MFP has really changed



  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    People suck, on the internet, and elsewhere.
    Some people are great, so you pick out the ones you want to keep associating with, become friends with them, and forget the rest.
    If someone posts something critical or unhelpful, you can always just skip over that post and only respond to the ones that are helpful.
    Or just respond, say your peace, and then you're out.
    Either way, just do YOU.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    1) There seems to be a decent, and very unscientifically founded :laugh:, correlation between responses to "mean people" threads and start dates. There are definitely some outliers, but this is just observation.

    2) This cat is my spirit animal and needs to be in this thread again.

    Edited to fix an egregious grammatical error I saw! :embarassed:

    If that is a real cat, I must know where to get one like it!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You know the rule (for talking juvenile rabbits):

    If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all... stupid worthless poopy-headed meany.

    (Okay, fine...I made that last part up...but it's based on actual MFP posts.)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    You know the rule (for talking juvenile rabbits):

    If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all... stupid worthless poopy-headed meany.

    (Okay, fine...I made that last part up...but it's based on actual MFP posts.)

    ha! I see you've played this game before...
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member

    2) This cat is my spirit animal and needs to be in this thread again.

    There is SO much win and awesome with this cat, I don't even know where to begin. Seriously.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    TTD? #playedout? can't even tell anymore
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    This should be good .. where is the like button on the forums ? Lets turn this place totally upside down.
  • hortensehildegarde
    speaking of meaness (and looking at how this thread has grown and thinking of rolling)

    did we ever roll that ketones thread? I got distracted.

    also that f-ing cat made me want pizza. thanks. I HAVE NO PIZZA!!!
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    I wish you would have said something sooner, I had pizza and would have shared said pie.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I wish you would have said something sooner, I had pizza and would have shared said pie.

    Sooo....are we talking Free Pie?
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    OP I could not agree more
  • Biggirllittledreams
    I started on this site for the first time about three years ago. At that time it was a wonderful place to get motivation and support. I found a lot of nice and helpful people. This site is suppose to be about supporting each other, but more and more I see people being less supportive and just down right mean. Some users seem to have an attitude that they are better because they have been a successful where another user wasn't as successful or is taking just a little more time.
    I have read multiple post today where a person asked a simple question and they were ridiculed for it. One poor girl simply asked what was the difference between light cleaning and heavy cleaning. That's all she wanted to know, but there were post after post about how she shouldn't log cleaning. It's not anyone's right to tell another person what they should and shouldn't log. If I decided to log "walking to my fridge to get a snack" it's no one's business but my own.
    I think some users are forgetting the reasons for a site like this. I also want to make it clear that I'm saying "some users", because there are still a lot of genuinely nice people on here.
    We all need to be kind to one another. Most of us have all been in the same situation and for the few of you that have always been fit and use the site to keep track of your fitness then you need to understand that it doesn't come as easy to some as it does to you. For the ones that have been overweight and out of shape remember where you have come from and how you felt in the beginning.
    It shouldn't matter if you are morbidly obese, too thin, or have never had an issue. We are all here for the same reason and that's to be the best us we can be. So, as I said before be kind to one another or you're disrespecting the site, the members, and yourself. It's fantastic to look good but real beauty still comes from within.

    So you've been here 3 years but made a new account just to complain about this? Awesome! Great job! You can do it!!

    Is that motivating enough for you?

    Honestly, the main reason people comment on things like logging cleaning is because of the people who say, I'm eating under my cals and not losing weight, etc. Eating back vastly inaccurate calorie numbers for dusting a mantle can stall weight loss, as can inaccurate logging. Would pointing out using measuring cups and a food scale for someone who eyeballs everything be criticism too?

    Correcting inaccurate information is not criticism, and taking it as such is a mistake. In the immortal words of Sgt Hulko: "Lighten up Francis."

    I agree with both of you guys, to an extent.

    I've basically been here for four years (i left to try another logging site for a short period of time which i ended up hating, and came back to MFP), and i've seen the environment go from one of encouragement and education to one of hostility that places an unspoken emphasis on some sort of superiority.

    I do agree with the above comment, that we should point out the flaws in people's logic or methods - but only in manners that are not hostile or malicious. Education is SO important when it comes to health and weight loss, so we should all be placing an emphasis on such....i just don't see why the added hostility is necessary.. I could understand debating scientific articles/journals if people believe different theories, but that is something that could easily occur, without the put-downs, degrading tones, etc.

