


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My husband and I were "fond" of eachother for a couple of months before graduating to I love yous :)

    I had an "I love you" on day 1 once, but that was one of those "I'm so glad we finally got together because I love you" things.

    I think too early on can be a red flag, or a sign they're trying too hard.
  • JT_Taylor99
    Does it count if the hooker says "Me love you long time?"
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    I just say "ditto".

    I also have this odd feeling I'm gonna die soon....and throw some pots.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I don't know...but it has never turned out very well, so I may never say it again. :grumble:


    ETA: Me and some of my girl friends say it to each other all the time, but I don't think that's what you meant...
  • hortensehildegarde
    Oh hell, I don't know. When do you start counting?

    My baby daddy (aka ex-fiance), I had known for 5+ years. One day he flirted, I reciprocated, we became a couple and within the month I love yous were exchanged.

    My husband and I had also been friends for 5+ years and one day there was a comment about a collar... within weeks he said he loved me and now we are happily married, and raising my daughter together.

    I am clearly online too much...

    Tell us more about this collar :wink:

    Ha! I played WoW for years. :P The cats in Darkshore drop a leather collar. I was like, "It's friggen BS that I can't equip it..." He was like, "Oh really?" Few weeks later I flew to Texas and was his date for a wedding, few months later he moved to Cali, few years later we got married. Don't have a collar to date, but I am picky and have only found one that I like and could pass off at work... unfortunately they are expensive, custom made and I have metal allergies.... thus making them even more expensive...

    OMG I have a cat figurine head (which I am pretty sure came from Darkshore, can't remember good, never really played alliance and it's been years) that came from one of my besties from WoW- that kid went and got it for me as a pretty low level Horde. Man I love that boy. He went to claim said head as a present because he did something to upset my tiny fledgling guild back in spring 2005 and it was an "I'm sorry" gift. Haven't played in years but quite sure that head is still in my inventory.

    But your collar story is a lot more fun. Reminds me of how I probably got stuck with my husband (also met in WoW, he has a twisted/dirty sense of humor like that too) (and I joke, he's wonderful and amazing and I don't deserve him and if anything he's "stuck" with me because I told him I'd kill him if he tried to leave me. I may have been serious).