Dating in 2014...WOW!



  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    That's not so bad OP. Follow that question up with "Do you take a check?" and that's exactly how I met my first 3 wives. *nods*

    And you broke up with me with a pink slip. Really harsh.

    Ah yes, I remember that weekend......Pebble Beach......*happy sigh*

    There's an 18-hole joke in here somewhere.
  • angelamary61
    angelamary61 Posts: 97 Member
    Lot of people quick to get on the defensive here.
    just be patient, veeeeery patient. And don't lower your standards.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    maybe because when the guy tries being nice he gets ignored?

    Please show me nice guys! Men in their 30's, at least the ones that I have met, are the horniest breed alive. That's all they think about!

    I'm an honest guy (and I think I'm nice....), and I've been on only 1 date in the past 3 years. That was with someone who lives 150 miles away (yep, I had to look that far just to get a date at all), and she stood me up on the second date. I'm not in my 30's.

    My experience has been that women are far too picky. To be fair, I'm also picky about a few things that are deal-breakers. Specifically, I'm childfree and will only date a woman who is childfree. That may make it difficult to find someone to date, but that doesn't explain why they don't return messages or don't show up even after setting up a date.
  • N2Couture
    N2Couture Posts: 2,762 Member
    Can i just say … its not just the men that send those pictures … Some scary women out there as well

    Yes...and most women aren't very good at taking photos of their snatch

    Date creative women who know technology. They haz more beautiful snatchez.

    Surely if she's using photoshop thats blatantly false advertising. Is this a thing now? Fake snatch shots..

    I don't appreciate doctored snatches. I like them au natural and yummy. I was more referring to shot composition and positioning than corrections and enhancements.

    Just work the lighting and angles, and I am happy. Glistening is a bonus.

    But I digress.

    *Mine* just sent.:huh:
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    I've never had a date and wouldn't ever want to .,. its harsh!!! but all the best of luck to you.

  • gfrogel01
    gfrogel01 Posts: 5 Member
    Cutting all the crap talk, cause it seems like there's a lot on here. Good for laughs! But, this is a serious question. OP, I have found that being utterly and brutally honest has always been the best policy for me in my dating life. Being upfront, and just letting your interests know what it is that you're looking for and the things that you are not looking for, helps to save time and hurt feelings on both sides of the relationship. I would just go into a relationship with honesty and let your interests know that honesty is what you expect to receive in return. Good luck! And remember, dating can be fun!
  • Gordon_L
    Gordon_L Posts: 4,475 Member
    Can i just say … its not just the men that send those pictures … Some scary women out there as well

    Yes...and most women aren't very good at taking photos of their snatch

    Date creative women who know technology. They haz more beautiful snatchez.

    Surely if she's using photoshop thats blatantly false advertising. Is this a thing now? Fake snatch shots..

    I don't appreciate doctored snatches. I like them au natural and yummy. I was more referring to shot composition and positioning than corrections and enhancements.

    Just work the lighting and angles, and I am happy. Glistening is a bonus.

    But I digress.

    *Mine* just sent.:huh:

    I didn't get it - can you resend please?
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I don't appreciate doctored snatches. I like them au natural and yummy. I was more referring to shot composition and positioning than corrections and enhancements.

    Just work the lighting and angles, and I am happy. Glistening is a bonus.

    But I digress.

    *Mine* just sent.:huh:

    Don't get me started on depth of field....! :tongue:
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    That's not so bad OP. Follow that question up with "Do you take a check?" and that's exactly how I met my first 3 wives. *nods*

    And you broke up with me with a pink slip. Really harsh.

    Ah yes, I remember that weekend......Pebble Beach......*happy sigh*

    There's an 18-hole joke in here somewhere.

    Well it certainly seemed like there were 18 of em!

  • Cutting all the crap talk, cause it seems like there's a lot on here. Good for laughs! But, this is a serious question. OP, I have found that being utterly and brutally honest has always been the best policy for me in my dating life. Being upfront, and just letting your interests know what it is that you're looking for and the things that you are not looking for, helps to save time and hurt feelings on both sides of the relationship. I would just go into a relationship with honesty and let your interests know that honesty is what you expect to receive in return. Good luck! And remember, dating can be fun!

    There aren't any honest men left and dating thus far, hasn't been that fun. Thankfully, I just bought new running shoes, so that I can run faster from the crazies :(
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Have you tried Christian Mingle? Unless this is your experience there.
  • Have you tried Christian Mingle? Unless this is your experience there.

