I'm at my wits end.

I have been on and off dieting for the past four years. When I was 18, I ate 1,000 calories a day, and worked out 40 min on the wii. I lost 60 pounds in less than five months. I went from being 192 to 135. I was really skinny. I was fitting in like I'd never had before, and I felt like being skinny was like having a membership to an exclusive club. It was great. And then I got a boyfriend.

A year later I'm 210 pounds. I couldn't believe it. So I started losing weight, this time eating 1200 calories a day and working out 30 min on the elliptical. I got down to 175 in a couple of months and then the weight loss stopped. Wouldn't budge. At all.

So I researched and researched and researched. I know every little weight loss myth and pattern and everything. So I try upping calories, upping work out, nothing. I go atkins. Paleo. Vegan. "Healthy". "Portioning". Nothing. I give up.

And now I'm 21, almost 22, 5'4 and 216.6 pounds. Every time I lose a pound, I gain 3 back. I'm eating 1, 000 calories, because that's the only way I can even lose an ounce. I work out sporratically but I just can't seem to find the motivation to get up and do it. The past 24 days I've lost 6 pounds, gained 3. I'm being so good. I cut out soda, I count in a treat into my calories so I don't cheat ...

Nothing. My jeans and bra are still getting tighter, and my friends are all skinnier and losing weight. I picked up an xxl skirt, and my friend was afraid it would be too small for me. I used to fit into a size extra small.

Oct 9th is my birthday and my dad is going to see me for the first time since I gained the weight. I wanted to be at least 170 before he came but there's no way that's going to happen. I'd settle for 200. But even that seems unreachable.

I'm getting so depressed I spend most of my time crying. But I stick to the diet. I go for walks, play wii Tennis and just dance, because I can barely leave the house I feel so disgusting. My boyfriend wants to leave me because I'm so depressed and I'm just picking at salads with nothing to show for it.

What can I do? I don't want to give up, but every time I eat, it feels like a failure. I'm still gaining weight while trying so hard. I just can't take it any more, some one help.


  • jal92475
    jal92475 Posts: 53 Member
    You may need medical assistance if everything you are saying is accurate but the suggestions I most frequently see are the following:

    If you do not have a scale and do not weigh "everything", make sure you do so. You may be eating more than you think.

    If you are not using a HRM, you may be overestimating your calorie burns. 1000 calories is very low for someone of your weight to be eating. My SW was 211, CW 197 and GW 144 so we have a similar starting point.

    You might want to open your diary so people can look and make suggestions.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Agree that you need to open your diary. One of two things is happening. You are either eating much more then you think you are by not tracking accurately (a very very very very common occurrence), or you have some kind of metabolic disease that makes you not lose weight on a level of calories that would make most other people your height and weight lose. My advice would be open your diary, and have a doctor run a panel of blood work to check for metabolic diseases.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Agree that you need to open your diary. One of two things is happening. You are either eating much more then you think you are by not tracking accurately (a very very very very common occurrence), or you have some kind of metabolic disease that makes you not lose weight on a level of calories that would make most other people your height and weight lose. My advice would be open your diary, and have a doctor run a panel of blood work to check for metabolic diseases.

    What he said. You should definitely be losing on 1000 (though that's not a great number to be eating). I weigh 202 and I'm losing on ~1600-1800 a day.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    If you are not being 100% consistent with your food logging, you have no way of knowing if you are actually eating 1,000, or 1,200 or 15,000,000 calories a day. No way at all.

    1. Set a REASONABLE goal for yourself. 1,200 cals might be enough for a small person under 5 feet who is bedridden, but certainly not anywhere near enough for a 216lb woman of average height (I'm assuming your're average) Find your TDEE and eat 20% fewer calories than that number.

    2. Buy a kitchen scale, preferably digital. Use it for EVERY. LAST. CRUMB. of food that goes into your mouth.

    3. Log every last one of those crumbs into your diary consistently, for at least two months.

    If you stick to this, you'll HAVE to lose weight. Your body must obey the laws of science and thermogenics. If you eat fewer cals than you are expending, your body will have no choice but to let go of your fat.

