please do not tell me to be patient!!



  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I'm with the others who say you're not eating enough. One day recently you ate just over 1,200 calories, burned 600 calories at the gym to net around 600.

    Your calorie burn is great. I do NOT think the Polar is overestimating, at least not by a significant amount. When I work out HARD, my Polar gives me a number below what MFP estimates and far below what machines estimate.

    Eating more = a metabolic boost. A hard workout = a metabolic boost. So eat more, and workout HARD and you will see the scale move. Research HIIT - that really gets your heart-rate up. Also considering adding some lifting in to build muscle. Stay consistent and keep at it!
  • BonjourChristina
    Maybe you are weighting yourself at the wrong time of the day? Our weight fluctuates quite a lot during the day because of the foods we eat and liquids we drink. Water is a major factor and you really are drinking a lot! It could be water weight Also, you should not exclude the possibility of a thyroid condition (you need to see an endocrinologist and do some tests to determine that )
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    Ahh hah. this might be it. I weight everything cooked. I need to look at this going forward. I honestly dont know what option I am selecting when doing calories. Thank you for this. This could be a game changer :-)

    300 calories for 8 oz of cooked salmon seems low to me.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Starbucks Coffee - Grande White Chocolate Americano With Half and Half, 16 oz 120 calories

    That looks low to me. I don't see it on the nutrition list but a grande white choc mocha with whole milk is 430.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Tomorrow marks my 3 week mark of eating better, and exercising. Everyone is telling me to be patient. I have lost NO weight!
    I log and weigh ALL my food... I recently upped my calories from 1200 to see if that does something.
    1200 was too low.
    For many women, we've never consistently weighed ourselves, so gaining a couple pounds leading up to our period is a surprise.
    You could actually have lost weight, but because of TOM you're retaining water, etc., so it looks like you are staying the same.
    I am 204 (highest ever even when pregnant), 5'10, 36 years old. I would be happy to be at 170, this was my weight after baby #1 and I was happy with that.
    At your height, 130 - 170 is a healthy weight range.
    Here's a BMI chart

    To get to 170, eat 1700 cal per day. Don't eat your exercise calories. (These are what my doctor told me.)
    You're currently eating 2040 to maintain your weight, so that's a 300 cal drop, which would be about half a pound per week.
    Or you could go to 1500 and aim for a pound a week, but since your initial goal is only 30 lb down, that's going to be hard to do.

    Your logged calories for the last couple weeks:
    1450, 1273, 629, 1353, 1404, 1473, 1209

    Cardio is the most efficient way to burn calories, though weightlifting will tone you & make you look good.

    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake.
    However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."

    Some helpful threads:
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    You're at 3 weeks and already getting unmotivated and frustrated...what's going to happen in 3 months when the weight isn't falling off of you like you want?

    This isn't about who crosses the finish line first. So, as much as you hate to hear it, you're going to have to be patient.

    Many people have already given advice, some of it was good, others...not so much.

    Bottom line:

    -Weigh your food and weigh it as much as possible. You won't be able to weigh every little bitty thing, but be consistent.
    -Exercise and record, but with the understanding that HRM's like your Polar are not always 100% accurate so eat back about 50-80% of your burned calories
    -Lift "heavy" weights if you can. This is a great way to retain and strengthen muscle. If you carry a 20 lb purse all day, or a 30 lb child, then working out with 10 lb weights isn't going to do much good.
    -Be patient...this is the most important thing of all. Just do everything "right" give it a couple months, then make small adjustments here and there (calories, calorie burns, etc.) and give it some more time, track, evaluate, adjust.

    The whole point of this is to learn to judge how much you're eating, to learn how to eat and exercise in a manner that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Like I said before, it isn't some race where you cross the finish line, you get a medal, and's all rainbows and ponies from there one out. Gaining is easy, losing is hard, maintenance is harder. patient.
  • Leo7777
    Hya... I have been in this position many times and the truth is yes I would expect to lose a little weight after that period of time.

    Can you afford a weights set? and get someone to show you a basic starting routine for women.. there is lots of info online, I believe lifting heavy raises metabolism and you start to lose quicker at first and get far more toned in the long run.

    Other than that a simple fast 30 min walk every day ( especially if there are any hills ) is a fantastic easy cheap habit to get into.

