Dating in 2014...WOW!



  • gfrogel01
    gfrogel01 Posts: 5 Member
    So, this topic was not started because you are currently ready to date, but because you just wanted to know how everyone else feels about the dating structure nowadays? Okay, thanks for the clarification. In that case, I really don't see why so many women keep going down that same old road, 'there aren't any more good guys out there', 'there's no more honest men', 'where did all of the gentlemen go'. All I have to say is, stop living in your perfect little fairy tale dream that there is a prince charming and the 'perfect man'. There are people, good and bad, no matter what sex. You have to give to get. Appreciate who you are with, and they will appreciate you. If it doesn't work this way, then apparently there is no compatibility there and the relationship needs to come to an end. The best advice that I can give, stop putting people in a box! No one fits the perfect stereotypical man, or the perfect stereotypical woman. Stop kidding yourself. BE REALISTIC! Nobody is perfect, but yes we can find that person who fits us the best.
  • FrozenSongBird
    FrozenSongBird Posts: 3,892 Member
    In for junk:laugh:
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    Yup, that's how it is. Either you are the shy tease or the loud *kitten*. Can't win either way.
  • Cutting all the crap talk, cause it seems like there's a lot on here. Good for laughs! But, this is a serious question. OP, I have found that being utterly and brutally honest has always been the best policy for me in my dating life. Being upfront, and just letting your interests know what it is that you're looking for and the things that you are not looking for, helps to save time and hurt feelings on both sides of the relationship. I would just go into a relationship with honesty and let your interests know that honesty is what you expect to receive in return. Good luck! And remember, dating can be fun!

    There aren't any honest men left and dating thus far, hasn't been that fun. Thankfully, I just bought new running shoes, so that I can run faster from the crazies :(

    Wow with an attitude like that I am shocked that dudes would even send you their "Junk" pics. Thatnks for grouping everyone into a tiny little bundle of dishonest nude pic hounds.
  • Kisuke30
    Kisuke30 Posts: 668 Member
    Are you upset because you aren't getting enough junk pics?? Don't give up. Join Tinder. I'm sure you'll get plenty there. :flowerforyou:

    i coughed my drink through my nose laughing at that. Well played.

    And don't give up, there's good guys out there!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Yeah women send noodz too. How many men were caught on that Icloud hack? I can wait for the answer.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    The dating scene is way harsh. I haven't had a boyfriend in over 2 years.

    I gave up dating and got a Netflix account instead :cry: :sad:
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    The dating scene is way harsh. I haven't had a boyfriend in over 2 years.

    I gave up dating and got a Netflix account instead :cry: :sad:

    Maybe broad out the age range you have set?
  • scrapalooza
    scrapalooza Posts: 335 Member
    Please show me nice guys! Men in their 30's, at least the ones that I have met, are the horniest breed alive. That's all they think about!

    Well I am 47 & been single for almost a year after a 17 yr relationship, so send these my way. LOL
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Please show me nice guys! Men in their 30's, at least the ones that I have met, are the horniest breed alive. That's all they think about!

    Well am 47 & been single for almost a year after a 17 yr relationship, so send these my way. LOL

    A lot of men think about sex 90 % of the time. Seems pretty normal to me.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    In for junk:laugh:

  • Nuccia2012
    Nuccia2012 Posts: 122 Member
    So, this topic was not started because you are currently ready to date, but because you just wanted to know how everyone else feels about the dating structure nowadays? Okay, thanks for the clarification. In that case, I really don't see why so many women keep going down that same old road, 'there aren't any more good guys out there', 'there's no more honest men', 'where did all of the gentlemen go'. All I have to say is, stop living in your perfect little fairy tale dream that there is a prince charming and the 'perfect man'. There are people, good and bad, no matter what sex. You have to give to get. Appreciate who you are with, and they will appreciate you. If it doesn't work this way, then apparently there is no compatibility there and the relationship needs to come to an end. The best advice that I can give, stop putting people in a box! No one fits the perfect stereotypical man, or the perfect stereotypical woman. Stop kidding yourself. BE REALISTIC! Nobody is perfect, but yes we can find that person who fits us the best.

    Totally agree with this advice. Guys are awesome! I’m 30 and about a year removed from a loooooong term relationship. Through dating, I’ve ,mostly met genuine, decent men. Establishing clear boundaries, along with knowing why you’re dating (i.e., just getting laid---which has its merits!---v. pursuing an LTR or marriage, or whatever), AND being up-front about all this can be helpful as you navigate.

    I’ve tried a few different avenues, but I’ve had the best luck meeting guys socially. I will say that Tinder was fun, highly amusing, and at least once, a little terrifying. If you’re dating a fair bit, junk shots are par for the course regardless of the route you take. If you’re into it, great, and if not, move along, I guess. And if you're getting a bit burned out or feeling like all of the good men have run for the hills, by all means, step back and do you. Confident and independent ladies are awesome, too. : )
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Im newly divorced and 30 yrs old. What is up with the dating scene nowadays?!?! "Hey how are you, heres a pic of my junk" Seriously, only been a few years since I dated, but have things really changed this much?? Yea, I think I give up!

    Apparently not impressive junk.
    laughssssss!!! OMG I guess I haven't dated in so long I didn't even know all this goes on. This outta be fun
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Wait, so dating now means easy junk pics?

    *heading to courthouse first thing Monday morning to file divorce papers*

    Back to the dating field I go!! :laugh:
  • kbeloved
    kbeloved Posts: 67 Member
    ...i demand pictures of junk now,
    the good kinda junk, not that stuff just left on the side of the road ;D

    but in all srsly, men are sexual beings, and some of them have a "junk quota" they have to meat, and if you happen to be 1 in 100 girls they are spamming with pix of their goods, just *kitten* and move on like we all do.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Look at it this way if you see their junk then you can decide whether or not you are interested lol.
  • And the embarrassing moment when you realize they sent you a fake pic....
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I love nice guys! The problem is, I also want someone I am attracted to, and can have decent conversations with.
    Now THAT is hard to find.
    I have no kids, but I've pretty much given up finding anyone else who doesn't, unless I go at least 8 years younger. Even then, they usually have a kid. Anyway, it's not a deal breaker for me, but I haven't gotten to the point of them wanting me to be stand-in Mommy, so I don't know how that would work out...
    But yeah, most guys these days just want to bang...which I'm ok with too, as long as it's up front, safe, enjoyable, and re-occurring!
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    And the embarrassing moment when you realize they sent you a fake pic....

    Look, I explained it to you. I was in the pool. It was cold. There was significant shrinkage...
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    So, this topic was not started because you are currently ready to date, but because you just wanted to know how everyone else feels about the dating structure nowadays? Okay, thanks for the clarification. In that case, I really don't see why so many women keep going down that same old road, 'there aren't any more good guys out there', 'there's no more honest men', 'where did all of the gentlemen go'. All I have to say is, stop living in your perfect little fairy tale dream that there is a prince charming and the 'perfect man'. There are people, good and bad, no matter what sex. You have to give to get. Appreciate who you are with, and they will appreciate you. If it doesn't work this way, then apparently there is no compatibility there and the relationship needs to come to an end. The best advice that I can give, stop putting people in a box! No one fits the perfect stereotypical man, or the perfect stereotypical woman. Stop kidding yourself. BE REALISTIC! Nobody is perfect, but yes we can find that person who fits us the best.

    pretty sure this is why they are sending the pics. square pegs and round holes and all that.