale doesn't yet reflect it.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Mrsanderson; Glad you got the new scale. I heard it once said that you have to own the number before you can do anything about it. So now you know where you are and you can determine to do something about it!

    Mary; good to see you back!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning ladies

    I'm just dashing by today - will try to do a longer post tomorrow. I have to pick up my nephew from football practice and it's a sixty mile round trip (good job I love him!)

    Yesterday I had my first bike riding lesson - it went really well but man, my bum's sore today! Macmadame, when I get to choosing a bike for myself, I am going to make sure I get measured properly!

    Have a good Sunday everyone.

    Love, hugs and good thoughts

    Amanda x