I'm at my wits end.



  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    You need to eat more. Exercise more. And cut carbs. Eat more fat. bam, you'll lose it.

    Please explain how eating more would help her lose weight. Especially if she doesn't even know exactly how many calories she is eating to begin with.
  • You have gotten great advice from all the posts here. I will add to the "see a doc". You may need ur thyroid checked along with a full blood panel. You may need to see a specialist like an Endocrinologist (sp?).
    Sounds like what u do should be working, but you don't know if there may now be an underlying medical issue that needs addressed. :)
  • You're young, do you drink alcohol? That really messed up my calories when I was your age.

    On that little food, you would lose weight unless you have a VERY strong metabolic issue. Just be sure you are being 100% honest with yourself and your logging. From my own personal experience I know that being depressed about my weight can lead to secret binging, and that ruins a diet even when you're careful 80% of the time.

    I. Am. Being. Honest. The only times something went in my mouth when I didn't count it and measure it strictly [I make sure to use a knife and scrape anything extra off the top off the cup] were the two Sundays I told you about.

    I don't drink. On a regular basis the only liquid I consume is water and non - fat milk.

    I do do marijuana recreationally. It's legal in my state. I strictly don't eat while doing it.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    For the first Sunday, there was a barbecue that was being held all day for me and a group of friends. There wasn't a way to count anything. I used the smallest paper plate there and ate sparcely. The second Sunday was my boyfriend and I going out to try to save our relationship.

    Let me see if I get this straight...

    Your boyfriend and you are on the relationship rocks because of your weight (as stated in your OP).

    So you go out to eat...to save the relationship?

    Do you see the disconnect in logic, here?

    And even if you are at functions involving food, you can always log similar foods in the database. It may not be accurate, but at least you'll have some sort of baseline. Same goes for going out to eat. You could have chosen a chain restaurant that has nutrition info available. My point is: you always have options. Always.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member

    I. Am. Being. Honest.

    If you are not WEIGHING your food, then no. You are not. You are not logging honest and accurate portions. A cup of chicken is going to vary VASTLY from 6 oz of chicken.

    No need to get defensive, just start weighing your food portions. It's not all that hard.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    I would absolutely be starving on your diet. There are no fruits or veggies in there, but I saw lots of sausages and some starbucks. One of the reasons that so many people eat LOTS of salads and veggies when they are on a restricted calorie diet is because you can eat a LOT of them for the same amount of calories as what is in a sausage, so you are more satisfied. No WAY could I eat a diet of mostly processed foods and stay at 1000 calories per day. Or even 1500 calories per day. You need more fruits and veggies, more lean meats, less processed foods. Also, saw some quick-adds in your diary and a whole day not logged. If you're quick adding calories and NOT weighing and accurately measuring your foods, you're eating more than you think you are. AND if it were me eating your diet, I'd be sneaking things here and there out of sheer desire to chew foods, and actually have something in my stomach to digest.

    Now, I'm a 35 year old 5'4" woman, and not too terribly active. I weigh 130 pounds and MAINTAIN on (an average of) 1700 calories each day. I'd be starving and wasting away on 1000 calories. YOUR BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate - what your body needs to sustain essential functions, like heart-beat, breathing, etch) is over 1700. Eating less than your BMR over extended periods can do harm to your body.

  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    You're young, do you drink alcohol? That really messed up my calories when I was your age.

    On that little food, you would lose weight unless you have a VERY strong metabolic issue. Just be sure you are being 100% honest with yourself and your logging. From my own personal experience I know that being depressed about my weight can lead to secret binging, and that ruins a diet even when you're careful 80% of the time.

    I. Am. Being. Honest. The only times something went in my mouth when I didn't count it and measure it strictly [I make sure to use a knife and scrape anything extra off the top off the cup] were the two Sundays I told you about.

    I don't drink. On a regular basis the only liquid I consume is water and non - fat milk.

    I do do marijuana recreationally. It's legal in my state. I strictly don't eat while doing it.

