What's the biggest food mistake you used to make?



  • linedawg
    Eating too much sugar, I did not realize how many foods had large amounts in it.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    eating animals, dairy,eggs,honey,gelatin

    but its been a literal decade since ive committed such atrocities
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    When I first started, I barcode scanned an Orville Pop-Up Bowl, and it said 160 calories. I always get confused by 2tsp unpopped vs 4c popped (who eats unpopped popcorn?) so I rolled with it. Lost my weight, then someone had the balls to confront my diary about it. I took another look and selected "1 container" and ta-da! 2.5 servings, 400 calories. I still log them as 160 calories because it has had zero effect on my year-long maintenance, and I eat one pretty much every day at 1pm at work, M-F.
  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    Coke and energy drinks. I was consuming ~500 calories a day from those alone.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    thinking I needed to deprive myself of all foods that were "bad" and ending up binging on them after a few weeks, instead of having small portions that fit into my calorie goals in order to satisfy my cravings

    This was definitely the dowfall of every "diet" I ever tried. Everything in moderation is much more realistic for me!

    Mostly though, just being in complete denial about portion sizes and thinking I had to keep up with Hubby at the dinner table.
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    Iced Coffees.... Coffee by be a low calorie drink but umm... when it's cold and from McDonald's - loaded with Sugar!
  • irejuvenateme
    irejuvenateme Posts: 96 Member
    Binge eating processed sugar treats (cookies, ice cream etc). Using caffeine and sugar together when working late hours.
    These are ongoing challenges even though I am getting in front of it the last month or so.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Low carb, carbohydrate addicts diet, Atkins, protein power, all of em.

    Just made me crave and rebound.
    not eating much in the day and overeating at night! and I mean! eating over my calorie needs. So I'd be miserable, jittery and sluggish all day then sleepy and sluggish after dinner. I realise now I was self medicating whilst in an unhappy situation.

    Everything's good now, good macros, good fuel supply, not under eating or overeating too much.

    Unfortunately I've just discovered CRONUTS so there is a disturbance in the force.
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Biggest food mistake I made was eating whole pizza's, whole bags of BBQ chips, and whole liters of soda. XD
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Freaking HANDFULS of chocolate chips. Although I don't know if this counts as a response since I still have a problem with it... haha

    But in the past, I would make a batch of cookies for my husband, friend and I. And we'd eat ALL of it in one night. 600-1000 calories of cookies/brownies/treats. Talk about eye opening when I started logging...
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Thinking that just because it was a salad, it was healthy. I've since learned that my favorite salad I would have at one of my regular restaurants was at least 900 calories, and then I loved their ranch, so I'd order extra (hey, what's the harm? I was eating salad! :tongue: ). I was probably looking at a good 1400 calories at least.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Freaking HANDFULS of chocolate chips. Although I don't know if this counts as a response since I still have a problem with it... haha

    Well, you have to test them and make sure they're suitable for baking... and you have to take a good sample for scientific reasons.
  • Kimmer03
    Kimmer03 Posts: 48 Member
    So, so, so much peanut butter.

  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I used to eat out all the time, and now I almost always cook. I know what I'm putting in my dishes even though they can get caloric at times. Plus, portion sizes were my downfall.
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    Cheat meals. Now I just eat what I want as long as it fits with my day. Haven't binged in over two months.
  • sarahcakez
    sarahcakez Posts: 30 Member
    Ordering the salad on the restaurant menu when I really wanted the steak. Then, going home and eating everything I touched because I didn't fill the craving.

    THEN learning that the steak was the lower calorie option with the better macros when I started counting calories. That one really pissed me off.

    This. :angry:
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Ben & Jerry's.
    Oh heck, just eating ALL the food. Nothing in moderation.
  • sarahcakez
    sarahcakez Posts: 30 Member
    Freaking HANDFULS of chocolate chips. Although I don't know if this counts as a response since I still have a problem with it... haha

    Well, you have to test them and make sure they're suitable for baking... and you have to take a good sample for scientific reasons.

    ....for scientific reasons.
    I have to keep chocolate chips out of my house for this reason! 1 tbsp=70 cal!
  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    Thinking that just because it was a salad, it was healthy. I've since learned that my favorite salad I would have at one of my regular restaurants was at least 900 calories, and then I loved their ranch, so I'd order extra (hey, what's the harm? I was eating salad! :tongue: ). I was probably looking at a good 1400 calories at least.

    Lol, I used to be a waiter at PizzaExpress here in the UK, and I found it hilarious when people would loudly exclaim 'I'm on a diet, I'll have the salad' and then ask for three extra servings of dressing. :laugh:
  • revnevbwfc
    revnevbwfc Posts: 6 Member
    basically - stuffing my face with biscuits/cheese/a sandwich/piece of cake/crisps - anything to hand WHILST WAITING FOR THE KETTLE TO BOIL!!