Lost tons of weight then gained it all back I feel terrible



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I think everyone has been in your shoes at one point or another. I know I have.


    So pick yourself up. Find your motivation. You'll find that when you stop beating yourself up for gaining the weight back and start believing that you are worth it. You can do this.
  • The previous post with the Batman motivator says a lot. Much of this perhaps won't apply to you, but it's my story to get to where I can relate with what you're going through. About 4 years ago during a check-up at the docs, "it's a good thing you don't smoke or drink much, you'd be dead by now, be lucky if you make it to forty", preceded a conversation about WLS and such things. I researched it, visited a clinic and met with the surgeon and his staff including a psych. I left wondering "Why do I need surgery to eat better and exercise?" Fast forward a year or so, haven't really done anything about it. Was away for a weekend and sitting on the end of the bed in the hotel room and I look in the wardrobe mirror and just about broke down. It was time. I made a call to a great friend who I knew could help me, "It's time to stop being a fat ****." And he did. 8 months later, I've lost 100lbs. I'm on top of the world. I took 2.5months off work to spend with family who live away and didn't gain a single lb. Had a great time walking and cycling around with them. After the holidays I moved further away. I didn't know anyone. I didn't like the area, but the work and money was good. I started to gain weight. I can't go through that again! So I exercise some more and start losing weight, sweet. Then work and life find their way to interrupt my progress. The following year, I put 70lbs back on and then I took a wicked fall down some stairs at home and dislocated both my knees. I put them back together and crawled into bed and tried willing myself to death. I lived alone. I had no real friends nearby and I couldn't even tell my family about the fall. I put on another 20lbs over the next 8months. My friends told me "you've done it before, you can do it again!" so many times it got the point where I hated to hear it and almost despised them for saying it, but deep down I knew, I KNEW it was true. Then life dealt me an ace when there were three in the river, work offered me a position back home where my friends are. I held the phone out and asked if they could hear that I was already packing. It's taken me another couple of months but you know what, I CAN DO IT AGAIN, I just had to find that spark and turn it into walking, and cycling, and cleaner eating. In 2 days, I turn 40 and I'm not ready to give up. Not by a damn sight.