    Lol, nope, and really just taking a break for now. Kinda liking no man to clean up after, go out with my girls without explanation, paint my walls hot pink, things like that.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    Can i just say … its not just the men that send those pictures … Some scary women out there as well

    Yes...and most women aren't very good at taking photos of their snatch

    Date creative women who know technology. They haz more beautiful snatchez.

    Surely if she's using photoshop thats blatantly false advertising. Is this a thing now? Fake snatch shots..

    I don't appreciate doctored snatches. I like them au natural and yummy. I was more referring to shot composition and positioning than corrections and enhancements.

    Just work the lighting and angles, and I am happy. Glistening is a bonus.

    But I digress.

    That front facing camera makes a world of difference in photo composition. True story.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    You all make me laugh so so much. And also quite, quite educational.

    It's nice to know that it is ok to judge someone on their artistic composition of junk pics. I thought that might be considered shallow, but it sounds like it's more a matter of having standards.

    To the OP - have you been going out to meet people or restricting your efforts to online? I've met some nice people in my day-to-day life going to restaurants, coffee shops, bars, pretty much anything that has to do with food. I can't judge if they're 'quality' as I'm not ready to date yet - but they all seem like nice people.
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    maybe because when the guy tries being nice he gets ignored?

    When a man says he's being "nice", what he's actually saying is "I want to get laid". It's the exact opposite of nice and women can see it a mile off.

    Meeting women online is easy. Read their profiles. If they sound like someone you'd like to meet, send them an interesting message that they will respond to. Base it on something you've learned about them from their profiles.

    Until you meet them it's all nonsense anyway, so don't take it too seriously. I have no idea how many people didn't respond to me, but I went on dates with a lot of really lovely women from online dating.

    I'm fat and balding, you're ripped and handsome. You'll do OK. :drinker:
  • Marbella29660
    Marbella29660 Posts: 71 Member
    There are genuine guys out there. Trust me. Met my husband here on MFP on 2011, and we married 5 months later. Don't lose hope -- there are STILL good guys out there.

    I know quite a few that admit to meeting their other half here on MFP and I know quite a few who have found MFP a distraction to their other half (make of that what you will). So believe it or not you're in the right place for online nonsense.

    Just as a side note: I went with a suggestion to speak to two new people everyday until I met someone I wanted to go out with socially. It worked like a treat and I stopped relying on meeting people online. Good old fashioned conversion worked for me. It's worth a try, as people you meet face to face tend not to show you their junk unless you ask of course. Good luck :)
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    OP: The lack of physical presence means a small but highly over-represented group do weird things. I think they get confused, by all the porn on their computers. Don't lose heart, there's lots of men who won't send pictures of their tummy bananas.

    Stick with it. I have been happily with someone I met online for a couple of years now. We met on the largest dating website.

    Oh, and try It's not a dating site, but you will meet a lot of people and there's groups for everything. I would have met someone through that eventually, had I been looking. It's a numbers game, innit? :smile:
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    There are genuine guys out there. Trust me. Met my husband here on MFP on 2011, and we married 5 months later. Don't lose hope -- there are STILL good guys out there.

    I know quite a few that admit to meeting their other half here on MFP and I know quite a few who have found MFP a distraction to their other half (make of that what you will). So believe it or not you're in the right place for online nonsense.

    Just as a side note: I went with a suggestion to speak to two new people everyday until I met someone I wanted to go out with socially. It worked like a treat and I stopped relying on meeting people online. Good old fashioned conversion worked for me. It's worth a try, as people you meet face to face tend not to show you their junk unless you ask of course. Good luck :)

    All due respect, I had lots of those guys playing around on my FL trying to flirt with me under an old account back then. We were both freshly divorced from our ex's and looking for a friend. Nothing more. I was a total man hater at the time b/c of what ex did to me (and we only took things to the next level b/c he befriended me, and the rest is history -- we have a beautiful marriage). I had to take things VERY seriously because I lived almost 3,000 miles away and 5 months later I'd leave Pittsburgh, PA to move 2 hours north of Seattle. So I knew I was completely in love (and not in lust with him). We've been married pushing 3 years now and while yes, I see flirting here on MFP between point is there are good people out there.
  • maybe because when the guy tries being nice he gets ignored?

    Please show me nice guys! Men in their 30's, at least the ones that I have met, are the horniest breed alive. That's all they think about!

    send those b*tches this way.

    I kid. I kid.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    You all make me laugh so so much. And also quite, quite educational.

    It's nice to know that it is ok to judge someone on their artistic composition of junk pics. I thought that might be considered shallow, but it sounds like it's more a matter of having standards.

    Meh. We all have things that we like to see, and how we like to see them. That is part of the fantasy of it.
    So it is not so much standards, but just that we like what we like.

    Mmmm Hmmmm.