Poll: Frozen meals or not?



  • SouthernRae
    SouthernRae Posts: 10 Member
    I read that you mix brown rice with black beans...etc.....do you have a specific recipe? Do you eat it as a burrito? I haven't been a fan of brown rice, but I haven't mixed it like you suggested. Any help would be appreciated.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    As with anything else, these can be good or bad. Even if the ingredients aren't all that good for you (e.g. sodium, preservatives) if they help you on your goal to lose weight, then that may outweigh the ingredients.

    I haven't found one I really like the taste of, and will eat them rarely. I do make up big batches of food and freeze them in meal-sized portions so I can grab and go.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    The ones I eat are totally comfort food: Meatloaf with Mac & Cheese, for instance. I KNOW if I made meatloaf, or mac & cheese, and only ate portions the size of the ones in the box, mine would have less sodium, for instance. However, I also know myself well enough to know that if I want Mac&Cheese I'm better off with a higher sodium small amount than leftovers.....
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Most are full of sodium and sugars...to make up for it being 'healthy'. I am not a fan of frozen meals but in a pinch I'll eat Amys or Kashi.
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I keep a couple of them in the freezer as a "just in case". :)
  • meaghanls
    Ugh. Not a fan. The only things in my freezer are fruits for smoothies, the occasional pint of vegan ice-cream and meals I've made and frozen to save and rotate so I'm not eating the same thing all the time.

    When you make dinner, make extra and freeze it in one meal size portions (like chili or lasagna, etc)... and take it out to defrost when you get up and throw it in the oven or in a pot to warm it up. (I'm anti a lot of things and up there is the microwave! I never use it unless I'm melting my vegan cheese on nachos which is next to never.)

    Homemade meals are not only healthier, but then you know where they come from and exactly everything that goes into them. Any ingredients list that includes "natural" or "artificial" flavours can be ANYTHING... and who really wants to take a chance with that?
  • Courtney_Ann
    I honestly don't like them. I don't think the flavor is all that great and i am still hungry when I am finished. I also, do not care for all the sodium. I know it is a good solution for many, but not for me. I would rather just make a little extra food for dinner the night before and take leftovers.
  • rainbowdash
    rainbowdash Posts: 10 Member
    Interesting post. I just started 6 days ago, with a calorie total of 1200 per day. (Im 5"1) So portion control is going to be extremely important for me. My kids are 5,3, and 1. I work full time. I have a 50% life time risk of having type 2 diabetes due to my history of gestational diabetes. So there are considerable risks if I dont get my BMI down. It not like Im drinking slim fast and taking dexatrim...I bought several lean cuisines, jimmie deans delights sandwhiches, and some smart ones to get started. Its quick, its portion controled, and I'm satisfied. As I have adjusted to the portion size and calories in different food options. Im beginning to branch out and I can creat new meals. A big part of losing weight is weighing the risks of not losing weight versus the risks of what you are going to put into your body. Im guessing a large number of people out there who need to lose weight if they are not eating a lean cuisine my chose to eat something worse like a cheese burger so lets put things in perspective a little. The other point is that eating healthy takes a lot of planning that in the begining is overwhelming. If you dont have time to plan this is an option.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't like them and do not incorporate them into my food plan. They are processed foods just like those boxed meals...they appear to be healthier, but all the sodium and carbs kills it for me. Also, most of them are so low in calories that I would need to eat 2 in order to get the total amount of cals I need for just 1 meal, meaning I would go over on sodium and carbs in just that 1 meal.

    On the other hand, I do have 1 on hand in my freezer for those "just in case" days. I never "plan" to eat it, but on days when something goes wrong (like the chicken gets burned or the cats ate my fish while it was thawing...) I will have that and a piece of fruit instead of going out to McDonald's which is far worse than Lean Cuisine.