    If you do all this and you still do not lose weight, you may have a medical condition affecting your thyroid. See a doctor if all else fails.
  • I don't know how to open my diary? Also, I don't weigh my food, I measure by cups and tablespoons. I'm doing exactly what worked the first time.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member

    Go to the bottom under Diary Sharing

    Set it to Public

    Click Save Changes
  • Thank you, I've opened it.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I don't know how to open my diary? Also, I don't weigh my food, I measure by cups and tablespoons. I'm doing exactly what worked the first time.

    A food scale is going to be way more accurate than cups.

    Going through your diary I notice you don't have the past two Sundays logged? Do you use those as cheat days? You still need to log EVERYTHING, because those could be negating your deficit altogether if you don't count on those days.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Meals like Friday, when you had spaghetti, would be much less accurate with just measuring cups. Pasta and cheese are better measured with a scale. Also, did you not use any ground beef for the spaghetti? No butter? 350 calories seems so low for a dinner like that.
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    I don't have any advice to add to what's already been (and will be) said, but your story made me just want to reach through the screen and give you a massive hug...and I'm not even a huggy person!

    I can only imagine your frustration. It sounds like you've been working so hard, trying to do everything right and staying focussed so to not see results must be soul-destroying (I'm experiencing similar at the moment but not to the same extent).

    Somehow you (and me, and loads of us) need to stop defining ourselves by the numbers we see on the scale and letting that dictate how we feel about ourselves. Much harder said than done of course but I guess I just wanted you to know you're not alone. :flowerforyou:
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    I don't know how to open my diary? Also, I don't weigh my food, I measure by cups and tablespoons. I'm doing exactly what worked the first time.
    If you gained everything back, it didn't exactly work the first time. Measuring cups and tablespoons are meant for liquids ONLY. I used to use a tablespoon to measure peanut butter. It has 200 calories for 2 tbsp. When I started weighing peanut butter on a scale I realized that my 2 tablespoons were actually 3. This is a 100 calorie overage. I ate peanut butter roughly every day. That's 700 calories a week, or about an entire lb of fat not lost per month. And that was JUST ONE FOOD.

    Looking at your diary, your food choices aren't the best. I know calories in vs calories out is always going to determine weight loss, but you barely eat any protein, and many of your choices are not foods rich in micro nutrients. If you are truly eating only what is in your diary, then again I urge you to see a doctor because the ONLY explanation is major metabolic dysfunction. On the other hand, there is the chance that you binge on days you don't log, or don't log 100% of what goes into your mouth. I'm not saying this is the case, but the possible things going on are limited. If you believe in thermodynamics then you either have to be eating more then your logging indicates, or you metabolism is so severely impacted by some kind of medical condition that your maintenance is around 1000 calories per day. This would be a very severe metabolic condition.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    You need a food scale. Especially for solid foods. No reason you shouldn't be losing weight. Weight loss is a calorie deficit, so if you're not losing weight you are eating more calories than you think. Weigh your food. Measuring cups are not accurate for solid foods at all.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting. So when someone suggests a change, see if you can put it on a list of things to try.

    Here's my suggestion:

    Stop trying to be xxxx lbs.

    Instead, say I'm going to do this for 26 weeks.

    What's that?

    1. Log accurately everything that you eat. Every condiment. Everything. If you get pristine about nothing else, get pristine about logging. If you don't know where you are, there is no map to get you where you are going. Review your logs daily and weekly and use them to help you make changes.

    2. Walk 3x a week for 30 minutes -- someplace nice. Make this walk a treat. Don't just go around your same old block. Go downtown. Go to the waterfront. Go hike an easy trail. It seems silly to drive 5 miles just to walk 1.5 miles, but it's not silly -- it's its own reward. It will help you look forward to the walk.

    3. Weigh and measure once in a while and keep up your tracking stats, but don't worry about it.

    Now this assumes everything is already set up right. MFP knows you want to be 170 and lose 2 lbs a week. If not go http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change_goals_guided and set those up. It should take you 26 weeks to be around your goal, but it won't be a straight line -- and remember, your goal is the 26 weeks of #1 through #3 above. We're going to focus on getting good information about your diet and keeping you moving in a rewarding way. These are things we can control. We're not going to worry about what the scale says tomorrow, that is out of our control.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You still need to log EVERYTHING, because those could be negating your deficit altogether if you don't count on those days.