    Well then you have your answer. There must be something medically wrong. Don't be scared, metabolic issues are treatable, but if you're telling the truth you won't get anything more out of this thread. See a doctor and maybe a dietician. We've basically all told you the same thing. Good luck.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    Meals like Friday, when you had spaghetti, would be much less accurate with just measuring cups. Pasta and cheese are better measured with a scale. Also, did you not use any ground beef for the spaghetti? No butter? 350 calories seems so low for a dinner like that.
    I do have a scale which I sometimes use when I don't think the cups will be accurate. I use it for noodles specifically. It's a crappy little $5 one. All I did was make the noodles, mix in the sauce, added the cheese, and then baked it. Baking it added more flavor.

    go onto amazon and look for kitchen scales. i think i paid about $15 for mine, it's digital, and weighs in grams, ounces, and pounds/ounces.

    i had the same problem you seem to be, where i was using volume measures for dry ingredients, or for things that don't measure very well like broccoli florets or sliced mushrooms. i keep the scale by my other daily-use kitchen implements (mixing stuff, knives, cutting boards, seasoning stuff), and i also have a magnetic shopping list pad of paper and pen attached to the fridge on the other side of the stove. when i'm cooking, i weigh/measure ALL the ingredients and create a recipe with that day's date on MFP. so my diary says things like "chickbrockmush 9.15.14" because dinner was a chicken/broccoli/mushroom casserole that has no prescribed recipe, other than what i want it to be that night. i divide by portions and log accordingly.

    once i started doing that, things got easier.
    For the first Sunday, there was a barbecue that was being held all day for me and a group of friends. There wasn't a way to count anything. I used the smallest paper plate there and ate sparcely.
    the only way you wouldn't be able to count your food is if you were blindfolded, and someone else took a plate of food, threw it in a blender, and force-fed it to you through a straw. if you know what foods you took (hamburger with bun, mustard, ketchup, lettuce, tomato slice, etc) then you can count them. MFP has a smartphone app that lets you log food on the fly if you need to. and worst case scenario, take a picture of your food and then log it when you get home.
    The second Sunday was my boyfriend and I going out to try to save our relationship.
    if you went out, especially to a national chain restaurant, then you can look up the food you ate. somewhere, somehow, someone will have documented the nutritional info, whether that's from the restaurant's website or from someone who logged it into another food database. you can then log the food you ate, even if you have to estimate a little bit if you either didn't finish everything or you customized the order a little. worst case scenario, you can get close by using another restaurant's version of the same meal. there isn't going to be much variation between caesar salads, hamburgers, steaks, or grilled chicken breast sandwiches.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Unless you rule out a medical condition, the amount of calories you are eating is not accurate. Simple as that. You don't want to admit it but that's what it is. Again, calories in vs. calories out. Weigh your food, ditch the measuring cups. If you don't believe it, try it just for kicks because you got nothing to lose.
  • We went out. We did things all day. We ended up eating. I still kept my portions small, but no. I didn't count. Yes, I already felt incredibly guilty about eating out and having fun. Thank you for bringing that up. However, when you're trying to get your mind off of the thing that's making you depressed, I.e. my weight, what makes you think we want to spend the day thinking about that? Desperately counting things that could be like what I'm eating, instead of relaxing and trying to get into a better mindset?
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    We went out. We did things all day. We ended up eating. I still kept my portions small, but no. I didn't count. Yes, I already felt incredibly guilty about eating out and having fun. Thank you for bringing that up. However, when you're trying to get your mind off of the thing that's making you depressed, I.e. my weight, what makes you think we want to spend the day thinking about that? Desperately counting things that could be like what I'm eating, instead of relaxing and trying to get into a better mindset?

    first of all, never ever EVER feel guilty about going out. use the phone app, log it, and go on and enjoy your meal.

    i get obsessive about my food and logging (long history of eating disorder issues), but if i'm out somewhere without full control over my food, i just give myself permission to roll with it. i was visiting family over the weekend and was mindful of what i ate, but not to the point where i let it get in the way. i logged as close as i could and then moved on to enjoy the time with my family.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    We went out. We did things all day. We ended up eating. I still kept my portions small, but no. I didn't count. Yes, I already felt incredibly guilty about eating out and having fun. Thank you for bringing that up. However, when you're trying to get your mind off of the thing that's making you depressed, I.e. my weight, what makes you think we want to spend the day thinking about that? Desperately counting things that could be like what I'm eating, instead of relaxing and trying to get into a better mindset?

