Trying to teach someone how to cook/shop/understand food



  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    This is going to sound a bit hokey...but

    What if you put a book together like a choose one from each list: protein list, low carb veggies, higher carb veggies, etc. Note serving size for the adult (diabetic) and for the 9yo. That way she can make the correct amount of food and won't get frustrated making too much or too little. You could also do some sample meals showing what to make and what to serve with what - cheese is great on burgers...pretty disgusting on fish....

    I'm guessing the 9yo eats school lunch - that provides an over abundance of carbs so a good protein and veggie dinner should give her the nutrition she needs.

    You say she is married - what has she been cooking for the both of them? Or has he been the cook?

    I think you are doing her a tremendous service to help.... Good luck!

    So many ways to approach this

    It's not hokey at all, and I've seen cookbooks for sale just like what you describe! They're designed for beginner cooks.

    I have a few Better Homes and Gardens cook books. This one looks promising. A bit old but not too shabby!
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    She could look into local groups in her community - seniors groups and the Diabetes Association come to mind. In my area the grocery stores have community rooms where they hold cooking classes a few times a month. Look around the town, check out flyers and bulletin boards. Nutrition and cooking classes are popping up everywhere these days. Even our rec centers and public libraries have classes now!

    I love the chart idea, but I'm surprised she doesn't already have one. Every diabetic in my life has one posted in their kitchen listing the foods that they have to eliminate, limit, and the ones that they can eat 'freely'. (For the record, I don't mean they are calorie free - all foods have calories. I mean the foods that they can eat without sending their diabetic diet into a tailspin.) Maybe she could get one from his doctor, unless this is just a Canadian thing? I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to ask either way.

    Also, I second the idea of getting everyone involved. While it's true that some men don't want to cook, some may be interested but unsure of what to do. It might be fun for them to learn together. As for the 9 year old - kids are smart! No reason she can't learn and lend a hand.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I don't know much about cooking for a diabetic or what the restrictions would be but... there are lots of convenience foods out there. And I'm not talking just about things like Hamburger Helper, which I'm sure people would probably say would not be a good recommendation. But even frozen vegetables, in different combinations, that come in steamer bags where you literally just pop them in the microwave for 5 minutes, open the bag, dump them in a bowl, and voila. That would minimize one of the complicating steps (buying and preparing fresh vegetables) and enable her to focus on prepping protein or other side dishes that would be appropriate for their diet.

    There are also lots of skillet meals and prepared foods in the deli section of most grocery stores that would also help ease the transition. Maybe if she started with meatloaf from the deli, and decided she liked it, then you could work on finding her an easy recipe to prepare it herself.

    I just think you are dealing with so many variables (picky eater, food restrictions, limited cooking skills, limited familiarity with foods) - you need to start with the easiest possible solution and work her up from there.
  • AuroraD82
    AuroraD82 Posts: 56 Member

    Weekend after next I'm making another trip over to help her go shopping and get her started with some basic staple recipes, but there's a lot of work to be done.

    What resources can you recommend for helping her get a handle on not only what to buy, but how to prepare it?

    Do some dishes up, freeze them and bring them with the ingredients to make it again and a simple instruction, like throw in a pot, simmer for 20 minutes, eat.
    The best thing to do is to show her how to cook the way you are trying to get her to cook. Adding something like noodles or whole grain toast for the not diabetic can be a way to encorporate healthy carbs into your 9 year olds meals. But it can be hard to say no to a grown adult so may be better to just keep it simple for now. No pressure type of meals that satisfy all dietary needs. The year old can have the good stuff in her school lunches.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    As a diabetic, there are different rules I don't think you're taking into account.

    Whole grains, half grains, super good looking grains, they just aren't good for diabetics.

    Yes, I eat vegetables, but only low glycemic ones.

    Eggs are pretty darn fantastic.

    Low-fat is often higher in carbs than full-fat.
    Always mix a protein with the carb.
    Spread your carbs out through the day. I'm on 100/day so I do 30 at breakfast lunch and dinner. The rest are for snacks.
    Fruit is limited to berries for me.
    Net carbs are carbs minus fiber.

    Yes, you are teaching her to change her ways, but just make sure you're changing for a diabetic diet and not to fit what you think she should be eating. If you lose her at chickpeas, then backtrack and lose the chickpeas. And frankly, chickpeas are awful for a diabetic. High in net carbs, high in sugar. Most of my meals are piece of meat (or egg!) and veg. And I'd say anyone can cook that.

    In Canada we can go to a diabetic nutritionist for free, if you're American, maybe insurance would cover it?

    Yes...start with basics.

    I don't even think I'd jump to recipes. I think I'd make a list from recommended sources of good choices and leave it on the fridge and she can build her own grocery list and menu.

    Think of it in columns.

    Pick one thing from column a (carb) and pick one from column b (or 2 from column b - whatever for protein) and build a meal. Whatever is recommended and that gives her options, leeway and choices. I'd go with basic and nothing complicated to get her started.

    Then from there I'd worry about how she is going to cook them other than telling her grilled, steamed, baked are GREAT, not fried. Give her an adjustment period to learn and do the best she can. She is probably very overwhelmed and scared of doing more damage than good.

    Good luck.

    One does not build a meal around a carb.
    Carbs are already in dairy and vegetables and fruit and beans. They do not need to be their own separate component in a meal -- especially for a diabetic.

    LOL..I was giving her an idea..that's why I followed it up with whatever is recommended. I'm no expert I just wanted her to see that breaking it down into basics instead of jumping into recipes might be easier for her mom.

    Didn't mean to set anyone off.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Introduce her to the "Healthy Eating Plate" from NutritionSource, Harvard School of Public Health's site for the rest of us.


    There's lots of good information on NutritionSource and it's not trying to sell anything or espouse any particular politics.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    She'll be fine. I think it's that generation, my mum is the same but she didn't kill my brother or me and I'm assuming your mum/dad are alright.
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    Introduce her to the "Healthy Eating Plate" from NutritionSource, Harvard School of Public Health's site for the rest of us.


    There's lots of good information on NutritionSource and it's not trying to sell anything or espouse any particular politics.


    Diabetic=Carb control. (Not all vegetables are equal)
    Diabetic=Sugar control. (All fruits are DEFINITELY not equal)

    What works for the rest of you does not work for diabetics. And can be dangerous. It's why there are nutritionists who specialize in diabetes.
  • shnoots
    shnoots Posts: 82 Member
    She'll be fine. I think it's that generation, my mum is the same but she didn't kill my brother or me and I'm assuming your mum/dad are alright.

    Shes not fine. She's actively looking for help, but the internet is difficult for her, and she lives out of town (the nearest town comprises 800 people, so finding local resources is a no-go). And no, my step-dad (her son) is very much not ok. Just no.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    The chart is a good idea and maybe some crock pot recipes, they're easy.

    ^ This for sure!!
  • melissay28
    melissay28 Posts: 100 Member
    I've seen diabetic cookbooks at the library. Maybe grab one and find some easy recipes and compile them in a book or something for her. Involve her in every process (planning, shopping, cooking) and show her that it isn't THAT bad or hard to do, she just has to really pay attention to whats going on, and your grandpa too. God forbid if something happened to her and she couldn't cook the meals he should know how to get by too. My gpa was in a wheelchair & had use of his arms & hands and still would cook from time to time because he felt it was important to do it.
  • Organicgasm
    Organicgasm Posts: 592 Member
    Buy her a copy of It Starts With Food
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    She'll be fine. I think it's that generation, my mum is the same but she didn't kill my brother or me and I'm assuming your mum/dad are alright.

    Not sure it has anything to do with the generation. My mom is from that generation and is an awesome cook and bakes like made. Me on the only hand I had no interest in learning when I was growing up. Finally figured things out when I moved out on my own. :laugh:

    Good luck, you have your hands full. I think your Grams is going to be over whelmed for awhile since there is soooo much that she has to learn and relatively quickly for her husbands and your sisters sake. I hope she is thankful for all your help. I wish you the best.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Try looking up resources with exchange lists online. I think the Mayo Clinic may have resources that you can print.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    I don't agree at all with the "she is too set in her ways" comments. I was set in my ways too - that's why I go really really fat.
    With diabetes to consider, no matter how set in your ways, if you don't clean up your diet you shorten your life expectancy. Simple.

    Crock pot / slow cookers are sensational. Easy, simple recepies, throw it all in a pot, done.

    A lot of advise on this site for weight loss is to make the changes to your diet and lifestyle slowly. Big changes make people freak out and quit. Introduce her to 2 easy recipes. Sit with her and go through the ingredients - cook it together while you are there, that way you overcome the "I won't like that" fear. Ask her to include each of those recipes once a week.

    Sounds like she needs to build her confidence in the kitchen. Slow and steady. Next time you see her, introduce another recipe.

    And talk her out of looking at the macro nutrient content of each food. She struggles to cook, she is going to struggle with the science of food. Encourage her to focus instead on using ingredients that are as close to their natural form as possible. Fresh meat and fish, beans, eggs, fruits, vegetables, whole grains.

    Good Luck!!!!
  • sandraeward
    sandraeward Posts: 28 Member
    I use a menu service called Saving Dinner. All the dinners are planned out with a shopping list and recipes. I just add breakfast and lunch stuff. Often just double up when cooking and have lunch for the next day. There are several meal planning services around the net to help you plan out a good healthy diet, but I do recommend Saving Dinner one because I've lost eight pounds since starting it and don't feel at all hungry.

    I chose the Paleo version of the menus because the Paleo diet is concerned with controlling blood sugar. I manage to stay strictly on that diet about 80% of the time and I feel wonderful when I do. I tend to have fluctuating blood sugar that may become diabetes unles I get my weight under control.