Shreddin' Eleven, Week One



  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Started the shred today and man, kicked my butt! Loved every minute of it though, looking forward to keeping up with it along with some other exercises in between!

    I'm glad you're doing this with us!!! Keep it up!! :-D
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I have replied to other threads, but I will join this discussion, too. I started two days ago, but plan on doing it until the end of January.

    I have to preface my review by saying that I have been doing Zumba religiously since August and then added Kettleworx the end of October.

    After three days my armpit area is the only part that's a little sore because of the pushups. I'm doing much better on the jumping jacks. I'm a little worried that I'm not burning as many calories as I do w/ Zumba and therefore won't lose as much weight. I'm willing to give it a try.

    Good luck to all and can't wait to see the results!
  • WriteNovels
    WriteNovels Posts: 56 Member
    I started this last night instead of taking a NAP! Go me! I have gotten no sleep the past two days, but I still have to work out tonight!

    I am house sitting for a friend, and brought everything that I needed, so it's on.
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Sorry, I worked for the holiday so ended up sleeping all day and couldn't get the kids off their video games to save my life. I'm actually going to the gym in the morning so will most likely start then as a finisher to my morning workout.
  • WriteNovels
    WriteNovels Posts: 56 Member
    I just finished mine for the day. I also took some before shots. Hope they are worth the embarrassment with the end result! :happy:
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I have replied to other threads, but I will join this discussion, too. I started two days ago, but plan on doing it until the end of January.

    I have to preface my review by saying that I have been doing Zumba religiously since August and then added Kettleworx the end of October.

    After three days my armpit area is the only part that's a little sore because of the pushups. I'm doing much better on the jumping jacks. I'm a little worried that I'm not burning as many calories as I do w/ Zumba and therefore won't lose as much weight. I'm willing to give it a try.

    Good luck to all and can't wait to see the results!

    Sounds like you've got a great start already!! Cross training with various exercises/strength training is good overall, so maybe you won't burn as many calories with the Shred as you might with Zumba, but you're still getting a great strength/abs workout with the Shred. Good luck to you, too!! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I started this last night instead of taking a NAP! Go me! I have gotten no sleep the past two days, but I still have to work out tonight!

    I am house sitting for a friend, and brought everything that I needed, so it's on.

    Awesome!! Way to keep up on the workouts! :-D
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Sorry, I worked for the holiday so ended up sleeping all day and couldn't get the kids off their video games to save my life. I'm actually going to the gym in the morning so will most likely start then as a finisher to my morning workout.

    Sounds like a great plan!! Enjoy! :)
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I did my first day today too. Holy cow, did it ever get my heart rate up! =) I also managed to work up quite a nice sweat! I really liked how it kept changing activities so it didn't dwell too long on any one particular move. A couple of the exercises I was like, "Oh no, not this one again" though! LOL A couple of the cardio moves that were hard the first time, I was surprised that by the third time around, they felt easier! Hmph. But make no mistake though, I felt like I got my @ss properly kicked by Jillian today. =)

    My calves were fine through this workout and I don't think they'll give me any troubles here in the beginning since I've been running regularly for quite some time. My quads just above the knee, however, might be another story. I really felt it in my quads. They were a little crampy during the workout and I felt them the couple times I went up & down the stairs in our house shortly after finishing the video.

    All I had for handweights in the house were 20lb dumbbells which would obviously be far too heavy and some 1-pounders that I used which turned out to be too light for me. I might have to go back to WalMart and pick up the JM handweight set which comes with pairs of I think it was 2, 3, and 5 pounders.

    Heheh -- I made my 11yr old son do it with me. I said, go change clothes and put some shorts on. He said, "Why?" and I said, "You'll see." He's pretty athletic so he was able to do a lot more than I was, but he still worked up a sweat too. Secretly, I was glad he joined me so I didn't have to do it alone. I don't know if he'll do it with me every time, but maybe once in a while.
  • WriteNovels
    WriteNovels Posts: 56 Member
    Third day doing it and I feel much better!