    I used to always eat 1000-1200 cals a day on a dirt and lose very little and give up! go with the TDEE method and eat more, there are lots on the forums about it, im 31, 5,9 tall and eating around 1650 cals a day and I may need to eat more.

    Message me if you want to know anything about TDEE.

    If you really think your eating enough, then just double check your portion sizes and any hidden calories your not accounting for.

    CUT SALT!! that will be instant weight loss trust me, so no adding to your food and just watch the labels of things. I have done this and noticed a dramatic difference in how bloated I felt before.

    Good luck
  • tag624
    tag624 Posts: 166 Member
    Like everyone else has already said, 1200 calories is too low, you need to calculate your TDEE and go by that. I eat about 1800 a day and sometimes a lot more during the weekend and lose about a pound each week, sometimes more, and I am 5’6 and weigh 212. Also, if you really are eating 1200 calories a day then you should be losing weight, if not you need to go to the doctor, but I have been up here claiming to eat 1200 calories a day, and was binging on the weekends because I was so hungry from eating 1200 calories each day during the week, once I started upping my calories and counting everything I stopped binging and the weight started coming off.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    It took me almost a year to lose 60 lbs. It takes time, don't expect huge changes in only 3 weeks.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    Starbucks Coffee - Grande White Chocolate Americano With Half and Half, 16 oz 120 calories

    That looks low to me. I don't see it on the nutrition list but a grande white choc mocha with whole milk is 430.

    That is actually pretty accurate, depending on how much half & half is used. An Americano is just espresso and hot water, no milk. I'm guessing the half & half was used more like a creamer.

    I agree with others, definitely read the links on accurate logging!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    It's taken me 2-1/2 years to lose 25 pounds. AGAIN, the ONLY people who can peel off weight quickly are the super obese who are accustomed to eating 4 to 7 thousand calories a day that are reduced to less than 1500. And even they slow down, as they continue to lose weight.

    I had to learn to be ecstatic with a 1/2 pound and then very happy with a 1/4 and less loss per week. I am Finally near my goal weight.

    3 weeks is nada in the weight loss world.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Ignore all this rubbish advice about thyroid etc. I'd bet one of my kidneys on it not being a medical condition You're eating more than you think, You're logging is some of the worst I've seen for a long while. Sort that out and you'll see results.

    In reality the chances of it being something medical are slim where calorie counting fails is normally due to inaccuracies in the logging process. So you can either go for the most complicated out there theories or just have a look at the basics and the easiest one to sort which is your logging. Good luck and follow the link given above on logging advice
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    It takes time! I know you don't want to hear it, but patience is needed.

    I joined MFP a while ago, and like you expected to see results right away. Then during the summer, I said screw it. I'll eat what I want and work out when I want and figure it all out later. Then a year ago, I decided it was time to really buckle down. I still wasn't always consistent with logging, but that's becuase I was overwhelemed. It took a while to figure out how many calories I needed to lose weight without feeling too tired to move. Once that happened, it still took time. I then started tracking my weight, water in take and exerice on a spreadsheet that also reflected my cycle. That opened my eyes big time! My body retains roughly 5lbs of water a week before I start. Then I slowly start to lose it all again. About 1 week after TOM I tend to hit my lowest weight.

    Each body is different. It is roughly the same routine for everyone; weighing, measuring, logging, etc. However, the numbers aren't always going ot be the same. What works for one may not be what will work for you (check out my log if you want. I log my food in a really strange way compared to my friends). This is a change in lifestyle, not a quick fix. However, I understand the frustrations since I was there myself.

    Hang in there OP! Don't give up!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Starbucks Coffee - Grande White Chocolate Americano With Half and Half, 16 oz 120 calories

    That looks low to me. I don't see it on the nutrition list but a grande white choc mocha with whole milk is 430.

    That is actually pretty accurate, depending on how much half & half is used. An Americano is just espresso and hot water, no milk. I'm guessing the half & half was used more like a creamer.

    I agree with others, definitely read the links on accurate logging!
    Ok, makes sense. I guess the 'white chocolate' would need to be a small pump or a sugar-free version, too.
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    I'd echo what's been said about accurate weighing/portions. Also, I've only looked back a few days, granted, but I'm not really seeing a great deal of vegetables, especially greens. My weight didn't really start to move until I got large servings of plant based foods. It's almost impossible to overeat with them as well.

