Period and Working Out



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    To be frank I am not sure why this question comes up so much....:noway:

    It's part of life and life doesn't stop for it...I've been having a period for 33 years...while I was in school, army, college live life that's what you do...
    Did you know that for years and years and years it was understood that girls and women would NOT exercise during their periods? It was the norm to refrain.

    That the ideology persists is just human nature. My own mother believed I shouldn't swim especially, but she also believed exertion was bad for your period.

    Yoga teachers (some) still suggest we refrain from certain moves. They used to ALL tell us not to do certain moves (and always while I was half way into the position lol).

    A significant amount of wisdom from previous generations has been debunked and put away into the archives.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    To be frank I am not sure why this question comes up so much....:noway:

    It's part of life and life doesn't stop for it...I've been having a period for 33 years...while I was in school, army, college live life that's what you do...
    Did you know that for years and years and years it was understood that girls and women would NOT exercise during their periods? It was the norm to refrain.

    That the ideology persists is just human nature. My own mother believed I shouldn't swim especially, but she also believed exertion was bad for your period.

    Yoga teachers (some) still suggest we refrain from certain moves. They used to ALL tell us not to do certain moves (and always while I was half way into the position lol).

    A significant amount of wisdom from previous generations has been debunked and put away into the archives.

    zooom. missed my point. Yes, it has. But it doesn't mean the mythology surrounding menstruation doesn't persist.
    I was simply offering a context to sexystef as to why the conversation comes up so often. Simply letting her know what used to be the norm....
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    aww no I didnt miss your point, that was just my reaction to your point :)

    Along with the archiving of all these backwards mindsets, the younger generations just never bought into a lot of that klunk, and the only way it can even reach them is if people keep perpetuating it. So it's a great thing that people keep debunking this stuff.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Yes, I still work out. If I'm having a lot of cramping and pain, light cardio (like the elliptical) can actually make it feel better. On most days, I just continue on like usual.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm pretty sure this thread brought my period on :smile:

    This morning I was not in the mood to exercise at all, which I attribute to my dear monthly friend. But I got my fat *kitten* to the gym and did it anyway. It wasn't a high intensity workout by any stretch and I kept any bouncing/jiggling to a minimum by using a stationary bike. But sometimes you just gotta do what you just gotta do.
  • LookAWalrus
    LookAWalrus Posts: 52 Member
    Mine is a little different. I was using Mirena which was like being on a horrible period all the time. Now that it's out I'm in a hormone dump. Migraines, fatigue, nausea, heartburn, it's grand! I still push through it. I don't want my hormones to be what drags me down. I did an hour long workout yesterday and had to stop for tums but at the end I felt better.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I wear a tampon and a panty liner (just in case). No, neither are uncomfortable (for me). I run, lift, bike, and swim when I have my period. (When I swim, I only wear a tampon.)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    aww no I didnt miss your point, that was just my reaction to your point :)

    Along with the archiving of all these backwards mindsets, the younger generations just never bought into a lot of that klunk, and the only way it can even reach them is if people keep perpetuating it. So it's a great thing that people keep debunking this stuff.

    And to add: those who don't remember the past....

    so yes, archiving, but remembering. We've come a long way baby.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I'm pretty sure this thread brought my period on :smile:

    This morning I was not in the mood to exercise at all, which I attribute to my dear monthly friend. But I got my fat *kitten* to the gym and did it anyway. It wasn't a high intensity workout by any stretch and I kept any bouncing/jiggling to a minimum by using a stationary bike. But sometimes you just gotta do what you just gotta do.


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Mine is a little different. I was using Mirena which was like being on a horrible period all the time. Now that it's out I'm in a hormone dump. Migraines, fatigue, nausea, heartburn, it's grand! I still push through it. I don't want my hormones to be what drags me down. I did an hour long workout yesterday and had to stop for tums but at the end I felt better.

    The posts I have seen on this website in the last 4 years have guaranteed I will never use Mirena.
  • Myrmilt
    Myrmilt Posts: 124 Member
    My cycle can be pretty viscous, so I can completely empathize and understand the questions.

    For years, I didn't really understand how women just went on with their workouts when their cycle hit. And then I figured out, after some very in-depth conversations with other women, that their cycles hit them differently.

    I don't/can't use a tampon for part of my cycle, I won't go into details, but let's just say they aren't effective. I have never been able to use a "panty liner", and for a long time didn't fully understand that other women could.

    I have the mirena, which has normalized much of my cycle, but it is still fairly heavy. There are of course medical procedures that will limit the flow, however I don't think those are for anyone that may want to get pregnant.

    I limit my workouts on my heavier days, I just don't want that kind of scene in public. I change my products directly before and directly after the workout. I can't swim, I have tried, and no, that didn't work out well at all.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    da mensies really that debilitating?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    for some people - yes. My mom was unable to get out of bed a week a month. For others, not even slightly.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    for some people - yes. My mom was unable to get out of bed a week a month. For others, not even slightly.

    Just... wow. A week a month, that's horrid.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    but it was only because she had endometriosis, so it wasn't so much her period as a specific condition that got worse during her period.

    most people just use it as an excuse though. During your cycle, your iron depletes and your energy can tank so you have the 'i dont wannas'. Doing it anyway can make the pain and lethargy better. Giving into excuses does nothing for you.
  • Spiderwoman333
    Spiderwoman333 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't think anyone has mentioned it but reusable pads are an option. I know a lot of people won't consider it because it's "gross" but they're a lot more comfortable when you sweat than disposable pads. Maybe even use one of the cups (like divacup) matched with it like some people said. Both of these methods should be really comfy
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I often hit lifting PRs during my period.. for some reason I am stronger
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I PR when Im PMS and pissed off.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    LOL that's probably the real reason I PR
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    To be frank I am not sure why this question comes up so much....:noway:

    It's part of life and life doesn't stop for it...I've been having a period for 33 years...while I was in school, army, college live life that's what you do...