    Does it matter if I workout at different times of day? I have kind of a weird work week.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I did my first day today too. Holy cow, did it ever get my heart rate up! =) I also managed to work up quite a nice sweat! I really liked how it kept changing activities so it didn't dwell too long on any one particular move. A couple of the exercises I was like, "Oh no, not this one again" though! LOL A couple of the cardio moves that were hard the first time, I was surprised that by the third time around, they felt easier! Hmph. But make no mistake though, I felt like I got my @ss properly kicked by Jillian today. =)

    My calves were fine through this workout and I don't think they'll give me any troubles here in the beginning since I've been running regularly for quite some time. My quads just above the knee, however, might be another story. I really felt it in my quads. They were a little crampy during the workout and I felt them the couple times I went up & down the stairs in our house shortly after finishing the video.

    All I had for handweights in the house were 20lb dumbbells which would obviously be far too heavy and some 1-pounders that I used which turned out to be too light for me. I might have to go back to WalMart and pick up the JM handweight set which comes with pairs of I think it was 2, 3, and 5 pounders.

    Heheh -- I made my 11yr old son do it with me. I said, go change clothes and put some shorts on. He said, "Why?" and I said, "You'll see." He's pretty athletic so he was able to do a lot more than I was, but he still worked up a sweat too. Secretly, I was glad he joined me so I didn't have to do it alone. I don't know if he'll do it with me every time, but maybe once in a while.

    Yes, I think it made the time go even faster, by switching up the moves in such quick succession. I'm getting ready to tackle Day 2 shortly. I also have a 20 minute run to put in today as well -- run training in full swing and the Shred is absolutely GREAT cross training for running! I will report back once I complete Day 2!

    That is GREAT that your 11 year old joined you on this -- not only are you setting an awesome example for him, but it's great "bonding" time too. It'd be great for him to join you on it now and then throughout the program. :)

    Great job on completing Day 1!! I too have a few sore muscles today, after yesterday's Day 1 + some Wii Fit Plus activities, yoga and some dancing, L0L! Keep it up!! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Third day doing it and I feel much better!

    Does it matter if I workout at different times of day? I have kind of a weird work week.

    Great!! Do you still have some pretty sore muscles after having done it 3 days in a row, or do you feel you're getting more and more used to it each time?

    I would say it doesn't matter what time of day you complete the workout each day. I'll be doing it in the afternoon today, then starting tomorrow, it'll be my first thing in the morning workout during the week. :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Day 2 Level 1, complete. As well as a 30 minute jog, outside in the windy cold. Some of my leg muscles are fairly sore at this stage, arm muscles as well, and I can tell they are getting stronger already. I love how my abs are not overly sore, but I can tell Jillian (and Baron Baptiste on my yoga DVD) has worked them out well. Looking forward to Day 3 tomorrow. How is everyone else doing so far??
  • sk3etr
    sk3etr Posts: 7
    Day 2 completed! I noticed a difference from yesterday to today, helped me get through more of the workout. Yesterday, I was more focused on doing the motions, which wore me out quicker because I wasn't focused on my breathing. Took more breaks than I should have yesterday, but still pushed through. Today, I focused more on my breathing than the motions since I knew pretty well what was going on and how to do it from yesterday. Didn't wear out as quick, took less breaks and pushed even more than yesterday. Glad I made it through today! On to Day 3 tomorrow!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Day 2 completed! I noticed a difference from yesterday to today, helped me get through more of the workout. Yesterday, I was more focused on doing the motions, which wore me out quicker because I wasn't focused on my breathing. Took more breaks than I should have yesterday, but still pushed through. Today, I focused more on my breathing than the motions since I knew pretty well what was going on and how to do it from yesterday. Didn't wear out as quick, took less breaks and pushed even more than yesterday. Glad I made it through today! On to Day 3 tomorrow!

    Awesome job!! Little improvements every day, that's what it's all about! Bring on Day 3!!! :-D
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Day 2 done! What does everyone do when you need some water during the workout? Pause the DVD? I don't want to go the whole workout without water, but its hard to find break time...maybe I will try between circuits tomorrow.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    D1L1- it was as tough as I remember it. but I did get through the shoulder raises better than I have in the past. I used to do every other rep, hold one weight with both hands, or just drop the weight completely. I pushed hard to get through it. That second set was killer!
    My stats:
    270 calories burned
    133 average heart rate (h/r)
    162 max h/r
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Day 2, L1 complete at 11:58pm. I also went to the gym this morning and ran 3 miles & walked 1 mile on the treadmill and then I league bowled this afternoon. I was sore enough tonight that I was really close to bagging on doing 30DS, but thankfully I got greedy and wanted to see how high I could run my calorie burn up for the day. Turns out: 1405 =)

    I could tell it felt ever so slightly easier tonight although I was still sucking wind pretty hard during and after the first cardio session. I actually had a fleeting thought that maybe I shouldn't be pushing my heart that hard...but I shrugged it off and kept going. It's not like I haven't been exercising regularly for the last two years ...and on & off for 30 years. I bet I was pretty close to my max HR though. LOL

    Not bad. I might actually survive this. Oddly, the soreness I had in my thighs before the workout has mostly disappeared. For now.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Day 2 done! What does everyone do when you need some water during the workout? Pause the DVD? I don't want to go the whole workout without water, but its hard to find break time...maybe I will try between circuits tomorrow.

    I just had it sitting close by so I could grab it real quick between one of the sets (going from standing to laying). It was quick enough I don't think I missed but maybe the first rep. I don't find I want to drink a lot of water with all of the jumping around anyway. I only drank water once during the workout.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Day 2 done! What does everyone do when you need some water during the workout? Pause the DVD? I don't want to go the whole workout without water, but its hard to find break time...maybe I will try between circuits tomorrow.

    Well done!! I had a drink of water right before I started Day 3 this morning, but I've been generally going the whole 20 minutes without water, then once it's complete, I make sure to drink up. Like darkrider suggested, a quick drink of water between circuits wouldn't hurt. :)
    D1L1- it was as tough as I remember it. but I did get through the shoulder raises better than I have in the past. I used to do every other rep, hold one weight with both hands, or just drop the weight completely. I pushed hard to get through it. That second set was killer!
    My stats:
    270 calories burned
    133 average heart rate (h/r)
    162 max h/r

    Great job, Leela! Awesome determination!! Keep it up! :)
    Day 2, L1 complete at 11:58pm. I also went to the gym this morning and ran 3 miles & walked 1 mile on the treadmill and then I league bowled this afternoon. I was sore enough tonight that I was really close to bagging on doing 30DS, but thankfully I got greedy and wanted to see how high I could run my calorie burn up for the day. Turns out: 1405 =)

    I could tell it felt ever so slightly easier tonight although I was still sucking wind pretty hard during and after the first cardio session. I actually had a fleeting thought that maybe I shouldn't be pushing my heart that hard...but I shrugged it off and kept going. It's not like I haven't been exercising regularly for the last two years ...and on & off for 30 years. I bet I was pretty close to my max HR though. LOL

    Not bad. I might actually survive this. Oddly, the soreness I had in my thighs before the workout has mostly disappeared. For now.

    Well done for sticking with it even after all the calories you'd already burned!! GREAT calorie burn for the day!! I love how the Shred does so much in such little time, as long as we're willing to put in the work. I just completed Day 3 Level 1 this morning (the Shred will be my first thing in the morning workout -- quick, intense, SHORT workout that can easily fit into my morning routine, yesss!!). My legs (inner thighs and left calf especially) are SORE. My abs feel great and my arms/shoulders are a little sore but feeling good. This evening, after work, I will complete the remainder of my one hour of cross-training, and then Day 4 of the Shred + a thirty minute run tomorrow. SO happy to have a plan in place, that way I have less of a chance to bail on working out throughout the week, or taking it too easy on myself. LOVING this. I'm excited to get through the next 7 days of Shred so I can see what Level 2 brings... L0L!