    There's no need to feel guilty about eating out. This is a lifestyle change, and you can't expect to never walk into a restaurant again, can you?

    What we're trying to say is, missing days, measuring cups instead of scales, you're eating more than you think. You can still estimate those things you ate and go about your day. However, the most accurate thing to do is weigh EVERYTHING you make and log EVERY bite you take.
  • sssygirl
    sssygirl Posts: 55 Member
    We have all been there. I have always struggled with my weight.
    As for your diet...and I am saying this with kindness...you are eating junk. There is not much real food.
    Start buying real food. Most of your food should come from a plant or lean meat. Choose whole grains and eat those earlier in the day.
    Try plain basic oatmeal for breakfast. I eat it every morning and add a little protein powder and some frozen blueberries or chopped apple.
    For lunch- If you are going to eat pasta or rice or bread..best to eat it during lunch.
    Dinner- have a big salad with some chicken or tuna on it and load up the veggies. A nice lean meat with some grilled veggies. Even a big bowl of Soup..choose broth based with lots of vegetables.

    Cut your soda- (which is what I am trying to do as well)
    Find a low calorie treat you like and use that as a dessert each day. I like fudgsicles.
    Also cut out alcohol.
    Start strength training and do cardio at least 3 times a week.

    I hope this helps..believe me..I am still working on my weight loss so I know how you feel!
    Good luck to you!
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    Sheesh. Give the girl a break!

    I don't imagine it's easy to lay yourself bare in front of complete strangers when you already feel like a failure...and having your honesty questioned on top of it?!

    I get that most of you are just trying to help, but let's not kick the girl while she's down huh?

    *steels herself for the onslaught*
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    If she's not losing then she's not only eating above what she thought she was, she'd be eating above her TDEE ... correct?

    Emma - Yes, she's laying herself out there, but *kitten* pats and unicorn farts will not always get a point across. Being defensive when valid points are being brought up is counterproductive for OP also. "Portion distortion" is the thing that trips up pretty much everyone, like a previous poster and peanut butter (for me it was cheese), and questioning a food that is typically high in calories and carbs is not "having her honesty questioned". Sure she feels she's being honest, but that doesn't mean she can't be wrong.
  • According to a calculator my TDEE is: 8708 kJ / 2081 calories. I don't see how I could be eating more than that just by using measuring cups, while aiming for 1000.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Go see your doctor. It's not a wacky, new exciting idea, but it's the smart way to begin any weight loss journey.

    If your at your wits' end and you've tried all the fitness gurus online, give doing the thing every expert advises you to do first a chance.

    Or keep trying things that aren't decided based on you specifically by people who aren't qualified to help you.

    Up to you! Good luck with whatever you do. :)
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    I am truly telling you the truth. Yes.
    I wasn't accusing you of lying. I'm suggesting rather that you might be eating more then you think you are. In fact, you are almost guaranteed to be, otherwise your results simply are not explainable. What about the days you don't log?
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Agree that you need to open your diary. One of two things is happening. You are either eating much more then you think you are by not tracking accurately (a very very very very common occurrence), or you have some kind of metabolic disease that makes you not lose weight on a level of calories that would make most other people your height and weight lose. My advice would be open your diary, and have a doctor run a panel of blood work to check for metabolic diseases.

    Yes, this. Can easy happen to anyone. Happened to me more before.
  • Go see your doctor. It's not a wacky, new exciting idea, but it's the smart way to begin any weight loss journey.

    If your at your wits' end and you've tried all the fitness gurus online, give doing the thing every expert advises you to do first a chance.

    Or keep trying things that aren't decided based on you specifically by people who aren't qualified to help you.

    Up to you! Good luck with whatever you do. :)

    The problem with this is that I don't have a family doctor, I don't know who to see, and I haven't really got any money. One of the reasons I eat so much "bad" food is that it's cheaper.