    (This is all also said, assuming we are talking about reasonable individuals, and not the 'special snowflake' variation individuals, whom take any disagreement as a 'put-down'.)
  • babbyb1
    babbyb1 Posts: 66 Member
    I started on this site for the first time about three years ago. At that time it was a wonderful place to get motivation and support. I found a lot of nice and helpful people. This site is suppose to be about supporting each other, but more and more I see people being less supportive and just down right mean. Some users seem to have an attitude that they are better because they have been a successful where another user wasn't as successful or is taking just a little more time.
    I have read multiple post today where a person asked a simple question and they were ridiculed for it. One poor girl simply asked what was the difference between light cleaning and heavy cleaning. That's all she wanted to know, but there were post after post about how she shouldn't log cleaning. It's not anyone's right to tell another person what they should and shouldn't log. If I decided to log "walking to my fridge to get a snack" it's no one's business but my own.
    I think some users are forgetting the reasons for a site like this. I also want to make it clear that I'm saying "some users", because there are still a lot of genuinely nice people on here.
    We all need to be kind to one another. Most of us have all been in the same situation and for the few of you that have always been fit and use the site to keep track of your fitness then you need to understand that it doesn't come as easy to some as it does to you. For the ones that have been overweight and out of shape remember where you have come from and how you felt in the beginning.
    It shouldn't matter if you are morbidly obese, too thin, or have never had an issue. We are all here for the same reason and that's to be the best us we can be. So, as I said before be kind to one another or you're disrespecting the site, the members, and yourself. It's fantastic to look good but real beauty still comes from within.

    THANK YOU for posting this. I am always looking for friends on this site who will support me and not ridicule me. Each of us comes from a different background. Some have been overweight all through life. Some have not.

    Some simply do NOT have the knowledge that others have. That's why they are HERE.

    For what it's worth, I come from BOTH sides of the weight loss coin. I am now overweight. As a teenager, I could eat what I wanted and remain underweight. Due to several issues, I ended up ANOREXIC.

    This is why I am here. I want to lose the weight. I want to do it safely. I can starve and lose weight; I have already proven this fact. I don't want to risk losing my life to do so. I need to know how to PROPERLY exercise and PROPERLY eat.
  • Biggirllittledreams
    I know you can't judge tone and intentions very well through text, but sometimes I get this kind of vibe from certain posts...


    and others are like this


    Or even


    Sometimes, though, they make me do this


    And others are like this, so taken back by people's idiocy that they just don't even respond at all.

  • thinkpositive92
    thinkpositive92 Posts: 111 Member
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    Totally intimidating at times for new comers! I am too afraid to ask a question as I have read other replies to simple questions, and they get shot down in flames. Its a shame as it could be a cracking support network to encourage us newbies and to get good advice from those that have actually experienced it, and made their life changes work. I just look it up on google, and hope it isnt some charlatan giving me wrong advice lol!
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    _HeartsOnFire: I think you just broke my computer. :sick:


    hahaha this just made me choke on my coffee :laugh: :laugh:
  • barbz2119
    barbz2119 Posts: 124 Member
    I think its sad that some people just have so much time on their hands and use it so wastefully. Why the sarcasm? I totally agree with the OP and all the decent folk who answered her topic.
    Nearly every day I come on the forum and look at threads as a topic sounds interesting, after a few reads I just get disheartened and get off. We have a fantastic tool here to use, its just a shame that the people that could do with a little bit of help are shot down so quickly by the sarcastic mean few.
    To the many of you that give help and support a BIG thank you. To the others get a life.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member

  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Anyone bring a mop for all the salty tears in this thread?

    Pro tip OP (I know you're still watching, you aren't fooling anyone.) and OP's little supporters:

    No one here exists to validate you. No one here exists to tell you what nonsense you want to hear.

    If you're posting about diet pills, MLM crap, cleanses/detoxes and all other assorted wastes of time and money:

    You WILL be told in no uncertain terms that you're wasting time and money.

    You are not owed an apology, soft and fluffy words or "respect for your opinion" in that scenario.

    Posting about that crap can be a detriment to lurkers who are desperate to make a quick fix change.

    If you want to engage in that bunk, that's YOUR problem and yours alone.

    If you want to waste time and delude yourself into thinking that "heavy cleaning" is legitimate exercise, that's your business.

    Know that if you ask someone for an opinion, you will receive it. And chances are, it might be contrary to what your fragile ego needs to hear.

    That's no one's problem but yours.

    Part of being an adult is accepting that not everyone agrees with you, not everyone needs to agree with you and that you aren't entitled to respect for an opinion based on pseudoscience. Anecdotal evidence is all fine and well, but largely irrelevant.

    If you don't want to act like an adult, don't. That's your choice.

    But don't stamp your feet and cry when other people do.

    *This message has been brought to you by A Mean Person Who Isn't Interested In Your Feelings*

    I think I love you

    Same. :love: