Need buddies so I am not tempted to go to McDonalds



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,022 Member
    People who dress in sportswear but don't play sport go to McDonalds.

    Well that maybe true - but any other people go there too who wear different things or who do play sport or both.

    OP I agree with the suggestions of taking. A packed.lunch from home and also the very good suggestion to leave your cards and money at home so you can't buy things on impulse.

    If it were me,I would be doing that but also allowing myself a planned fast food treat now and then - so it doesn't become the temptation of forbidden fruit.
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    Too many reponses to read through...but OP I found that the only way for me to "break" my fast food habit was to quit it for a few weeks. cold turkey, just simply refused to allow myself to do it !! It does take will power, but I'm sure that you can do it. After I broke my attraction to it, I was able to slowly add some back in...trying to make healthier choices at the restaurants, but also giving in to a burger and small fries occassionally, if I could budget my calories to allow it. Yes its going to suck, and yes its going to take time....but you will adjust to better habits! I've heard it takes about 3 weeks to adopt a new habit, so give yourself the next 3 weeks and change, and be sure to note how much better you feel with each passing will serve as something to look back to when your will power weakens. Good Luck!
  • jenlei7231
    jenlei7231 Posts: 23 Member
    Pack that lunch. Everyone at my work goes out and I work for a Restaurant equipment dealer, so it is even harder. Don't focus on what you can't have, focus on everything in moderation. Start eliminating small things and before you know it, you will be two pounds away. ;) Feel free to add me.
  • _SantaClause
    _SantaClause Posts: 335 Member

    Neither are people who resort to insults in a discussion.

    I never claimed to be smart.

    But you're wrong.

    I can point you to a bunch of websites that agree with me.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member

    Addiction is mostly a lack of will power.

    Wrong - addiction is not a lack of will power however chasing an addiction and remaining "clean" afterwards is a prove of a considerable amount of will power.
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    there is always the option to go to McD's and track it as a normal meal......

    This... why do people make things so darn difficult?

    If someone is addicted to a certain type of unhealthy food then it may be best to avoid that food. Like smoking. I quit, but if I was to have just one, I would be on 20 a day in no time at all. There are a lot of addictions that are very similar, drinking alcohol, smoking, food.

    This is debatable.

    Everything in life is debatable ???? We are all different.

    Addiction is mostly a lack of will power.

    So someone who smokes or drinks heavily ISN'T addicted?its just lack of willpower?

    Absolutely. Just don't drink or smoke. It's literally that simple. You smoke too much then quit smoking. The same goes for alcohol. People like to disguise their lack of will power by saying they have a disease or an addiction.

    You are having a laugh, arent you??? Quitting smoking is friggin difficult! I've done it countless times but always go back. Each time telling myself I wont start again. This with a husband who smokes anyway. There is a sense of lack of willpower when trying to give up something and failing but that is due to the addiction. If you've never been addicted to something, then you will have no idea what I'm talking about. Rehabs are not for people with lack of willpower are they? They're for addictions.
  • SuninVirgo
    SuninVirgo Posts: 255 Member
    you know what else is at walmart? a produce section. and a deli counter with lean meats... they arent your only options so you can do this.

    This is so true OP! There's a lot more to Walmart than junk food. Just allow yourself to buy only from the fresh section .
    Put the brakes on! You will change your ways.
    Like when I quit smoking...smoked for 25 years. I wanted to die at first....Everything was hard when I quit---even breathing!
    I QUIT A 25 YEAR HABIT COLD TURKEY! I am going to apply that to losing weight- you can do it too!!!
  • Tammy_1971
    Tammy_1971 Posts: 93 Member
    I am trying very hard to change the way I eat, but since I am about to retire I decided to get a second job at Walmart and of course there is a McDonald's in there. Also there is a Wendy's, Panda Express, L & L, and Burger King in various spots within 5 minutes of the Walmart that I work at. It is all very tempting and I hope that I can try to resist it. Also soda is a huge downfall of mine. I have cut down and started drinking more water, but it still calls to me and gives me headaches when I don't get enough caffeine.

    Maybe browse the veggie/fruit area of Walmart instead... :bigsmile:
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member

    Neither are people who resort to insults in a discussion.

    I never claimed to be smart.

    But you're wrong.

    I can point you to a bunch of websites that agree with me.

    Sorry, I am not a website but agree with you;)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You don't get obese from eating healthily.

    It is not a matter of eating healthily but mainly how much you eat - Excessive amount of calories will make you gain weight even from steamed broccoli and grilled chicken!

    Eating too much isn't eating healthily, no matter what food you eat.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,599 Member
    there is always the option to go to McD's and track it as a normal meal......

    This... why do people make things so darn difficult?

    If someone is addicted to a certain type of unhealthy food then it may be best to avoid that food. Like smoking. I quit, but if I was to have just one, I would be on 20 a day in no time at all. There are a lot of addictions that are very similar, drinking alcohol, smoking, food.

    This is debatable.

    Everything in life is debatable ???? We are all different.

    Addiction is mostly a lack of will power.

    So someone who smokes or drinks heavily ISN'T addicted?its just lack of willpower?

    Absolutely. Just don't drink or smoke. It's literally that simple. You smoke too much then quit smoking. The same goes for alcohol. People like to disguise their lack of will power by saying they have a disease or an addiction.

    You are having a laugh, arent you??? Quitting smoking is friggin difficult! I've done it countless times but always go back. Each time telling myself I wont start again. This with a husband who smokes anyway. There is a sense of lack of willpower when trying to give up something and failing but that is due to the addiction. If you've never been addicted to something, then you will have no idea what I'm talking about. Rehabs are not for people with lack of willpower are they? They're for addictions.

