10 things you like & 10 you dont like about yourself



  • SugarBabyGirl
    SugarBabyGirl Posts: 7,026 Member
    1) I am smart
    2) I am patient with others
    3) I am a good cook
    4) I am a very good friend
    5) I am a great mom
    6) My ears.
    7) I'm pretty funny
    8) I'm really good at my job
    9) I can usually see the big picture
    10) That nobody can ever guess my age

    1) I'm too sensitive
    2) My impatience with myself
    3) That sometimes I have anxiety over meeting new people and over new situations
    4) That I don't have cute little feet
    5) That I'm a klutz
    6) That I so easily believe negative things people say about me
    7) My lack of self confidence
    8) My lack of control over food
    9) My big body
    10) Pictures of me
  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you to everyone that posted. It is nice to see that everyone can at least name 10 things that they like/dislike about themselves. I can say that a few that people posted, I should have added to my list.

    My # 11 dislike- The way I always think that people are thinking the worst about me....how I refuse to go to the gym because someone a lot smaller will be gawking at me like "what is she doing here, it must not be working" I'm more of a pessimist I guess.
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    1. I make awesome cookies.
    2. I color inside the lines.
    3. I make my own clothes.
    4. I generally try to be nice.
    5. I read a lot.
    6.Huh...this is harder than I thought it would be.
    7. Um...I have a vast and useless knowledge of song lyrics and comic trivia.
    8. I made pretty kids.
    9. I'm a good cook.
    10. This line is filler, but I doubt anybody reads it anyway.

    1. I don't have any superpowers.
    2. I don't speak Russian.
    3. I can't drive a tank.
    4. I don't know how to bind books.
    5. I've never won a Pulitzer.
    6. I have a chubby nose.
    7. I talk too much.
    8. I've never rued the day.
    9. I can't communicate with animals telepathically.
    10. I'm not rich.

    Likes #10 - you're wrong, lady! I read every line and I expect to see replacements for #6 and #10! Like your amazing heart, your loyalty to those you care about, your amazingly awesome vocabulary of cuss words, and how damn cute you are! :heart:

    Aw!!! Somebody did read it! Ok, since you demand replacements:

    6. I have awesome friends.
    10.I'm lucky, just flat out, no questions about it, lucky, to have the life that I have.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Much better!
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    1. I have pretty cool hair.
    2. I'm good at martial arts
    3. I have awesome friends
    4. I'm a pretty damn good cook
    5. I'm in a loving wicked cool relationship with my Girlfriend of 3 years and we're awesome together
    6. I try not to yell at people
    7. I'm overall a nice person
    8. I love food and learning about it. the good the bad the ugly and play around with new ingredients
    9. I'm very honest
    10. I have a nice butt

    1. I talk too much
    2. I'm kinda an *kitten* (by accident) no filter
    3. I have a problem with focus
    4. I don't like that i can fully commit myself to one thing
    5. The future is kinda scary and idk what to do
    6. I think i stick to my routine too much
    7. I have fat thighs -____-
    8. I was told i wouldn't have acne anymore...and here we are.
    9. I curse a lot
  • HollyMGT
    HollyMGT Posts: 111 Member
    1) My faith in God
    2) I have lovely thick, wavy hair that people envy
    3) I LOVE doing laundry!
    4) I'm friendly and kind
    5) I'm a great listener. I can listen to someone ramble for an hour and fein interest the whole time.
    6) I have great legs!
    7) I'm not materialistic
    8) I love to laugh
    9) I love the Earth, nature, animals, the sky...all of creation!
    10) I'm reasonably intelligent

    1) My fat gut
    2) My saggy boobs
    3) I'm not sympathetic to my husband when he's sick (which is often (nothing serious))
    4) I put up with a lot of crap that I shouldn't put up with
    5) I let people walk all over me and never stand up to people
    6) I get very angry when I see the evil things people do and it makes me hate the human race
    7) I can be judgemental
    8) I'm lazy, unmotivated, undisciplined, etc. when it comes to exercising
    9) I have a hard time getting up in the mornings...I HATE getting up!
    10) My life is very boring. I'm a couch potatoe.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    1. I am intelligent and can think critically
    2. I am strong physically and mentally
    3. I am good at martial arts
    4. I love to eat great food
    5. I take care of those I love (friends and family)
    6. I am a kick butt engineer and I love my job
    7. I have a knack for making good, healthy food with or without a recipe
    8. I have traveled the world and will continue to do so
    9. I'm a hard worker
    10. I have a really great *kitten*, a good shape, perfect lips, and pretty blue eyes

    1. If I don't have faith in my abilities to do something, I'm hesitant to try it in front of others
    2. I struggle with seasonal affective disorder and other subclinical, occasional blues
    3. I can WAY over-think things leading to unnecessary stress
    4. I really dislike stupid people and have a hard time hiding my disdain
    5. I have loose ligaments meaning that I get bursitis/tendonitis and the muscles around my shoulders get super stressed and painful.
    6. I have stretch marks on my inner thighs even though my high weight was only 172 (I'm 5'9)
    7. I have a problem with procrastination.
    8. I have very small boobs
    9. I'm claustrophobic particularly when it means that people are in my personal space (other than loved ones)
    10. I make acquaintances very easily, but friends very slowly (trust issues and high walls).
  • AmandaNicole412
    AmandaNicole412 Posts: 764 Member
    I like...
    1. I'm funny
    2. I'm very caring and loyal
    3. I'm honest to a fault
    4. I'm determined
    5. My eyes
    6. I'm not a quitter
    7. The fact that I am tall
    8. I am very easy going
    9. I stand true to my beliefs and i don't conform
    10. I appreciate the small intangible things in life- not materialistic at all

    I don't like...
    1. My stubbornness
    2. I care too much about others and not enough about myself
    3. I'm very self critical
    4. My legs
    5. My small boobs
    6. My hair
    7. How sensitive I can be
    8. My delicate ego
    9. My tummy
    10. My lack of confidence