    "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman showed me how important they were, and how much of them I was lacking. I also never expected this, but my tastes have changed enough that I start to look forward to them, and am ever finding new favorite ways to enjoy.
  • CanadianMag
    CanadianMag Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks everyone there have been some good feedback. Raw vs. cooked meat I think is a bit one.But lots of others that will help. going to go home tonight and look through this thread and start to implement some great ideas. Even though I thought my logging in was good, I see where I can improve now. Always room for improvement which is why I was seeking help.
  • fvtfan
    fvtfan Posts: 126 Member
    Another thought is to make sure if you are eating back calories that you are figuring out "net calories" which is the calories on your HRM minus the calories you would have burned just sitting around doing nothing. I use this website - it is eye opening:
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Here are some things you need to pay attention to:

    Try 1000 Calories per day. (Worked for my gf) - You can eat 1200 on days like friday and sunday.

    Work out 5 days a week and burn at least 500 calories on the threadmil. Add a few strength excercises

    DO NOT eat junk - Ice cream, pizza , etc. You can eat those things maybe once every 2 weeks but that should be it.

    Just because your calory intake is low but if you are not eating enough proteing and eating junk your weightloss will be dettered and you might get sick due to lack of essential nutrients.

    Stay away from the following food:
    - All bread - or else you decide to eat subway which shouldn't be often
    - Flour based products
    - instant oatmeal
    - White rice
    - All juices
    - All soda
    - All liquor
    The list goes on you get the drift

    Eat more:

    - Egg whites (No yoke - high in cholesterol)
    - Chicken - grilled / baked or cooked - grilled preferred
    - Fish (Same as above - you need a lot of protein fibre and vitamin c)
    - Brown rice
    - Vegetables
    - Almonds every now and then only a hand full too
    - Coconut water - natural
    - Regular water
    - Plantain - 1/2 boiled for meals
    - Natural fruits - Apples Banana plums oranges watermelon etc ( be careful and watch the nutritional part of your MFP so you dont go over on your sugar and sodium level. (Vitamin c overage should be fine)

    These foods will help you out a lot

    You have to do this for at least 2 months and I guarantee you to see at least 10lbs of weight loss.

    Don't cheat. Once you get to your attained goal you can choose to keep eating healthy or eat those things you crave and work out to burn it off.

    Again, NO. Why are you copying and pasting the same reply to different topics?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Here are some things you need to pay attention to:

    Try 1000 Calories per day. (Worked for my gf) - You can eat 1200 on days like friday and sunday.

    Work out 5 days a week and burn at least 500 calories on the threadmil. Add a few strength excercises

    DO NOT eat junk - Ice cream, pizza , etc. You can eat those things maybe once every 2 weeks but that should be it.

    Just because your calory intake is low but if you are not eating enough proteing and eating junk your weightloss will be dettered and you might get sick due to lack of essential nutrients.

    Stay away from the following food:
    - All bread - or else you decide to eat subway which shouldn't be often
    - Flour based products
    - instant oatmeal
    - White rice
    - All juices
    - All soda
    - All liquor
    The list goes on you get the drift

    Eat more:

    - Egg whites (No yoke - high in cholesterol)
    - Chicken - grilled / baked or cooked - grilled preferred
    - Fish (Same as above - you need a lot of protein fibre and vitamin c)
    - Brown rice
    - Vegetables
    - Almonds every now and then only a hand full too
    - Coconut water - natural
    - Regular water
    - Plantain - 1/2 boiled for meals
    - Natural fruits - Apples Banana plums oranges watermelon etc ( be careful and watch the nutritional part of your MFP so you dont go over on your sugar and sodium level. (Vitamin c overage should be fine)

    These foods will help you out a lot

    You have to do this for at least 2 months and I guarantee you to see at least 10lbs of weight loss.

    Don't cheat. Once you get to your attained goal you can choose to keep eating healthy or eat those things you crave and work out to burn it off.

    Again, NO. Why are you copying and pasting the same reply to different topics?

    Oy vey! Get some schooling, my friend.