    However you need to justify it go right ahead.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I've always been big but not fat . I am 37 years old 6'1" feet tall and 271 pounds. Food is delicious and I love to eat. I have been in the Navy for 19 years and I need to lose 20 pounds by November to be able to retire in June. I just started and could really use some friends when I am tempted to go to a fast food restaurant. I want to lose 70 pounds total to hopefully be more able to do things.

    I'm just struggling with the implication that if you gain weight in the navy, they won't let you leave ...
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    I agree with some of the posters that said it isn't so much what you eat, but how many calories you eat!

    The 4 Big Macs a day example is a good one...believe it or not, that would probably work.
    For example,

    That said, if you don't want to be like Don, to lose weight just pick smaller options there. For example, at Wendy's, I get a couple of the side salads, and one cheeseburger deluxe off the value menu, and a diet coke. And get regular home meals in there too. Nothing wrong with a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a small fast food meal for lunch (500-600 kcal), and grilled chicken and rice for dinner. You can do that and eat less than 2000 kcal a day easy.

    Another thing is that your body will get used to eating less food, especially the salt and fat you crave from fast food meals. But expect to be hungry sometimes during the first couple months of a diet change. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal. If you like salad, you can fill up on that. Just skip the fatty dressings. Drink more water, coffee, tea.
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member

    Neither are people who resort to insults in a discussion.

    I never claimed to be smart.

    But you're wrong.

    I can point you to a bunch of websites that agree with me.

    That has to be one of the most poorly constructed websites I've seen since the days of custom Myspace pages.

    If you truly believe that nonsense, then how do you explain babies born with substance addiction from in-utero circumstances? Are you really insinuating that these babies make a choice to want to do cocaine at 3 weeks old?
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,599 Member

    Neither are people who resort to insults in a discussion.

    I never claimed to be smart.

    But you're wrong.

    I can point you to a bunch of websites that agree with me.

    That has to be one of the most poorly constructed websites I've seen since the days of custom Myspace pages.

    If you truly believe that nonsense, then how do you explain babies born with substance addiction from in-utero circumstances? Are you really insinuating that these babies make a choice to want to do cocaine at 3 weeks old?

    Congrats on insulting the structure of the article but not actually reading it. Great work.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member

    Neither are people who resort to insults in a discussion.

    I never claimed to be smart.

    But you're wrong.

    I can point you to a bunch of websites that agree with me.

    That has to be one of the most poorly constructed websites I've seen since the days of custom Myspace pages.

    If you truly believe that nonsense, then how do you explain babies born with substance addiction from in-utero circumstances? Are you really insinuating that these babies make a choice to want to do cocaine at 3 weeks old?

    Don't waste your time and energy bigblondewolf - not worth it!
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member

    Neither are people who resort to insults in a discussion.

    I never claimed to be smart.

    But you're wrong.

    I can point you to a bunch of websites that agree with me.

    That has to be one of the most poorly constructed websites I've seen since the days of custom Myspace pages.

    If you truly believe that nonsense, then how do you explain babies born with substance addiction from in-utero circumstances? Are you really insinuating that these babies make a choice to want to do cocaine at 3 weeks old?

    Congrats on insulting the structure of the article but not actually reading it. Great work.

    I did read the article. It was full of psuedo-science and improperly quoted research studies taken out of context.

    And congrats to you on cherry picking my comment, but to not actually answering the blatant question.
  • ItsMeBlue
    ItsMeBlue Posts: 25 Member
    Actually, Headofphat friend, Addiction is a real thing. so is addiction to bitterness and unforgiveness towards someone who you cared about who hurt you because of their addiction. That was me 5 years ago, and i sounded JUST like YOU. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. ....... For the OP, Man it's tough, but I finally was able to refocus on what I will be able to do when I'm healthier, instead of the instant gratification of fast food, and even faster guilt and regret afterwards. I eat tuna fish for lunch on weekdays with low calorie it a savings account...I'm saving every week for a splurge night on the weekend where i can lavish the goodness of rich foods on myself without going overboard. It's working..I'm down over 20 pounds since july and have more energy than I have had in 15 years. In the words of lynyrd skynyrd...You can do this , OP, if you try...all that I want for you my to be satisfied..and be a simple kind of man! Good luck and God bless!
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,599 Member

    Neither are people who resort to insults in a discussion.

    I never claimed to be smart.

    But you're wrong.

    I can point you to a bunch of websites that agree with me.

    That has to be one of the most poorly constructed websites I've seen since the days of custom Myspace pages.

    If you truly believe that nonsense, then how do you explain babies born with substance addiction from in-utero circumstances? Are you really insinuating that these babies make a choice to want to do cocaine at 3 weeks old?

    Congrats on insulting the structure of the article but not actually reading it. Great work.

    I did read the article. It was full of psuedo-science and improperly quoted research studies taken out of context.

    And congrats to you on cherry picking my comment, but to not actually answering the blatant question.

    An adult picking up a drink or a cigarette and saying that they are "addicted" and cant' stop...whoa is vastly different than a pregnant mother destroying her body and the body of an unborn child with a chemical substance. Is the newborn "addicted" or have they just had their body ruined by a piece of *kitten* parent who was "addicted" to crack? By your rationale the mother shouldn't be held culpable for the baby she ruined because the was "addicted" to drugs and it's not her fault. correct?
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    Nothing is the matter with me, i'm just making a point. What's the matter with you?

    If you're not going to discuss this as a grown up then I'm moving on. No need for a potty mouth now is there?