    This is very true.

    OP, later, as you get closer to your goal you might want to incorporate the off cheat meal, just to reset cravings and give yourself a little reward for doing so well, but for right now I would not recommend them. Certainly not as frequently as EVERY Sunday, if that is indeed the case.

    It sounds like you struggle with rebounding quite a bit. (Lose some, rejoice, go back to old eating habits, gain it all back, repeat.) So I do not recommend you kicking back or cutting loose without logging, since clearly you struggle with moderation.

    Now is the time to get a hold of your habits, learn self control, get used to what a moderate and healthy diet feels like. Once you have that down and you feel totally comfortable, then it might be more prudent to introduce the odd cheat MEAL, never a full day of free-for-all. That's the fastest way to derail all your progress. Very few people realize just how quickly a full day of unlogged calories adds up, and it can blow an entire week's worth of deficit, or more.

    If you feel you can't get a firm grip on your relationship with food, there is no shame in seeking help from a counselor. You may even uncover some underlying stressor or mental roadblock that you didn't even know you had, that was causing an unsatisfying relationship between you and your food. Just a thought.
  • Meals like Friday, when you had spaghetti, would be much less accurate with just measuring cups. Pasta and cheese are better measured with a scale. Also, did you not use any ground beef for the spaghetti? No butter? 350 calories seems so low for a dinner like that.
    I do have a scale which I sometimes use when I don't think the cups will be accurate. I use it for noodles specifically. It's a crappy little $5 one. All I did was make the noodles, mix in the sauce, added the cheese, and then baked it. Baking it added more flavor.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Meals like Friday, when you had spaghetti, would be much less accurate with just measuring cups. Pasta and cheese are better measured with a scale. Also, did you not use any ground beef for the spaghetti? No butter? 350 calories seems so low for a dinner like that.
    I do have a scale which I sometimes use when I don't think the cups will be accurate. I use it for noodles specifically. It's a crappy little $5 one. All I did was make the noodles, mix in the sauce, added the cheese, and then baked it. Baking it added more flavor.

    Baking is fine.

    Did you measure the sauce with a measuring cup? Did you weigh the cheese? Start making things like that second nature, and it will be much easier to see the trend of your eating, and make adjustments as needed.
  • I don't know how to open my diary? Also, I don't weigh my food, I measure by cups and tablespoons. I'm doing exactly what worked the first time.
    If you gained everything back, it didn't exactly work the first time. Measuring cups and tablespoons are meant for liquids ONLY. I used to use a tablespoon to measure peanut butter. It has 200 calories for 2 tbsp. When I started weighing peanut butter on a scale I realized that my 2 tablespoons were actually 3. This is a 100 calorie overage. I ate peanut butter roughly every day. That's 700 calories a week, or about an entire lb of fat not lost per month. And that was JUST ONE FOOD.

    Looking at your diary, your food choices aren't the best. I know calories in vs calories out is always going to determine weight loss, but you barely eat any protein, and many of your choices are not foods rich in micro nutrients. If you are truly eating only what is in your diary, then again I urge you to see a doctor because the ONLY explanation is major metabolic dysfunction. On the other hand, there is the chance that you binge on days you don't log, or don't log 100% of what goes into your mouth. I'm not saying this is the case, but the possible things going on are limited. If you believe in thermodynamics then you either have to be eating more then your logging indicates, or you metabolism is so severely impacted by some kind of medical condition that your maintenance is around 1000 calories per day. This would be a very severe metabolic condition.

    I am truly telling you the truth. Yes.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    You're young, do you drink alcohol? That really messed up my calories when I was your age.

    On that little food, you would lose weight unless you have a VERY strong metabolic issue. Just be sure you are being 100% honest with yourself and your logging. From my own personal experience I know that being depressed about my weight can lead to secret binging, and that ruins a diet even when you're careful 80% of the time.
  • Shastabaldi
    Shastabaldi Posts: 36 Member
    You need to eat more. Exercise more. And cut carbs. Eat more fat. bam, you'll lose it.
  • For the first Sunday, there was a barbecue that was being held all day for me and a group of friends. There wasn't a way to count anything. I used the smallest paper plate there and ate sparcely. The second Sunday was my boyfriend and I going out to try to save our relationship.